New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics,


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Presentation transcript:

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. New York Region Access-To-Jobs Plan Interim Findings November 1, 2000

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Information Sources Inventory of Job Access Activities Inventory of Job Access Activities Inventory of Transportation Services Inventory of Transportation Services Ten Public Meetings Ten Public Meetings Focus Groups and Outreach Meetings Focus Groups and Outreach Meetings Initial User Survey Results Initial User Survey Results NYMTC Travel Survey NYMTC Travel Survey New York State Employment Data New York State Employment Data Initial GIS Analysis Initial GIS Analysis Literature Research Literature Research

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Participation & Collaboration for Job Access in the Region Significant increase in interagency cooperation Significant increase in interagency cooperation Some progress on interjurisdictional cooperation Some progress on interjurisdictional cooperation Strong employer interest, variable employer Strong employer interest, variable employer involvement involvement Opportunity to more fully integrate job access Opportunity to more fully integrate job access with Workforce Investment Act actions with Workforce Investment Act actions

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Large Network of Constituents 270,000 adult TANF/Safety Net recipients 270,000 adult TANF/Safety Net recipients – 92% in NYC, 8% in suburban counties 1 million households earning up to $20,000/year1 million households earning up to $20,000/year – approx. 75% in NYC, 25% in suburbs 1.5 million jobs earning up to $20,000/year1.5 million jobs earning up to $20,000/year – approx. 65% in NYC, 35% in suburbans 61 transportation providers inventoried 61 transportation providers inventoried 8,500 licensed child care providers 8,500 licensed child care providers

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Location of Low-Income Constituents in the Tri-State Region

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Entry-Level Jobs in the New York Region

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Entry-Level Jobs in New York City

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Entry-Level Jobs and Low-Income Households

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Entry-Level Jobs and Low-Income Households

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Entry-Level Jobs and Public Assistance Recipients

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Entry-Level Jobs and Public Assistance Recipients

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Market Labor Market Conditions Labor shortages throughout the region, most Labor shortages throughout the region, most intense where transit is limited intense where transit is limited High unemployment and underemployment High unemployment and underemployment persist in many communities persist in many communities Wage levels have risen slowly in the low-wage Wage levels have risen slowly in the low-wage labor market labor market Skill levels more of an issue for remaining Skill levels more of an issue for remaining welfare-to-work clients welfare-to-work clients

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Constituency Issues Welfare-to-Work Clients: Welfare-to-Work Clients: Low-Wage Workers: Low-Wage Workers: Persons With Disabilities: Persons With Disabilities: – Childcare – Service Cost, Service Hours and Frequency – Safety Net – Childcare – Service Hours, Frequency and Reliability – Service Frequency and Reliability – Career Opportunities – Span of Service

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Constituency Issues Employers: Employers: Transportation Providers: Transportation Providers: Human Service Providers: Human Service Providers: – Labor shortages and size of labor pool – Employee punctuality – Employee time flexibility – Cost effectiveness – Service flexibility – Labor market and transportation information – Employer involvement

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Commuting Thresholds Commuting times are somewhat higher for low-wage workers, commutes longer than affect job retention, depending on wage levels, child care, gender Wages of at least $10-12/hr appear necessary for longer commutes Costs above $3/day can be a hardship for lowest-paid jobs “Trip-chaining” impacted by frequency of service, number of children, work hours

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Urban Job Access Issues Access to NYC Industrial/ Distribution centers Frequency and reliability on some bus routes Length of inter-borough commutes Evening/weekend service Information on suburban job opportunities Cost of commuter rail and suburban buses Safety and familiarity for reverse commutes Guaranteed ride home

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Suburban Job Access Issues Access to Office and Retail centers Access to dispersed Retail, Hospitality and Health employers Lack of transit in low-density areas Evening/weekend service Service coordination between different systems Cost and frequency of commuter rails Guaranteed ride home

New York Region Job Access & Reverse Commute Transportation Plan Study Regional Plan Association  Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro  Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Criteria for Market Selection Number of Job Opportunities Job Growth Current Transit Service Potential Transportation Links to Low- Income Communities Public and Service Provider Input