RISING Enhanced RIS and IT Services supporting multimodal Transports involving Inland Waterways Oliver Klein, Prof. Dr. Frank Arendt, Arne Gehlhaar ISL – Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics Bremen, Germany 9-10 May, Delft - NL
page May, Delft - NLRISING - Oliver Klein RISING Mission and Basics RISING SCEM for Inland Waterway Transport – Event driven Applications – Distributed System Architecture RISING Services and Demonstrator Cases Summary
Name: RIS Services for Improving the Integration of Inland Waterway Transport into Intermodal Chains (RISING) EU-Programme: FP Budget/Funding: 7.5 M€/5.3 M€ Project life: Feb 2009-May 2012 Consortium: 24 project partners – Logistics service providers – Transport operators – Port and terminal operators – Port information service providers – RIS providers – Research institutions & Software developers – Promotion agencies 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 2RISING - Oliver Klein
approx km European inland waterways Modal share: – EU-27:6% – NL:35% – DE:12% IWT has become an integral part of co- modal transport and logistics chains Source: European Union/Eurostat (2008) 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 3RISING - Oliver Klein
Introduced by the EU (RIS Directive 2005/44/EC) providing minimum requirements to enable cross-border compatibility of national systems Typical users – Authorities – Calamity centres – Skippers Use of ICT to – Improve reliability & efficiency – Increase safety – Provide traffic information – Optimise economic capabilities European standard Intelligent Transport System (ITS) implementation in inland navigation [like eSafety, ERTMS, SafeSeaNet, SESAR in other modes] 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 4RISING - Oliver Klein
Exploitation of RIS for logistics purposes Extend types of users – Fleet Managers – Ports & Terminals – Logistic Service Providers Enhance existing services Develop new services Harmonisation of message formats and service provisioning 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 5RISING - Oliver Klein
Systems, Applications, Services and Functions Relevant RIS standards (Project standards) Vessel Tracking & Tracing(Inland) AIS Standard Electronic Navigation Charts(Inland) ENC/ECDIS Standards Electronic ReportingERI Standard Notices to SkippersNtS Standard Fairway Information (FIS)(ENC/ECDIS, NtS) International data exchangeInt. RIS data exchange Traffic management, i.e. lock management(AIS, RAINWAT, ERI) Transport management, i.e. calculation of ETA(AIS, ERI, NtS) 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 6RISING - Oliver Klein
9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 7RISING - Oliver Klein
9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 8RISING - Oliver Klein Vessel arrived Container discharged Container released Vessel arrived Container discharged Container released Vessel arrival delayed Container not on board Container not discharged Container not released Container damaged Container length, weight wrong Dangerous goods data wrong Vessel arrival delayed Container not on board Container not discharged Container not released Container damaged Container length, weight wrong Dangerous goods data wrong Fairway blocked Congestion Fairway blocked Congestion Discharge completed Barge departed in time Discharge completed Barge departed in time Berthing plan postponed Lock chamber closed Water level too low Bridge clearance too low Water level too low Bridge clearance too low Barge arrived in time Post haulage as planned Barge arrived in time Post haulage as planned
Concept based on SCEM (Supply Chain Event Management) Proactive monitoring of the transport chain – What is an Event? Significant change in State – Reality vs. Expectation Specifying deviation – Detect impact on subsequent execution analysing deviation (e.g. recalculate time of arrival) Considering different types of Events – Expected “normal” events – Unexpected deviations of normal events (e.g. delays) – Unpredicted “abnormal” events (e.g. fairway blockage) Specification of response patterns (e.g. adapt speed) 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 9RISING - Oliver Klein
Automatic monitoring and detection of... Deviations from plans: – Transport: Voyage Planning a-priori: position and availability of vessels ETD,ATD (waypoint, origin) ETA, ATA (waypoint, destination) NtS (fairway and traffic related, locks, water levels, obstructions) RTA (at terminals) – Transhipment facilities: [Resource|Berth] Planning vessel ETA, ATA announcements (at terminal) RTA announcements cargo (quantity and stowage) crane and staff availability 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 10RISING - Oliver Klein
(EDA) denotes an architectural style Facilitates simple integration of existing systems Publish/Subscribe messaging paradigm – senders (publishers) – receivers (subscribers) Published messages = Events with a dynamic set of receivers Subscriptions = “persistent queries” with deferred results →Reduction of information overload & bandwidth 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 11RISING - Oliver Klein
Integrated or linked to operational River Information Services or transport/terminal information sources Information domain specific (e.g. position, ETA, lock status, water-level, etc.) Event Service Module (ESM) – Receive subscriptions – Receive and store raw data from external sensors / applications (data sources) – Filter (process) raw data to produce relevant events according to individual subscriptions – Publish events to subscribers 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 12RISING - Oliver Klein RIS – River Information Services EMC Event Management Components Transport/Terminal Management and Operating System ESM Event Service Modules
Integrated or linked to operational transport management and port or terminal management systems Event Management Component (EMC) – Receive plan data – Determine attributes to be monitored (filter creation) – Place subscriptions at relevant sources (ESM) – Receive events – Analyse impact of received events on plans – Trigger reactions on deviations (alerts) 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 13RISING - Oliver Klein RIS – River Information Services EMC Event Management Components Transport/Terminal Management and Operating System ESM Event Service Modules
Alternative implementation and deployment options – fully embedded ↔ standalone – in-house ↔ external (third party, SaaS) – mixed (hybrid) Web services (SOAP) for Publish and Subscribe Flexibility – Open to new event types – Easy integration of new providers 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 14RISING - Oliver Klein > Transport Management System > Transport Management System EMC (Event Consumer) RIS Centre EMC (Event Consumer) > Transport Management System > Transport Management System ESM (Event Producer) NtS GPS > Transport Management System > Transport Management System RIS Centre ESM (Event Producer) AIS Subscribe (Filter) Publish (Event)
9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 15RISING - Oliver Klein Berth & Terminal Planning Reduce waiting times at terminals Reduce congestion Optimize terminal resource management Transport Planning Optimize fleet utilisation Reduce fuel consumption Promote IWT as transport alternative Transport Monitoring Increase transparency Detect deviations earlier Increase reliability
9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 16RISING - Oliver Klein Berth & Terminal Planning Reduce waiting times at terminals Reduce congestion Optimize terminal resource management Transport Planning Optimize fleet utilisation Reduce fuel consumption Promote IWT as transport alternative Transport Monitoring Increase transparency Detect deviations earlier Increase reliability
IWT has become an integral part of the intermodal transport chains. As such it has to comply with requirements of supply chain management. Enable easy integration of RIS data into transport management software Achieve easy accessibility to RIS information Limit mass of information: filter only relevant data Receive more frequent accurate information from vessels & skippers Decrease manual reporting efforts RISING services aid monitoring of ongoing transports by – providing a harmonized set of event services for all RIS transport and terminal related information – providing a harmonized subscription mechanism for these events facilitating the easy integration into ERP systems 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 17RISING - Oliver Klein
Facilitating the integration of IWT in intermodal transport chains 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 18RISING - Oliver Klein Berth & Terminal Planning Berthing Time Service Cargo Operation Service Cargo Data Service Vessel Operation Service Transport Planning Pre-PlanningVoyage PlanningOn-board Support Transport Monitoring TOS Service (ETA)Position ServiceWater Level Service Vertical Clearance Service Lock Management Service
Subscription management Event visualisation & analysis RIS standards are applied wherever possible RIS Index – Waterway infrastructure – Terminals Inland ECDIS charts Inland AIS data 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 19RISING - Oliver Klein
Event management allows automatic monitoring of voyages and fairway conditions Detecting deviations early will give the planner a time advantage to react Information is limited to the relevant facts Concise & up-to-date overview of the current situation regarding vessels and waterways 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 20RISING - Oliver Klein
RISING Services: Spreading the benefits of RIS to the transport & logistics world Increasing reliability and accountability of IWT Closing information gaps Removing barriers hindering the integration of IWT in intermodal transport chains Providing web services in a harmonized way Cooperation with EU RIS expert groups and other EU projects Exploitable solutions are ready 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 21RISING - Oliver Klein
Thank you for your attention 9-10 May, Delft - NLpage 22RISING - Oliver Klein Oliver Klein ISL – Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics Universitätsallee D Bremen