Reconstruction neutral decay modes (E391) Doroshenko M.(KEK) E391 collaboration Outlines: Data summary Analysis strategy Reconstruction K3p,K2p,Kgg decays Example of veto study Conclusion
Data summary Beam time: 18 Feb – 1 July 2004 Big amount of data ~110 Gb per one day run ~6 Tb – full statistics (~57 days) Phys. trigger (N>=2)- 6 Tb (~57 days) Cosmic- all time in off spill Muon beam- ~300 Gb Pi0 calibration- ~500 Gb
Data analysis strategy Separation of the data One-day Identifying of the main sources of background One week Make a clear the sources of background Test our MC Test skimming procedure 1/3 data Background estimation Big statistic of MC Full data Open signal box Blind analysis
Strategy for veto study Try to use data sample for study veto-cut instead MC Correct ADC, TDC information Contain all effects Pure signal and bgr samples Acc. loss + rejection power The same behavior is expected for K3p,K2p,Kgg But… Back-splash, shower leakage, shower overlapping… depends on decay process (next order correction)
Reconstruction of the n-gamma event Solve equations relative Z for each 2-clusters assuming mass of origin particle: Choose combination with minimum Error estimated on the base of the resolution
K π3 reconstruction (Raw spectrum) Mass K0, GeV Zdecay point,cm Pt,Gev/c P,Gev/c
K π3 :Combinatorial error Mass,GeV/c^2 Z1 – vertex with best (Err1 – error of vertex) Z2 – vertex with second (Err2 – error of vertex) 0.5
Pure K π3 signal sample Cut points Zdecay – cm Pt K0<20 MeV/c < 3 Err1/z1<0.028 Err2/z2>0.029 Mass,GeV/c^2
K π2 reconstruction (Raw spectrum) Mass,GeV/c^2 Pt K0,GeV/c Pt pi0,GeV/c Zdec,cm
K π2 reconstruction(2) Pt pi0,GeV/c Zdecay,cm K3p MC K2p MC Zdecay,cm
K π2 pure signal sample < 1.5 (best) > 10 (second) > 100 (third) Err(Z1)/Z1<0.035 0.1<(E 1 -E 2 )/(E 1 +E 2 )<0.9 No border hit Zdecay : Pt K0 < 15 MeV/c Beam size R<3.5 Background contamination ~4% mass K0,Gev/c^2
K π2 pure background sample < 5 (best) > 10 (second) - exist (third) No border hit Background contamination ~4% mass K0,Gev/c^2 DATA Kπ2 MC
Kgg reconstruction (Raw spectrum) Pt,Gev/c Zdec,cm Pt,Gev/c Angle, degree 11 22
Kgg pure signal sample No border hit Pt < 50MeV/c Zdecay : cm Theta <20 degree Dist g-g >40cm Balance Egam < 0.5 Egam: 0.2-2GeV Diff gamma timing<2ns DATA Kgg MC K3p MC K2p MC DATA Kgg MC K3p MC K2p MC Zdecay,cm Pt,Gev/c
Kgg pure background sample No border hit Pt>100MeV/c Theta >25 deg Diff gamma timing<2ns Balance Egam <0.5 Dist g-g > 40cm DATA K3p MC K2p MC Kgg MC Theta,degree Pt,Gev/c Zdec,cm 100MeV/c 25 0
Example veto study: CC03 K3p K2p Kgg Cut point, MeV Acceptance lossS/N ratio
Conclusion We can reconstruct good K3p,K2p,Kgg decay modes K3p decays The missing the true pairing of the gammas led to bad reconstruction mass K2p Lower mass tail comes from K3p decays. Kgg Background near Charge veto from neutrons (see next report) For comparison of BR the further study is needed Pure signal and bgr sample of K3p,K2p,Kgg decays can be used for further veto study Purity w/o veto-cut on a level a few% In future Study the acc. loss and bgr. rejection of the veto system using pure samples