KLEIN ZEBEDIELAKLEIN ZEBEDIELA PORTIONS 22, 41 & 111 OF THE FARM KALKHEUVELPORTIONS 22, 41 & 111 OF THE FARM KALKHEUVEL KLEIN ZEBEDIELAKLEIN ZEBEDIELA PORTIONS 22, 41 & 111 OF THE FARM KALKHEUVELPORTIONS 22, 41 & 111 OF THE FARM KALKHEUVEL KLEIN ZEBEDIELAKLEIN ZEBEDIELA PORTIONS 22, 41 & 111 OF THE FARM KALKHEUVELPORTIONS 22, 41 & 111 OF THE FARM KALKHEUVEL City and Suburban Stands City and Suburban HASDT Situated +-150m from the M1 highway Maritzburg off and on ramp central to all locations owner occupied, immediate occupation available busy street but ample parking available Suitable for factory or warehouse facilities. Current owner prepared to rent any excess space Stands 1012/1013
25 City and Suburban road Cnr Maritzburg Street City and Suburban Property Information Sheet ALTHOUGH CARE HAS BEEN TAKEN INTO ASSEMBLING INFORMATION, PVA CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OMMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF THE SELLER Physical address25 City and Suburban road Cnr Maritzburg Street Township City and suburban ZoningCommercial / General Total lettable area gla 2200m² Current use of property Owner occupied Legal identification Erven 1012, 1013, 1015 Registered servitudes / Restrictions No restrictions Rates and taxesStand 1012 – R Stand 1013 – R Stand 1015 – R Municipal authority Johannesburg With the shortage of commercial / industrial properties, within easy access to the highway, we believe this property will be a great investment. It is in the UDZ zone and any alterations or additions, Will be entitled to all the UDZ benefits
Stand 9/1015