College Visits 11 th Grade Postsecondary Visits and Admissions #5
Pre-Test 1.At least how many campuses should students visit? 2.During the visit, what are two questions students ask about majors? 3.During the visit, what are two questions students ask about the students at the college?
Objectives Create possible campus visit questions Investigate campus visit options for colleges of interest Set up campus visits to at least three colleges
Review Common admission considerations – GPA, ACT and/or SAT Score, Recommendations – Resume, Essay, Percent Accepted, Class Rank Activity or organization present at colleges – Choir, LGBTQ, Sororities, Pre-Med, Intramural Three main types of college surroundings – Urban, Suburban, Rural
Possible Campus Visit Questions Majors – My areas of interest: What majors are offered? – What majors are considered to be the strongest at this college? Student Life – What clubs and associations are offered at this college? – What do students do for fun? Athletics – What intermural sports are offered? – What are the best sports teams at this college?
Possible Campus Visit Questions School Type – What are the surroundings highlights of the school? – What makes the urban, suburban, or rural surroundings advantageous to the college? – Does the college have a religious affiliation? Students at the College – What is the enrollment? What is the advantage to this size? – How many students are enrolled in my major? – What are the minority percentages? How well does this college embrace diversity? How do they embrace diversity? – How many students are from out of state? In-state? – What percentage of students study abroad?
Ask Counselor/Teacher Questions Ask questions about the colleges he or she attended using the following categories – Majors – Student Life – Athletics – School Type – Students at the College
Naviance: Colleges Tab
Colleges I am Thinking About
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Home Page
U of Minnesota: Campus Visits
U of M: Visit Reservation Form
U of Minnesota: June 29, Education Visit
U of Minnesota: Available Education Sessions
Century College: Information & Tours
Set Up College Visits 1.Find colleges of interest in Naviance 2.Go to colleges of interest websites – Find campus visit options – Set up at least three campus visits 3.Create campus visit questions
Class Discussion 1.Which campuses are you going to visit? 2.What type of tour are you going to take at that campus? (General Visit, Liberal Arts Visit, Engineering visit, Other) 3.Why do you think the categories for the college visit questions are important? – Majors, Student Life, Athletics – School Type, Students at the College
Post-Test 1.At least how many campuses should students visit? 2.During the visit, what are two questions students ask about majors? 3.During the visit, what are two questions students ask about the students at the college?
Review 1.Number of campuses should students visit – At least three 2.What should students ask about majors? – My areas of interest: What majors are offered? – What are the majors of strength? 3.What should students ask about the students at the college? – Enrollment numbers? Enrolled in my major? – Minority percentages? From out of state? – Percentage of students studying abroad?