CE 515 Railroad Engineering Passenger Rail-Intercity and Commuter Rail Source: AREMA Ch. 10, REES Module 5 “Transportation exists to conquer space and time -”
Intercity Rail Express train passenger Covers long distances (between cities) Limited stops, comfortable carriages to serve log distance trips Speed: mph/ frequency International: Europe 2
Passenger Rail in US Usually operating on freight tracks Locomotives similar to freight locomotives Diesel-electric propulsion Amtrak: major agency operating passenger rail in US 3
Passenger Rail in US 4
AMTRAK Established in 1970 Ridership: 28.7 million passenger ( ) Network:21,000 miles of routes 46 states Busiest station: New York 5
Passenger Rail in Japan 6 main regional passenger services: Japan Railways Group Four companies operate very fast trains Rest of the cities limited express Trains every one hour or more frequent 7
Passenger Rail in China Network: 89,000km Speeds up to 125 mph 4 classes of trains 8
Passenger Rail in India 63,000 route miles, 6,800 stations Third biggest in the world Biggest in passenger kilometers Intercity & suburban operations 9
Passenger Rail in Europe: Network 10 Connectivity –International –Multimodal
Passenger Rail in Europe England: 21,000 miles of line, 2600 stations, regional companies France: 128 million passengers in intercity rail, TGV 11
Passenger rail in Europe Italy: intercity trains, 86 daily trips, 200 stations, speed up to 125 mph miles of tracks Spain: 9,375 miles, high-speed rail (AVE) between major cities ( , mph), moderate train (125mph) 12
Passenger rail in Europe-Eurostar High Speed Rail France, Britain and Belgium: International rail Service started in 1994 Speeds: 106 mph, 208 mph 17 trains/ day 13
Passenger Rail in Europe Germany: Hourly services, speed: 125 mph Russia: Dense network, long distances ( miles), low speeds (38-44mph). Most famous: Trans-Siberian Railway (Moscow- Vladivostok) 14
Commuter Rail Between city center and suburbs People travel on a daily basis Stops, frequency Speed: mph 15
Commuter Rail in US Systems: Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco Largest systems: New York (Long Island, Metro-North, and NJ Transit), Chicago (Metra) 16
Metra-Chicago 3,700 square miles 11 separate lines, route miles 100 communities, 240 rail stations 322,100 weekday passengers METRA-video 17
Passenger vs Freight Passenger: more sensitive on time schedule Accurate in minutes vs accurate in hour Maintenance: should be faster/ avoid delays Higher superelevation 18
Students Websites Alex: Shanghai maglev; videoShanghai maglevvideo Andy: Maglev trainsMaglev trains Angie: Funding for MaglevFunding for Maglev Ben: railroad guide railroad guide Cliff: UK rail-upgrade of railroads UK rail-upgrade of railroads Dan: Rapid transit system-ChicagoRapid transit system-Chicago Danielle: High-Speed Rail Corridor Descriptions High-Speed Rail Corridor Descriptions Dennis: fastest train in the worldfastest train in the world 19
Students websites Eric: older cars older cars Evan: Shanghai maglevShanghai maglev Jeff: Chinese HSRChinese HSR Megan: _CHSRAARRAFACTSHEETFINAL.pdf _CHSRAARRAFACTSHEETFINAL.pdf Michael: Australia railroad-worst in the world; Railroad in South WalesAustralia railroad-worst in the worldRailroad in South Wales Na: High Speed Trains Around the World; Chinese high speed rail -- CRH3C 350km/h Pass Through High Speed Trains Around the WorldChinese high speed rail -- CRH3C 350km/h Pass Through Nicole: Street elevator in Dubuque; Passenger rail in DubuqueStreet elevator in DubuquePassenger rail in Dubuque 20