national / international ops rain, temperature, wind weaknesses & solutions national / international ops rain, temperature, wind weaknesses & solutions Meteorological information for locust control operations FAO experience Keith Cressman Locust Forecasting Office Rome, Italy Keith Cressman Locust Forecasting Office Rome, Italy
Desert Locust countries 2 / 9 Recession area = 16 million sq. km Invasion area = 32 million sq. km (20% of world land mass) Recession area = 16 million sq. km Invasion area = 32 million sq. km (20% of world land mass) MAU MLI NER CHD SUD ERI EGY SAU YEM SOM OMN IRN PAK IND LIB ALG MOR TUN ETH DJI Migration after summer Migration after winter/spring
Desert Locust programmes 3 / 9 National (Locust Control Centres) Outputs assess situation forecasts (short) plan surveys and control ops 10-day sit reps monthly bulletins Regional (FAO Commissions) national strengthening International (FAO HQ) assess situation forecast (short-medium) advise surveys monthly bulletins interim updates warnings
Desert Locust information flow 4 / 9 International - National - Field - International - National - Field - FAO Desert Locust Information Service Locust Control Centre survey and control teams FAO Desert Locust Information Service Locust Control Centre survey and control teams ( RAMSES data files, reports ) ( forms, eLocust data files )
Current Desert Locust situation / forecast Spring 2005 breeding Gambia G. Bissau Guinea Algeria Western Sahara Libya Morocco Tunisia Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Senegal Burkina Faso bands swarms invading swarms 18 Oct / 9
The situation on the ground... 6 / 9
Meteorological data and Desert Locust 7 / 9 DataActualForecastUse Rainfalltotal daily decadal monthly +1 day +10 day +30 day seasonal breeding migration Temperaturemin/max daily decadal monthly +1 day +10 day +30 day seasonal maturation migration Winddirection speed height 12 hmigration
Weather thresholds 8 / 9 25 mm in two consecutive months > 17°C (copulating & laying) > 15-26°C (take-off) > 9-17°C (sustained flight) < 7 m/s (take-off) < 1800 m (flight heights) 25 mm in two consecutive months > 17°C (copulating & laying) > 15-26°C (take-off) > 9-17°C (sustained flight) < 7 m/s (take-off) < 1800 m (flight heights) Rain Temp Wind varies if solitary/gregarious locusts
Current weaknesses 9 / 9 poor rain station coverage national station data incomplete / errors LCC does not make use of data weak LCC / NMS link FAO/DLIS does not use forecast products poor rain station coverage national station data incomplete / errors LCC does not make use of data weak LCC / NMS link FAO/DLIS does not use forecast products increase rains stations reduce transmission errors indicate data requirements regional workshop use forecast products increase rains stations reduce transmission errors indicate data requirements regional workshop use forecast products Potential solutions poor rain station coverage national station data incomplete / errors LCC does not make use of data weak LCC / NMS link FAO/DLIS does not use forecast products poor rain station coverage national station data incomplete / errors LCC does not make use of data weak LCC / NMS link FAO/DLIS does not use forecast products