Swiss Education, Research & Innovation and its International Dimension SERI International Relations,
2 Swiss ERI Landscape – Map 12 tier-one universities (10 cantonal + 2 federal) 8 universities of applied sciences UAS (7 public + 1 private) University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Zurich University of Applied Sciences University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland Bern University of Applied Sciences University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Total number of students in UAS: 72,568 Total number of professors in UAS: 3,855 Total number of students in tier-one universities: 137,714 Total number of professors in tier-one universities: 3, Univ. St. Gallen: 7,809 students, 80 professors Univ. della Svizerra italiana; 2,918 students, 69 professors ETH Zurich: 17,309 students, 428 professors Univ. Zurich: 26,351 students, 526 professors Univ. Basel: 12,982 students, 260 professors Univ. Neuchâtel: 4,345 students, 112 professors Univ. Bern: 15,406 students, 374 professors Univ. Fribourg: 10,084 students, 221 professors Univ. Geneva: 15,514 students, 486 professors EPF Lausanne: 9,395 students, 290 professors Univ. Lausanne: 12,947 students, 454 professors Univ. Lucerne: 2,654 students, 57 professors Source: Factsheet Switzerland – The place for education, research and innovation, 2013
3 Swiss ERI Landscape – Total Funding Education Total Swiss expenditure in 2010: 5.6% of GDP 2nd in OECD, in relation to the number of pupils / students R&D Total Swiss expenditure in 2008: 3% of GDP Significantly above OECD average (2.4%) 24% increase since 2004 State accounts only for 1/3, the other 2/3 are mostly financed and pursued by the private sector State acts in a subsidiary capacity! Source: Factsheet Education, Research, Innovation (ERI): Facts & Figures, 2013
4 Swiss ERI Landscape – Fed. Funding I Source: Factsheet Education, Research, Innovation (ERI): Facts & Figures, 2013 % of GDP
5 Swiss ERI Landscape – Federal funding Total 2013 – 2016: CHF 26 billion International context ~20% Source: Swiss ERI Dispatch 2013 – 2016
Funding of universities by source Quelle: BFS, SBFI 6
7 Swiss ERI Landscape – International Roughly 25% of students (tier-one universities and UAS combined) are from abroad Roughly 50% of university professors and 20% of UAS professors are from abroad Roughly 50% of PhD students at tier-one universities are from abroad Roughly 70% of all Swiss publications result from international cooperation Substantial increase over the past 25 years (50% in the period 1981 – 1985)
8 Swiss ERI Network – Map swissnex science consulate (financed by SERI and private sector participation) San Francisco Singapore Shanghai Boston Bangalore Science & Technology Counsellors with Science Section full-time ERI at the Swiss Embassy (financed by SERI) Pretoria Paris SERI/ESA Brussels/EU Washington, D.C. Moscow New Delhi Beijing Seoul Tokyo Science & Technology Counsellors part-time ERI at the Swiss Embassy (financed by FDFA and SERI project funds) Santiago de Chile Canberra Ottawa London Berlin Vienna Rome Madrid Bern Brasilia Rio de Janeiro São Paulo New York Guangzhou