Impact of the floods The case of Polana Cani ç o Zone By Ester Pedro Uamba Copyright © 2011 CCAA Project
Introduction Several are the enviroment problems that have devastated the World, in particular our society, therefore the Enviromental Education one practice change their practices to construct step by step a less vulnerable society for the future, praising ecological practices and behaviors that generate not the support and the use of the existing resources.
Cont. This paper try to discuss floods problems and sugest some solutions to minimize its impact in the society. The project where developed based on study case done in the Maputo Province, Urban District nº 3 (Kamaxaqueni), in the Polana Caniço zone where there are many houses biult using weak material, with a great community density and housing deficient structure.
Contextualization In the last years, Protect and the environment subject has been an object of several discussions. The global heating is an environmental problem, what is winning more I space out among several environmental problems.
Problem of Research In Maputo city, whenever it rains heavily it has been verified the occurrence of the floods. So taking into account this phenomenon.What are the impact of floods in Maputo, particular in the Polana Caniço Zone?
Relevance of the Study According to MICOA¹ (2008), in last the ten years, floods have busy with priority place, amongst some Natural phenomenon in the politics of the Central and Municipal Governments. In this way, the present paper intends to evaluate and to demonstrate the negative impact of floods on the life of the populations located in the suburban zones. ¹ Ministério para Coordenação da Acção Ambiental
General objective To evaluate the consequences of the floods, in the suburban zones of Maputo.
Specicif Objectives To describe the phenomenon of the floods; To identify the periods of incident of the floods; To describe the main characteristics, of the Suburban Zones in the City of Maputo, in general and specific for in the Polana Caniço Zone To analyse the effects of the floods, on the life of the communities and on the Environment
Basic Hypothesis Previous events, as it is case of floods of year two thousand had shown that floods always has a negative impact on the life of the Populations and the Environment in the Zone of Polana Caniço (destruction of infrastructure; illnesses; migratory, losses of good and movements).
Secondary hypothesis In the last three years the Municipal governments has developed some infrastructure like roads, drains which helps to manage the rains heavily. So taking into the considerations this facts the floods has light impacts on the life of population of the Polana Caniço in Maputo city.
Expected Results the present study will be going to help : To understand of the social life of the populations of the suburban zones of the City Maputo; To evaluate the actions of the Central and Municipal Governments, to mitigaze of the impact of the floods and improve life conditions, in the suburban zones of Maputo city; To develop solutions of short and long term to mitigate the impact of floods.
Methodology Method: for the accomplishment of this study the hypothetical-deductive method will be considered, that will consist basically of leading the work aiming at to test the hypothesis above formulated.
Models of Research Bibliographical research; Documentary analysis; Interviews; Questionnaires.
Images of Polana canico Zone
Images of Polana Canico Zone
Bibliographical references Bell, J. (1993). Como realizar um projecto de investigação: um guia para a pesquisa em ciências sociais e da educação. Viseu: Gradiva- Publicações, Lda. Jonas, H. (2006). O Princípio da Responsabilidade: Ensaio de uma ética para a civilização tecnológica. Rio de Janeiro. Contraponto – PUC – Rio. MICOA (2008) moçAmbiente: Mudanças Climáticas e os Mecanismos de Adaptação; No. 53; Maputo; Moçambique
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