1 The balanced scorecard of Cultural Affairs for the years DRAFT
2 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Culture enhances well-being Evaluation criteria Increasing the number of people actively attending cultural events Increasing the number of culture activists (people actively producing culture) Increasing the number of people visiting cultural institutions Target level 2006 Proportion of active visitors 65% Proportion of culture activists 47% Library 1,700,000 Other institutions total 656,000 Target level 2009 Proportion of active visitors 69% Proportion of culture activists 50% 2,100,00 670,000 The critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 1.1. A living and creative city of culture 1. Social effects DRAFT
3 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor The cultural image of Turku is strengthening Evaluation criteria Regular and positive visibility in the national media A convincing and multifaceted application for European Capital of Culture, supporting the objectives of Turku’s cultural life Cultural actors of Turku are considered attractive co-operation partners Target level 2006 Defining the indicator that illustrates the number of hits as well as defining the target levels for the coming years Committed actions that support the application; starting the implementation of the plan Each institution visits/is invited somewhere at least once a year Target level 2009 The indicator with target levels in operation Implementation of the plan well under way Each institution is invited somewhere at least twice a year The critical success factor of Turku Strategy : 1.1. A living and creative city of culture 1. Social effects DRAFT
4 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success actor Culture reaches children, young people and families Evaluation criteria Participation of children and young people, social networks A wide variety of cultural events is produced for children; the supply is well co-ordinated and joint marketing is effective Target level 2006 Participation in organisations and clubs 61% 2,300 events Increasing the recognition of the culture path and development of operations, planning of ”special paths” commences Preparing new products for families with children; each institution provides one new product annually Different actors meet regularly, exchanging information and intensifying the planning Target level % 2,700 events All schools and grades have been reached; results have been assessed and operations developed further Every institution provides a new product on an annual basis (renewal) Planning and implementation of actions is well co-ordinated and joint marketing is effective Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 2.1. Work for the well-being of children, young people and families with children 2. Customer management and service capacity DRAFT
5 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Diversifying and increasing the clientele Evaluation criteria A culture card for people living in Turku (volume) Acquiring new customer groups Integration of people moving to Turku Attending to regular customers (by institution) Target level 2006 Launch Mapping of present customer groups Administrative bodies as new customer groups; mapping of present situation and needs for Business life as a user of cultural services; mapping for 2006 and tailoring of products Inviting people who have moved to Turku to visit cultural institutions. Creating a programme for regular customers by institution, at least for one institution annually Target level 2009 Frequent and versatile use of the culture card of Turku Customer groups defined and recognised, new groups acquired Administrative bodies are actively using cultural services Business life is actively using cultural services Acquainting people moving to Turku with cultural services is part of the normal routine The regular customers programme is in operation in all institutions Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 2.2. Health promotion and promotion of freedom from obstacles, support for life control and individual activity 2. Customer management and service capacity DRAFT
6 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Increasing customer satisfaction Evaluation criteria Collecting customer feedback, follow-up of results, improving the operations Improving the quality of services by providing sufficient personnel resources for the core tasks Taking customers’ wishes into account in provision of services Target level 2006 Customer feedback system defined, indicators and follow-up schedule defined, and goals set A plan for making temporary jobs in basic services permanent Institution-specific definition and basic evaluation of products has been completed Convening the first customer committee Target level 2009 Utilised by all institutions The competent and motivated staff of all the cultural institutions of Turku guarantees high-quality services Continuous renewal of products as per demand Customer committee in regular operation, in contact with the production Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 2.3. Services based on the customers’ needs and development of co-operation 2. Customer management and service capacity DRAFT
7 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Comprehensive supply of cultural services Evaluation criteria Own productions form the basis for the City’s cultural production and services The cultural services provided by the City are supplemented by productions of artists receiving scholarships Guaranteeing balanced distribution of major productions between different art forms from year to year Services (expertise, premises) available to inhabitants and administrative bodies Development of information service Target level 2006 The number of exhibitions, events, plays, concerts by institution collected together; opening hours of the library Established receivers of scholarships: amount and number Alternating receivers of scholarships: amount and number New, experimental productions and culture forms: amount and number A production policy programme is drawn up for a minimum of five years ahead (the City’s own programmes and others where possible) Statements, rentals (museum, orchestra, cultural centre) by institution collected together Development of equipment Target level 2009 To be defined Planning and production according to the programme To be defined Joint memory portal under construction Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 2.3. Services based on the customers’ needs and development of co-operation 2. Customer management and service capacity DRAFT
8 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Joint information and marketing is increased and intensified Evaluation criteria Intensifying joint marketing of cultural products Expertise ring of information officers /marketing staff of the institutions Target level 2006 Drawing up a joint communications and marketing plan Developing joint marketing of the whole cultural field Capital of Culture image marketing in co-operation with the Project 2011 Development of joint marketing with TurkuTouring; the first packages are implemented Starting the operations Target level 2009 Functioning and efficient joint marketing of culture throughout the year; Turku’s recognition as a cultural city has strengthened Marketing Turku as a culture tour destination brings culture enthusiasts to the city Expertise ring is operating regularly An information officer employed by each institution by 2007 Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 2.3. Services based on the customers’ needs and development of co-operation 2. Customer management and service capacity DRAFT
9 Strategic focal area VITALITY THROUGH EDUCATION, COMPETENCE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Critical success factor Supporting cultural entrepreneurs and professionals Evaluation criteria Better supply of premises for working, exhibitions and performances Offering forums for producers of cultural services Co-operation with ArsNet and other actors Target level 2006 Project plan for cultural quarters and a service centre for museums Commencing the planning of the use of existing premises owned by the city Proposal for workspace for artists in different fields Mapping of premises and their use is carried out Finding out about possible solutions Target level 2009 Cultural quarters and service centre for museums being implemented Efficient utilisation of premises owned by the City (schools, libraries, youth centres) Improvement of workspaces well under way New kinds of operations in use; the offered premises are in frequent use The threshold to buy works of art has lowered Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 2.4. Further development of trade and industry and support to top fields 2. Customer management and service capacity DRAFT
10 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Moving to a healthy net economy Evaluation criteria Realistic income goals and expenditure estimate based on expenses Cost-awareness to be improved Correct pricing of expert services (selling one’s own work) Target level 2006 Balanced budget for all departments Cost-awareness of production designers is improved Setting the timing of productions planning Checking what is produced and what must be paid for Target level 2009 Balanced budget is a regular practice Cost-awareness under control, which can be seen in productivity Correct pricing of services Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 3.1. Efficient work based on the citizens’ needs, a balanced economy 3. Economy DRAFT
11 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Efficient and profitable allocation of resources Evaluation criteria The staff understands the objectives of the strategy (the vision, prioritisation related to strategy work etc.) Joint use of resources (persons, premises, equipment, know-how) increases Investigating the possibilities to outsource services Target level 2006 Starting a training project that aims at awareness of strategy work Mapping of the possibilities Starting the mapping of possibilities to outsource services Target level 2009 The staff knows strategy work and prioritisation well. Joint use of resources in operation Some services have been outsourced Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 3.1. Efficient work based on the citizens’ needs, a balanced economy 3. Economy DRAFT
12 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Strengthening the economic basis Evaluation criteria Systematic search for new financial models Uniform directions and co- ordinated acquisition of sponsors Sufficient resources for basic functions Annual increase of the level of the grant until 2011 Target level 2006 Acquiring information, starting training and joint mapping of co- operation partners Directions are prepared and co- ordination is completed The first increase included in the budget for 2006 Starting operations for moving all state subsidies to cultural institutions Target level 2009 New financial models in use; this can be seen as better opportunities for operation Each institution co-operates with enterprises thus enabling special productions Sufficient resources allocated to basic functions All state subsidies to the Cultural Affairs department without decreasing the financing provided by the City Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 3.1. Efficient work based on the citizens’ needs, a balanced economy 3. Economy DRAFT
13 Strategic focal area VITALITY THROUGH EDUCATION, COMPETENCE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Critical success factor Increasing productivity through competence Evaluation criteria Increasing preparedness to obtain financing and plan the actions in a cost-effective manner Development of know-how in marketing and branding Offering training for other culture producers Target level 2006 A joint training project for the representatives of institutions is commenced Other culture producers are also participating in the training organised Target level 2009 Skills have improved, which can be seen as better opportunities for action Know-how in marketing and branding has increased, which can be seen as increased demand Other culture producers are also participating in the training organised Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 4.1. Creative high-quality education 4. Competence, renewal and working capacity DRAFT
14 Strategic focal area VITALITY THROUGH EDUCATION, COMPETENCE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Critical success factor Cultural Affairs department is a competitive employer Evaluation criteria The staff’s coping at work and motivation are taken care of Creating a pleasant working environment and atmosphere Target level 2006 Starting a project to learn to make strategic choices, to prioritise and to reduce tasks Raising the salary level to be commenced Offering the staff the opportunity to learn new things and encouraging them to participate in training and study trips The joint activities for working capacity maintenance of the Cultural Affairs department are implemented Internal communication is improved Target level 2009 Balance between tasks and personnel resources Moving towards a competitive salary level The staff is capable and eager to learn new things and seek influences The joint activities for working capacity maintenance are active Internal communication has improved Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 4.1. Creative high-quality education 4. Competence, renewal and working capacity DRAFT
15 Strategic focal area VITALITY THROUGH EDUCATION, COMPETENCE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Critical success factor Productive co-operation with universities and polytechnics Evaluation criteria Increasing co-operation in research and production Planning and implementation of joint educational projects Target level 2006 Starting mapping of co-operation, finding out about needs for and interest in research Content co-operation in cultural productions, at least one project started At least one joint educational project planned/implemented Offering students opportunities for practical training Target level 2009 Systematic co-operation has increased One project is started annually At least one joint educational project annually Cultural Affairs department is an attractive place for practical training Critical success factor of Turku Strategy : 4.2. Co-operation with universities and companies supports innovation 4. Competence, renewal and working capacity DRAFT
16 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Creating active international contacts Evaluation criteria Active co-operation with Baltic Sea cities (UBC), Eurocities and twin cities as well as international co-operation by special field The project ”Turku is seen in the rest of Europe 2011” to be implemented through a network of twin cities and other co-operation partners Target level 2006 Mapping of the networks by institution and activating the contacts Active ”awareness” of international project ideas and seeking financing for starting up the projects The project is commenced; a plan is made for each art form until 2011 Target level 2009 The active co-operation network is in operation and brings added value to cultural productions The cultural network of Turku is seen in Europe by art form Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 4.3. Notable international actor, great influence on the development of the Baltic Sea area 4. Competence, renewal and working capacity DRAFT
17 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Developing the operations and processes of the Cultural Affairs and institutions Evaluation criteria Utilisation of the cultural mapping of the Turku 2011 project in reviving the operations Re-evaluation, development and improvement of the City’s own cultural institutions, based on evaluation New indicators are developed for production Target level 2006 Analysis and evaluation of the first round of the cultural mapping carried out and development actions started Re-evaluation of action and co- operating models (e.g. CAF) in 2006 and development of new operating models started in 2007 Creation of a functioning infrastructure is commenced Branding of services is developed Work commences, familiarisation with LiikuntaVertti Target level 2009 Cultural mapping continues and is deepened on an annual basis, aiming at deepening co-operation in the whole cultural field Operating and co-operating models have been developed and taken into use; the work continues Well under way towards a functioning infrastructure Services have been thoroughly branded New indicators for production in use Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 5.1. A living and creative city of culture 5. Processes and structures DRAFT
18 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Increasing co-operation in Cultural Affairs and with external actors Evaluation criteria Creating the cultural string of pearls along the River Aura (co- operation project of all cultural actors of the City) up to Lieto Information/marketing officers of different institutions and producers of events form the co-operating bodies Consultative committees of different forms of culture are set up (following the concept of the consultative committee of the museums of Turku) Common exhibition and production policy programme for Cultural Affairs and external actors; co-ordination of who does what and when Target level 2006 Capital of Culture 2011 plan is finished and the implementation of the ”cultural string of pearls” commences The Cultural Affairs intranet is developed and taken into use Annual schedule; visual arts, theatre, music Practices are formed along with the consultative committees Target level 2009 The forming of the cultural string of pearls is in full swing Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 5.1. A living and creative city of culture 5. Processes and structures DRAFT
19 Strategic focal area WELL-BEING AND QUALITY OF LIFE Critical success factor Increasing and simplifying cross-administrative co-operation and flow of information Evaluation criteria Clarifying the role of Cultural Affairs in the City’s organisation Recognition of the significance of culture in all administrative bodies, utilising the 2011 cross- administrative work group Target level 2006 Clarifying of subsidies operations commenced Statements on cultural issues are requested from the Cultural Board; this practice has been started Regular contacts with different administrative bodies, enhancing ”culture-awareness” Joint projects with different administrative bodies Teaching and education – cultural education, Workers’ Institute, Social and health services – cultural experiences for customers, Cultural services provided by the City – part of activities for working capacity maintenance, Sports and Outdoor activities – Cultural String of Pearls (cultural orienteering) and well-being, TurkuTouring – marketing co-operation, Youth work – the young as consumers of cultural services Target level 2009 The role of Cultural Affairs is clear Statements on cultural questions are requested from the Cultural Affairs department ”Culture-awareness” of the administrative bodies has increased Culture is actively used as a means in different administrative bodies Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 5.1. A creative and living city of culture 5. Processes and structures DRAFT
20 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Guaranteeing a stimulating, pleasant and multifaceted urban environment Evaluation criteria Taking good care of the cultural environment Culture is seen in the streets of Turku, in the city-centre and in suburban areas: schools, local libraries, youth centres, local sports grounds and halls, open spaces Target level 2006 Follow-up and evaluation of the efficacy of the care in accordance with the Efektia questionnaire Participation in the operations of the cityscape consultative committee and the administrative committee of public works of art The working group commences planning Target level 2009 Follow-up and evaluation of the efficacy of the care in progress Participation in the operations of the cityscape consultative committee and the administrative committee of public works of art A wide variety of cultural services are offered in different locations and in the street, culture cannot be avoided, people miss it and look for it Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 5.2. A city structure that supports sustainable development and well-being 5. Processes and structures DRAFT
21 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Active participation in provincial and national projects Evaluation criteria Developing the provincial role of the city’s own institutions on a reciprocal basis Co-operation with the provincial arts council will be intensified Active work at the national level, supervision of interests Target level 2006 Evaluation of the role and updating of the strategy by institution, searching projects with the neighbouring cities Joint marketing of the regional culture Meetings and exchange of information between the neighbouring towns Active participation in national (development etc.) projects Target level 2009 Active provincial interaction in the cultural field in progress, cultural services are utilised on a reciprocal basis Active cross-use of cultural services of the region Information flows between the cultural actors of the region, making the operations more effective Active participation in several national projects Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 5.3. Regional co-operation leader, active safeguarding of interests 5. Processes and structures DRAFT
22 Strategic focal area COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Critical success factor Preservation of the cultural environment and property and development of the care thereof Evaluation criteria Co-ordination and development of the manmade landscape and care of the museum collections Drawing up and defining the implementation plan for the service centre Target level 2006 Joint data management of the art collections commences The division of duties concerning the documentation of the manmade landscape is clarified Basic products of the service centre defined Mapping of resources completed Target level 2009 Joint data management of the art collections in progress Clear division of duties concerning the documentation of the manmade landscape Basic functions of the service centre have started well and the resources have been allocated Critical success factor of Turku Strategy: 5.4. Responsible climate and environment policy 5. Processes and structures DRAFT