Status of RV Sub-Catelogy Norio Narita (NAOJ) Yasuhiro H. Takahashi (Univ. of Tokyo) Bun’ei Sato (Titech) Ryuji Suzuki (NAOJ) and SEEDS/HiCIAO/AO188 teams
RV Internal Category F (Famous): nearby bright well-known stars with planets FM (Famous M stars): nearby well-known M stars with planets T (Transit): with transiting planets E (Eccentric): with eccentric (e>0.7) planets L (Long-term): with long-term RV trend G (Giants): GK giant stars with planets and long-term RV trend
Motivation of Each Internal Category Famous Systems – They are famous and well investigated Eccentric and Transiting Systems – To constrain planetary migration models Long-term and Giants – To constrain orbits and mass of outer bodies
Target NameReductionResultsFollow-up/Publish Plan HAT-P-7 (T)done2 possible companionsNarita et al. (2010) 55 Cnc. (F)doneNo companion-- HAT-P-13 (T)done1 faint objectFollow-up this year HD81040 (E)doneNo companion-- HD68988 (L)done2 background stars-- WASP-33 (T)done1 bright objectFollow-up next winter ups And. (F)done1 faint objectFollow-up this year WASP-14 (T)done1 bright objectFollow-up next year tau Boo. (F)done1 background/1 binaryLoI(pub) submitted GJ436 (FM)done2 suspicious objectsFollow-up this year RV sub-category status 1/3
Target NameReductionResultsFollow-up/Publish Plan HIP54195 (E)done3 faint/1 bright objectsFollow-up next year HAT-P-14 (T)done2 objectsLoI(pub) submitted TrES-4 (T)done2 bright objectsLoI(pub) submitted GJ1214 (FM)doneno companion-- tau Boo. (F)done1 background/1 binaryLoI(pub) submitted HAT-P-11 (T)doneseveral backgroundLoI(pub) submitted WASP-17 (T)done3 bright objectsLoI(pub) submitted GJ581 (FM)doneno companion-- WASP-15 (T)doneno companionLoI(pub) submitted 18 Del. (G)In progress1 faint objectLoI(pub) submitted RV sub-category status 2/3
Target NameReductionResultsFollow-up/Publish Plan HAT-P-6 (T)In progress4 objects-- HAT-P-17 (T)In progressNo object/poor data-- WASP-8 (T)In progress1 object-- HD8673 (E)In progress1 objectSCExAO follow-up needed eps Eri. (F)in progress-- KOI-42 (T)In progress1 object-- RV sub-category status 3/3
Ongoing Publication Plan tau Boo. : Takahashi et al. early results for transiting systems: Narita et al. summary paper for each internal category: TBD
Various Migration Models consider gravitational interaction between disk-planet (disk-planet interaction models) e.g., Ida & Lin papers planet-planet (planet-planet scattering models) e.g., Chatterjee et al. 2008, Nagasawa et al planet-binary companion (Kozai migration) e.g., Wu & Murray 2003, Fabrycky & Tremaine 2007 How can we discriminate those models by observations?
Diagnostics to discriminate migration models small eccentricity and obliquity disk-planet interaction large eccentricity or obliquity planet-planet scattering Kozai migration orbital eccentricity by radial velocity spin-orbit alignment angle by the RM effect
Two Models Need Outer Massive Body ejected planet/BD captured planets companion star orbit 1: low eccentricity and high inclination orbit 2: high eccentricity and low inclination binary orbital plane outer planet/BD
Can we discriminate two models? Planet-Planet scattering Kozai migration Additional information from direct imaging! Search for outer massive bodies is important to constrain migration mechanisms for each system
First/Second Year Targets We focused on tilted and eccentric transiting planetary systems 10+ tilted transiting systems observed Here we present a summary of early results and 2 cases with 2nd epoch observations
9 Results at a Glance
First/Second Year Results 9 out of 10 systems have companion candidates high frequency of detecting candidate companions Caution: this is only 1 epoch -> follow-up needed Message to transit/secondary eclipse observers Be careful about contamination of candidate companions, even they are not real binary companions sometimes they may affect your results 2nd epoch observations are ongoing e.g., HAT-P-7 and HAT-P-11
First Application: HAT-P-7 not eccentric, but retrograde (NN+ 2009, Winn et al. 2009) very interesting target for direct imaging observation NN et al. (2009) Winn et al. (2009)
HAT-P-7 has a likely CPM Companion 2009 August H band: NN et al. (2010) 2011 August Ks band We have obtained J, H, Ks, L’ band images to determine spectral type
Possible additional planet ‘HAT-P-7c’ HJD Winn et al. (2009c) 2008 and 2010 Subaru data (unpublished) 2007 and 2009 Keck data Long-term RV trend ~20 m/s/yr is ongoing from 2007 to 2010 constraint on the mass and semi-major axis of ‘c’ (Winn et al. 2009)
Additional Body Restricts Kozai migration In the presence of ‘c’ the Kozai migration caused by the companion cannot occur in this system Kozai migration allowed Kozai migration forbidden
Summary for the HAT-P-7 case We detected two binary candidates and one is a likely CPM companion BUT the Kozai migration was excluded in the presence of the additional body planet-planet scattering appears plausible
HAT-P-11 (1st epoch) Several companion candidates detected
HAT-P-11 (2nd epoch) BUT they did not pass the common proper motion test!
Summary for the HAT-P-11 case We detected several companion candidates in 1st epoch 2nd epoch follow-up suggests they are not a real companion planet-planet scattering appears plausible
Conclusions for Transiting Systems We found high frequency of detecting candidate companions Caution: this is only 1 epoch Further follow-up observations are important Be careful for contamination of companion candidates Depth of transit/secondary eclipse may be affected, even they are not real companions SEEDS observations will allow us to constrain migration models We can present additional information for a frequency of p-p scattering and Kozai migration