SEAMCAT modeling system-level EMC Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

SEAMCAT modeling system-level EMC Analysis Stella Lyubchenko, ECO EMC Europe 2014, September 1 - 4, Gothenburg, Sweden

SEAMCAT - Spectrum Engineering Advanced Monte Carlo Analysis Tool What is SEAMCAT SEAMCAT - Spectrum Engineering Advanced Monte Carlo Analysis Tool SEAMCAT developed in CEPT as a co-operation project between National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), industry and ECO SEAMCAT is an important spectrum engineering tool for CEPT in assisting and reaching regulatory decisions. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

ECO/STG in Brief? ECO: European Communications Office, the permanent office of the CEPT (Copenhagen, Denmark). ECO is responsible for SEAMCAT in terms of funding, management and code implementation. STG: SEAMCAT Technical Group, responsible for the continuous process of developing and optimising SEAMCAT. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Cellular network overview and network layout 3GPP and 3GPP2 types grid are used in SEAMCAT (figure represents 3GPP layout) UEs are deployed randomly in the whole network region according to a uniform geographical distribution. The wrap around technique is employed to take account for network deployment edge effects Reference cell selection EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Reference Cell The ref. cell is used to measure results All none reference cells are used to provide a proper interference background to the ref. cell Reference Cell

OFDMA outline EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO ID Description 1 Plot configuration – determines what is shown in the main plot area. 2 Legend – can be toggled from the plot configuration 3 Main plot area – provides visual information on the displayed OFDMA network. 4 Tips – can be toggled from the plot configuration 5 Summary of the last snapshot – provides a few metrics on the capacity of the shown system. If more than one cellular network is present in the scenario, this is how to switch between them. Only one cellular network can be inspected at a time 6 Details of the selected element – provides technical characteristic (frequency, Tx power, etc.) of the selected element. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Cellular system last event legend BS antenna BS or UE info display General system info: Cell specific info Connected - voice active user Active link Inactive link Dropped user OFDMA interferer Jukka Rakkolainen/ERO

Frequency UL

Adjacent cell interference OFDMA DL SINR Adjacent cell interference

OFDMA UL SINR In UL each LTE user will be transmitting its own RB. It is assumed that each UE transmits the same amount of RBs therefore they have the same spectrum emission mask. OFDMA UL = victim system. The interferer will impair each of the signals transmitted by the UEs serving its own BS (i.e. the victim BS). Therefore, for a specific link (UE1 to BS1) the interference caused by an external interferer will only affect the spectrum occupied by the RBs allocated to UE1 for that link and not the whole system bandwidth at BS1.

LTE Link-to-system level mapping A look up table is used to map throughput in terms of spectral efficiency (bps per Hz) with respect to calculated SINR (= C/(I+N)) (dB) level. This link level data (bitrate mapping) is user selectable and can be modified depending on the simulation to perform.

OFDMA results Capacity results + Non interfered bitrate: bitrate before any external interference interfered bitrate: bitrate after external interference is applied.

ECC Report 150: Compatibility studies between RDSS and other services in the band 2483.5-2500 MHz ECC Report 150 considered the extension of the radiodetermination-satellite service RDSS (s-E) allocation in the band 2483.5-2500 MHz for the purpose of global primary allocation (AI 1.18 WRC-12) . Sharing studies in the band 2483.5-2500 MHz were performed with fixed, mobile, mobile satellite and radiolocation services as well as with IMT systems identified in the adjacent band 2500-2690 MHz and WLAN systems in the adjacent band 2400-2483.5 MHz. IMT studies were performed with the SEAMCAT UMTS and LTE module. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

RDSS vs IMT systems in the adjacent band 2500-2690 MHz and the impact of IMT UE on RDSS receivers In the considered scenario the RDSS receivers (VLR) (yellow diamant) were randomly located at 1.3 km from its satellite transmitter (blue spot). The interference probability was determined depending on the modulation type of the RDSS receiver and the LTE deployment scenario: EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Compatibility with UMTS system Effect of IMT systems to RDSS receivers was studied with SEAMCAT. Results in the case of UMTS system: Free space propagation and Extended-Hata models (rural, suburban and urban) were considered. Compatibility studies have shown that there is no impact on any type of RNSS receiver from UMTS UE. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Compatibility with LTE system Compatibility studies have shown that impact from LTE UE (10 MHz, 20 MHz) on any type of RNSS receiver is as follows: Calculated probability of interference for RDSS receiver modulation format BPSK(4) and BPSK(8) in the case of LTE (10 MHz) network is varying from 3.4 to 5.4% which almost satisfies the interference criterion which should be met in 95% locations for mobile receivers; Calculated probability of interference for RDSS receiver modulation format BPSK(1) and BOC(1,1) in the case of LTE (10 MHz) network is varying from 5.8 to 12.2%, thus more interference than the protection criteria of 5 %; Calculated probability of interference in the case of LTE (20 MHz) network is varying from 1.4 to 3.6% which satisfies the interference criterion which should be met in 95% locations for mobile receivers. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

ECC Report 202: Out-of-Band emission limits for MFCN SDL operating in the 1452-1492 MHz band ECC Report 202 was developed in order to provide technical background for harmonisation of the band 1452-1492 MHz band for Supplemental Downlink Mobile/Fixed Communications Network (MFCN SDL). The following scenarios were considered: MFCN SDL in 1452-1492 MHz vs. Fixed, Mobile and Aeronautical Telemetry below 1452 MHz and above 1492 MHz. Focus of the study is compatibility between MFSN SDL and uncoordinated fixed links (FL). A post processing plug-in was created in order to reproduce the behaviour of the FL victim system which is able to avoid pointing its main beam into the direction of maximum antenna gain of the MFCN SDL BS. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Scenario outline The FS uses a 1.2 m dish antenna with a mesh reflector. This antenna type has a lower forward-back ratio therefore, the maximum gain was reduced by 2.7 dBi. An MFCN SDL system/network was assumed as a system that will be deployed in a large area. The system description of the MFCN SDL system assumes a cell radius of 8.66 km (assumed maximum separation distance). The minimum separation distance is assumed as 250 m. It is assumed that the operator of the FS is able to ensure that main beam is not pointed to the antenna of the MFCN SDL BS. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

SEAMCAT results SEAMCAT analysis results for specific MFCN SDL BS for deployment of uncoordinated FL are presented in terms of EIRP limits: EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

MCL results Max MFCN SDL OoB e.i.r.p. = FL Receiver noise level + FL Target Interference to Noise Ratio - 3 dB - FL Antenna Gain + Pathloss (Free Space, 100 m); Max MFCN SDL in-band e.i.r.p. = FL Receiver noise level + FL Target Interference to Noise Ratio + Blocking Response – 3 dB + FL Antenna Gain – Pathloss (Free Space, 100 m) MCL results for MFCN SDL BS in band/OoB e.i.r.p. limits EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

Useful examples SEAMCAT gives the opportunity to investigate the influence of changing the radiated power of the ILT (Calculation Mode: Translation activated). For this case the transmitted power is changed in a range and in a granularity given by the user. EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO

More information on SEAMCAT More information at and-services/seamcat-spectrum-engineering- advanced-monte-carlo-analysis-tool and for the development. On-line manual at Software freely available at Java Source code freely available upon request EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO


SEAMCAT use in and outside CEPT Source: google analytics on the download page in 2013. 2013 survey on the number of SEAMCAT download: about 1200 download EMC Europe 2014 Stella Lyubchenko/ECO