ATAL INDORE CITY TRANSPORT SERVICES LIMITED (AICTSL) Performance Management System Madhav Pai Prajna Rao Srinivasan Vasudevan
A company “Indore City Transport Services Ltd” was incorporated to operate and manage the public transport system on 1 December Company formed with paid up capital of 2.5 million INR (55,555 USD). Six members from various government agencies become Board of Directors. A first on Public Private Partnership Model in India.
Bus Operations Some of the key statistics and system features are 24 routes (22 intra city & 2 suburban) 110 buses (96 on intra city & 14 on suburban routes) 277 km in length 90, ,000 passengers per day Change in public transport mode share from 16% to 21% Bus operations, fare collection, GPS based vehicle tracking delivered by vendors contracted through competitive tendering GPS based vehicle tracking and monitoring Electronic devices for fare collection
Why Performance Monitoring System? Integral component of a good bus service Co-ordination and management of a large bus fleet Daily measure of operations for planning and improvement
Patronage : Passengers per Month since Inception Curfew month No Service for 7 Days Officer transfers, warranty on buses expire. Ridership dipped below 80,000 tickets sold per day. Back to being over 80,000 tickets sold per day
Patronage : Fleet Size since Inception 6 Buses on routes 14 & 15 out of commission on April 09
Bus Breakdowns – By Route Routes 14,15 – 1 Operator – Biggest Culprit
Bus Arrivals – Route 2 – Palasia Chauraha
Average Trip Length by Route
Variation By Time of Day on Route 2
AM Peak Hour Boarding’s & Alighting’s – Route 2
Performance Monitoring System Bus Operations Bus Maintenance Bus Staff % kms operated speed violations % stops covered % trips operated % stops on time Presentation Safety Passenger facilities Cleanliness Mechanical condition Competence Conduct
Monitoring Methods – Agency
Daily Bus Inspection Chart
RouteOperator MM/YY % Trips Operated % Stops Covered % Km Operated Speed Violations per 100 km % Stops on timeRATING Monthly Operations Performance Data Report
Performance Rating Classes Performance ClassClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IV Score for each ParameterOver 9575 to 9550 to 75Under 50 Penalty AmountRs. 0/-Rs. 100/-Rs. 200/-Rs. 300/-
ICTSL Better Performers Performers to improve Class Dues Rewards Best Performing Route Best Performing Bus Most Reliable Route Best Consistent Bus Most Improved Bus Dues and Rewards
% KM actually operated
% Trips actually operated
Route No.OperatorRatingClass 23Kaya Transit84 II 10Rama Jyoti Travels81 II 19Kaya Transit79 II 13Dayajeet Nimay Logistics79 II 6Dayajeet Nimay Logistics79 II Best Performing Routes for June
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