Federal Aviation Administration FAA Office of Airports Planning and Environmental Division Air Quality Issues To: 32 nd AEA Annual Airports Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Aviation Administration FAA Office of Airports Planning and Environmental Division Air Quality Issues To: 32 nd AEA Annual Airports Conference Hershey, PA By: Jake A. Plante Date: March 4, 2009

EPA sets health-based standards Air Quality Management Cycle States monitor air quality States implement plans States propose plans (SIPs) to EPA EPA designates nonattainment areas Conformity regulations

StandardPrimary (Human Health) Secondary (H. Welfare) Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8 Hour Average 1 Hour Average 9 ppm (10 mg/m 3 ) 35 ppm (40 mg/m 3 ) N/A Particulate Matter (PM 10 ) 24 Hour Average 150  g/m  g/m 3 Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) 24-Hour Standard Annual Arithmetic Ave. 35  g/m 3 15  g/m 3 35  g/m 3 15  g/m 3 Ozone (O 3 ) 8 Hour Average ppm ppm Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Annual Average 24 Hour Average 3 Hour Average 80  g/m  g/m 3 N/A N/A 1300  g/m 3 Lead Calendar Quarter Average 0.15  g/m  g/m 3 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ) Annual Average ppm (100  g/m 3 ) ppm National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

New 2008 Ozone (O 3 ) Standard 8-hr. standard of ppm replaced 0.08 ppm Consequences –More airports have to do general conformity –More stringent classifications (i.e., less project emissions) EPA area designations due March 2010

156 of 527 Commercial Service Airports are in Nonattainment Areas Pollutants of greatest concern

EPA area designations issued in December PM 2.5 has 4 precursors: SO 2 and NO x (standard) and VOCs and Ammonia (if requested by EPA or State) New 90% more stringent More state monitoring Piston-engine aircraft is last mobile source to use leaded fuels DOT estimates 58 airports will be affected, including a few of the nation’s busiest (e.g., Van Nuys, CA) More analysis for GA & air taxi? (Lead estimates via EDMS fuel burn) EPA area designations due this fall 2008 Lead (Pb) Standard 2007 PM 2.5 Standard New

Ozone CO PM 10 PM 2.5 AEA Commercial Service Airports Nonattainment and Maintenance Status Source: VALE website

General Conformity Process - No new violations - No increase in the frequency or severity of existing violations - No delay in timely attainment Exempt? Nonattainment or Maintenance Area? Emissions Inventory? Presumed to Conform? Routine maintenance, etc. 15 non-runway project categories: small upgrades and system improvements that do not change the capacity or operational environment of the airport (i.e., emissions) Ensures that Federal Actions don’t interfere with SIPs Federal Action

Use EDMS model All airport sources, including construction Are “net” project emissions (tpy) above de minimis levels? Emissions Inventory

De Minimis Levels (AEA levels in blue and red)

Dispersion Analysis (not common) Use EDMS model 5-years of weather data Are concentrations above the NAAQS?

Action is exempt, presumed to conform, or de minimis Project emissions are in the SIP –Accounted for specifically –Covered in a broader category (e.g., mobile sources, construction) or as part of a highway transportation plan –Added by the State Emissions are offset Modeling to show that local pollutants (e.g., CO) don’t violate the NAAQS Conformity Demonstration Options

EPA General Conformity Revisions (Final rule expected this Spring) Federal agencies may allow emission budgets for airports and other facilities Harmonizing project and SIP out-years –EPA proposes “flat line” assumption using last SIP budget year –Emissions growth may be handled by States in a future SIP Construction emissions –Can be added to an airport budget or presumed to conform list –Possible EPA incentives for clean construction equipment Exemption for ATC procedures above mixing height

FAA Airport Speciated HC Guidance 2008 Literature review Measurement studies Airport sources, toxicity, health risk R&D recommendations New Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) guidance and research FAA airport guidelines on when and how to do a HAPs inventory Discusses all airport sources Due in April

No national standards Scientific uncertainties and limitations of HAPs data and methodology must be discussed Analysis is limited to a HAPs inventory No extension of findings (toxicity, pop. exposure, or health risk) Results may compared with regional inventories and ambient monitoring results if they exist. No comparison with other airport inventories (e.g., ORD, LAX, OAK) Place HAPs inventory in a technical appendix not “Environmental Consequences” chapter Contact APP-400 for AEE coordination and updates Current HAPs Policy

No national standards or criteria through the Clean Air Act, Executive Order, etc. Current NEPA approach − Aircraft CO 2 is calculated in EDMS 5.1 and can be used for a GHG inventory No approved methodology for computing other airport sources − Use AEE/APP recommended text and percentage comparisons of airport-to-national operations GHG ACRP research report expected this month CEQ and EPA guidance needed Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and Climate Change

VALE began in 2005 T argets all on and off-road ground emission sources at commercial service airports in nonattainment or maintenance areas

Improves airport air quality Current “Cars-Off-the-Road-Equivalent” (CORE) value of 4,500 cars and trucks eliminated per year Increases AIP/PFC eligibility and funding for clean technology Incentivizes early action with emission credits Reduces operational and fuel costs Promotes domestic alternative fuels Promotes good relations with air quality agencies and the public VALE Program Benefits

ALB HOU IAH DIA BWI SFO SMF DFW BTR ILEAV Pilot Program VALE DTW SWF ROC PHL Interested Sponsors Past, Present, and Future Activity HPN SJC

AIP VALE Funding (Millions) 7.5 VALE Program Annual Funding Part A

AIP $3.4 Billion in FY ‘07 PFCs $2.7 Billion in CY ‘07 ‘noise and air quality set-aside’ is 35% of discretionary budget Entitlements 70% Discretionary 30% Federal Funding Sources for VALE Discretionary Economic Recovery $1.1 Billion in FY ‘09

VALE eGSE Project at Philadelphia with US Airways and United

Eligible Infrastructure: Gate Electrification to reduce APU usage & Pre-Conditioned Air Gate Power Gate Electrification and PCA at IAH, DTW, PHL, SJC, SWF, ERI

To replace tanker trucks Underground Fuel Hydrant Systems at Detroit North Terminal and Houston (IAH) Terminal B

Automated People Mover at Houston (IAH) between Terminal A and Other Terminals

New & Retrofit Vehicles that meet VALE Low-Emission Standards (e.g., hybrids at Houston)

New and Upgraded CNG Stations and CNG Shuttles at Rochester and Albany NY

HVAC Systems (e.g., geothermal) and Clean Power Linked to Airport Emission Reductions

Required Coordination with State Air Quality Agencies for Emission Reduction Credits (AERCs) FAA project approval State letter of assurance on credits VALE Application to FAA and State 1 Updated emission reduction analysis Equipment orders and deployment AERC use in NEPA actions Credit Statement Airport tracking 2 3 State Review New

New VALE brochure New list of eligible airports Google “FAA VALE” or VALE web site for more information…