PERSONAL ENDINGS ACTIVE - ō/m -s -t -mus -tis -nt IMPERATIVE: -[zero] -te PASSIVE/DEPONENT -or -ris -tur -mur -min ī -ntur IMPERATIVE: -re -min ī
THEME VOWELS - A - ā (swallowed by `ō’, shortened by `nt’, final `m’ or final `t’) –present tense of –āre verbs: e.g. clāmant, they shout –(after `b’) imperfect: e.g. laudābāminī, you (pr.) were being praised –(after `er’) imperfect of sum, pluperfect of any verb: e.g. laudāverant, they had praised –present subjunctive of –ēre, -ere and -īre verbs: e.g. videātur, is/may be seen; regātur, is/may be ruled; audiātur, is/may be heard –(in –am/-ar) `I’ form of future of -ere and -īre verbs: e.g. loquar, I will speak
THEME VOWELS - E - ē/e (never long before `ō’ or -nt, final `m’ or final `t’) –present tense of –ēre verbs: e.g. vidēris, you (sing.) are seen –present subjunctive of –āre verbs: e.g. pulsēmur, we are/may be seen –(after vowel plus `r’) imperfect subjunctive: e.g. habēret, he/she had /might have [i.e. infinitive plus personal endings] –(after -iss- ) pluperfect subjunctive: e.g. dīxisset, he/she had said [i.e. perfect infinitive plus personal endings] –future tense of –ere and –īre verbs: e.g. dīcet, he/she will say; loquēris, you will speak; audient, they will listen –(only if short before passive/dep. ending –ris) present of –ere verb: e.g. loqueris, you (sing.) speak
THEME VOWELS - I -ī/i (never long before `ō’ or -nt, final `m’ or final `t’) –present tense of –īre verbs and (with a short `i’ all the time) of –ere verbs like regō, capiō: e.g. contendit, hastens; interficimus, we kill –(after a perfect stem) perfect tense: e.g. amāvit, he/she loved, vīdimus, we saw –(after `b’) future tense of - āre and -ēre verbs: e.g. ambulābimus, we will walk –present subjunctive of sum, possum, volō, nōlō, mālō: e.g. velim, I would like; timeō nē in perīculō sīmus, I’m afraid we may be in danger –(after `er’) future tense of sum, future perfect or perfect subjunctive of all verbs: e.g. cucurrerint, they will have run / they have run
THEME VOWELS -U -u (usually only before `nt’) –present tense of –ere and –īre verbs: reguntur, they are ruled; audiunt, they hear –(with `er’) future tense of sum: e.g. erunt, they will be –(after `ēr’) perfect tense: e.g. aedificāvērunt, they have built
SPECIAL ENDINGS TO REMEMBER SEPARATELY -ist ī, -istis: singular and plural `you’ in perfect tense: –Cūr mē relīquistī, Why have you left me? -ī: `I’ in perfect tense or (with present stem base) passive infinitive: –Eam invēnī, I’ve found her –Urbs defendī nōn potest, The city cannot be defended theme vowel plus -re: infinitive or passive/deponent singular imperative –Volunt abīre, They want to go away –Loquere Speak! theme vowel plus –rī: passive infinitive –Nōlunt spectārī, They don’t want to be watched perfect base plus -isse: perfect infinitive –Sciō eum opus perfēcisse, I know he has finished the work theme vowel without ending: singular imperative –Cantā, Sing! Curre, Run! theme vowel plus –te: plural imperative –Cantāte, Sing! Currite, Run! theme vowel plus –bor; `I’ form of future (passive/deponent) –Docēbor, I will be taught
-`nt’, so `they’ or plural noun subject
capiunt -`nt’, so `they’ or plural noun subject -u- not preceded by `er’, so present tense
capiunt -`nt’, so `they’ or plural noun subject -u- not preceded by `er’, so present tense They capture
-minī, so you (plural) passive/deponent
loquiminī -minī, so you (plural) passive/deponent -i- not preceded by perfect base or by `b’, so present tense or imperative
loquiminī -minī, so you (plural) passive/deponent -i- not preceded by perfect base or by `b’, so present tense or imperative you (plural) speak Speak!
curr ēbat
-t, so he/she or singular noun subject
curr ēbat -t, so he/she or singular noun subject -ba-, so imperfect
curr ēbat -t, so he/she or singular noun subject -ba-, so imperfect He/she was running
-mus, so `we’
faciemus -mus, so `we’ -e- with an –ere verb (faci ō, facere), so future
faciemus -mus, so `we’ -e- with an –ere verb (faci ō, facere) f, so future We will do
d ē fenduntur
-ntur, so `they’ or plural noun subject and passive/deponent
defenduntur -ntur, so `they’ or plural noun subject and passive/deponent -u- not preceded by `er’, so present
d ē fenduntur -ntur, so `they’ or plural noun subject and passive/deponent -u- not preceded by `er’, so present (they) are defended
vid ēbā ris
-ris, so you (sing.), passive/deponent
vid ēbā ris -ris, so you (sing.), passive/deponent -b ā - so imperfect
vid ēbā ris -ris, so you (sing.), passive/deponent -b ā - so imperfect You were being seen
laud āvera nt
-nt, so `they’, or plural noun subject
laud āvera nt -nt, so `they’, or plural noun subject -era- after perfect base so pluperfect
laud āvera nt -nt, so `they’, or plural noun subject -era- after perfect base so pluperfect (they) had praised
-re after a theme vowel on a deponent verb, so singular imperative
sequere -re after a theme vowel on a deponent verb, so singular imperative Follow!
aedific āveri mus
-mus, so `we’
aedific āveri mus -mus, so `we’ -eri- after perfect base so future perfect or perfect subjunctive (the latter tense has a long `i’ in prose wherever possible but may be short or long in poetry)
aedific āveri mus -mus, so `we’ -eri- after perfect base so future perfect or perfect subjunctive (the latter tense has a long `i’ in prose wherever possible but may be short or long in poetry) We will have built OR We have built
curr erē mus
-mus, so `we’
curr erē mus -mus, so `we’ -er ē - (infinitive ending from currere), so imperfect subjunctive
curr erē mus -mus, so `we’ -er ē - (infinitive ending from currere), so imperfect subjunctive We were running/might run etc.
c ōnā bor
-bor, `I’-form future passive/deponent
c ōnā bor -bor, `I’-form future passive/deponent I will try
d ē fend ī - ī on `d ē fend-’, which is both the present stem of an –ere verb and also the perfect base. What are the two possibilities?
d ē fend ī - ī on `d ē fend-’, which is both the present stem of an –ere verb and also the perfect base. What are the two possibilities? EITHER the passive infinitive
d ē fend ī - ī on `d ē fend-’, which is both the present stem of an –ere verb and also the perfect base. What are the two possibilities? EITHER the passive infinitive OR the `I’ form of the perfect
d ē fend ī - ī on `d ē fend-’, which is both the present stem of an –ere verb and also the perfect base. What are the two possibilities? EITHER the passive infinitive OR the `I’ form of the perfect To be defended OR I defended
v ēnissē mus
-mus, so `we’
v ēnissē mus -mus, so `we’ -iss ē - so pluperfect subjunctive
v ēnissē mus -mus, so `we’ -iss ē - so pluperfect subjunctive We had come, would have come etc.
aud iē tis
-tis, so you (plr.)
aud iē tis -tis, so you (plr.) - ē - on an – īre verb (audiō, audīre), so future
aud iē tis -tis, so you (plr.) - ē - on an – īre verb (audiō, audīre), so future You (plr.) will listen
cant ē mus
-mus, so `we’
cant ē mus -mus, so `we’ - ē - on an – āre verb (cantō, cantāre), so present subjunctive
cant ē mus -mus, so `we’ - ē - on an – āre verb (cantō, cantāre), so present subjunctive Let us sing!
can ē mus
-mus, so `we’
can ē mus -mus, so `we’ - ē - on an – ere verb (canō, cantere), so future
can ē mus -mus, so `we’ - ē - on an – ere verb (canō, cantere), so future We will sing