3-31 I can identify similarities & differences in North & South Korea. (Rough draft) Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP REVIEW: 1. Globalization has.


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Presentation transcript:

3-31 I can identify similarities & differences in North & South Korea. (Rough draft) Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP REVIEW: 1. Globalization has led to a rapid increase in which of the following? O Water stress O International trade O Transboundary pollution

4-1I can identify similarities & differences in North & South Korea. (edit & revise) Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP Review: 1. Why is wind power defined as a renewable resource? O Wind can change the environment. O The supply of wind will not run out. O Wind is used to produce electricity. O It does not cost anything to use wind power.

4-2 I can pass a social studies benchmark. (type final draft) Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP Review (write question & answer): O 1. The number of people living in a square mile is a measure of O the rate of dispersal. O population density. O the rate of change. O population distribution. 2. Which of these is the most likely result of rapid population growth? air pollution school closings lower food prices reduced government spending

4-3 I can identify similarities & differences in North & South Korea (writing due). Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP Review: (write question & answer) 1. A tariff is a tax on O domestic goods. O personal income. O private property. O imported goods 2. Which statement describes a central feature of democratic government? rulers appointed by supreme council laws made by religious authority laws made by foreign leaders rulers selected by the citizen

4-4 I can identify TN products & characteristics of the 3 Grand Divisions. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP Review: (write question & answer) Which of the following activities is more common in…. 1. urban communities than in suburban communities? 2. Suburban rather than rural? 3. Rural rather than suburban? O farming the land O shopping in malls O using public transportation O building on undeveloped land Bell work due

4-4 I can identify TN products & characteristics of the 3 Grand Divisions Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O TCAP Review: (Answers) Which of the following activities is more common in…. 1. urban communities than in suburban communities? using public transportation 2. Suburban rather than rural? building on undeveloped land, shopping in malls 3. Rural rather than suburban? farming the land Bell work due

4-7 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O Write Q &A O What physical feature forms the eastern boundary of TN? O The western boundary of TN?

4-8 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O Write Q &A O What river are the following cities located on? O Memphis O Clarksville O Knoxville O Nashville O Chattanooga

4-9 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O Write Q&A O Which of the 6 physical regions contains… 1. Memphis? 2. Nashville?

4-10 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O Write Q &A O Zinc, limestone, and copper are found in which of the Three Grand Divisions? O Automobiles, walking horses, hay are found in which of the Three Grand Divisions?

4-11 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O Write Q&A O Who is the head of the executive branch for the US? O for TN?

4-14 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK What was a major activity in East Tennessee? O Mining for zinc O Growing soybeans O Drilling for petroleum O Manufacturing automobiles TN TEST Wednesday

4-15 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN.. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O Which city /urban area is paired with the geographical feature that directly contributed to its growth? O San Francisco – Rocky Mountains O New Orleans – Mississippi River O New York- Pacific Ocean O Clarksville – Gulf of Mexico TN TEST Wednesday

4- 16 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN.. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK Every ten years a is taken on the number of people. This number is used to determine the number of elected officials each state gets in the of In Congress. TN TEST Wednesday

4- 16 I can identify political, economic, & physical characteristics of TN.. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK Every ten years a CENSUS is taken to calculate of people. This number is used to determine the number of elected officials each state gets in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES In Congress. TN TEST Wednesday

4-17 I can review for TCAP. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O What is the main job/responsibility of the the TVA?

4-21. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O

4-. Planner/ Clear Target BELLWORK O