How communities learn Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Internet Project 6.9.11 Black Hills Knowledge Network


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Presentation transcript: How communities learn Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Internet Project Black Hills Knowledge Network

New learning environment 1.Speed, availability, searchability of information 2.New kinds of participatory knowledge creation – rearrangement of expertise 3.Reallocation of attention 4.Importance of social networks 5.Elevation of new literacies

4 New kind of learners 1.More self directed and better prepared to capture new information inputs 2.More reliant on feedback and response 3.More attuned to group-based knowledge 4.More open to cross discipline insights, creating their own “tagged” taxonomies 5.More oriented towards people being their own individual nodes of production

New media ecology -- Knight Commission on Information Needs of Communities 1.Quality journalism through local newspapers, local television and radio stations, and online sources 2.A local government with a committed policy on transparency 3.Citizens with effective opportunities to have their voices heard and to affect public policy 4.Ready access to information that enhances quality of life, including information provided by trusted intermediary organizations in the community on a variety of subjects

5.High speed internet available to all citizens 6.Local schools with computer and high-speed internet access, as well as curricula that support digital and media literacy 7.A vibrant public library, or other public center for information that provides digital resources and professional assistance 8.A majority of government information and services online, accessible through a central and easy to use portal New media ecology -- Knight Commission on Information Needs of Communities

7 Revolution #1 Internet and Broadband

70% 66%

Broadband adoption by community type

Home b-band South Dakota = 60%

Consequences for info ecosystem Explosion of creators and niches

Networked creators among internet users 65% are social networking site users 55% share photos 37% contribute rankings and ratings 33% create content tags 30% share personal creations 26% post comments on sites and blogs 15% have personal website 15% are content remixers 14% are bloggers 13% use Twitter 6% location services – 9% allow location awareness from social media

14 Revolution #2 Wireless Connectivity

Cell phone owners – 85% adults 96 % 90% 85% 58% Urban-84% Suburban-86% Rural-77%

Mobile internet connectors – 57% adults 62% 59% 55% Urban-60% Suburban-60% Rural-43%

Cell phones as connecting tools 2/22/ % of cell owners 64% send photo or video – Post video 25% 55% access social net. site 30% watch a video 11% have purchased a product 11% charitable donation by text 60% (Twitter users) access Twitter

85% use cell phones 35% have apps 24% use apps All adults May 2010 and Nov 2010 surveys 1 in 4 adults use apps

56% of adults own laptops – up from 30% in % of adults own MP3 players – up from 11% in % of adults own DVRs – up from 3% in % of adults own game consoles 12% of adults own e-book readers - Kindle 8% of adults own tablet computer - iPad

20 Revolution #3 Social Networking

The social networking population is more diverse than you might think 2/22/ x 7x 5x Urban-64% Suburban-65% Rural-49%

Why South Dakota so high?

What does this mean for learning? 1) Social networks are more influential as … Sentries

What does this mean for learning? Evaluators 2) Social networks are more influential as …

What does this mean for learning? Audience 3) Social networks are more influential as …

June 25, What does this mean for learning? 4) New literacies are required - screen literacy - graphics and symbols - navigation literacy - connections and context literacy - skepticism - value of contemplative time - how to create content/knowledge - personal information literacy - ethical behavior in new world

“Information needs of communities” - -- Knight Commission 2009 Attributes – Maximize the availability of relevant and credible information – Strengthen the capacity of individuals to engage with information – Promote individual engagement with information and the public life of the community

Understanding a Community Information Ecosystem Infrastructure: Media Internet Libraries Infrastructure: Media Internet Libraries Supply: Community News and Events Quality of Life Information Government Services and Information Supply: Community News and Events Quality of Life Information Government Services and Information Skills: Individuals’ Ability to Access Information Individuals’ Ability to Exchange Information Government’s Ability to Exchange Information Skills: Individuals’ Ability to Access Information Individuals’ Ability to Exchange Information Government’s Ability to Exchange Information

29 Revolution #4 Post PC, new interfaces, better search, local awareness, social graph

30 Revolution #5 Internet of things, big data

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