KINDERGARTEN READING SKILLS Phonological Awareness Letter Skills Reading
PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS Phonological awareness consists of the skills associated with sounds in words, being able to hear them, isolate them and manipulate them. These skills are the building blocks to reading development. According to Gillon (2004), “Phoneme awareness performance is a strong predictor of long-term reading and spelling success and can predict literacy performance more accurately than variables such as intelligence, vocabulary knowledge, and socioeconomic status” (p. 57)
PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS First Sound Fluency Sound Segmentation Blending Sounds Rhyming
LETTER SKILLS Letter Names Letter Sounds
LETTER NAMES We introduce letters quickly! Capital, lowercase & the sound all at the same time Start with the letters in your child’s name & build up slowly 100% mastery by December! We need your help…
LETTER SOUNDS 3 second sounds Quick sounds (no schwa sound) Voiced or unvoiced Tricky Sounds (“That’s not how I learned it!”) qu, w, y
READING Blending Sight Words Fluent Reading
READING BY THE END OF KINDERGARTEN… Beginning Readers: (Finishing ERI program) Diz can hop. Can you hop? Diz said it is fun to hop.
MIDDLE READERS *MOST END HERE: (READING MASTERY FAST CYCLE 53) He said, “Give me a hat or a sock.” So she gave him a sock for his nose. He said, “I need socks on the feet, not on the nose.” So she gave him socks for his feet.
HIGHER READERS: (READING MASTERY FAST CYCLE 80) A fat, fat eagle was sitting in a tree when a tiger came hunting for eagles. The tiger went after a little eagle that was sitting under the tree. The other eagles yelled, but the little eagle did not hear them. The fat, fat eagle looked down and said, “I must save the little eagle.”
HOME SUPPORT Read with your child minutes each day! “Reading to young children promotes language acquisition and literacy development and, later on, achievement in reading comprehension and overall success in school.” -US Department of Education Support what is being taught at school. Help your child master the skills being taught each week. This will be communicated to you by the homework and the completed work that comes home. Look at the worksheets that come home completed. Before recycling the worksheets, talk to your child about them and ask about the letters, sounds and words they have written. Summer Work Motor Skills, Letter & Number Naming, Name Writing