Checks and Balances Quiz!
President vetoes a bill No one can override the President Vice President can override with Congress’ permission Congress can override with a majority Congress can override with 2/3 vote
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The President makes a peace treaty with Afghanistan Senate must ratify with 2/3 vote House must ratify with 2/3 vote Vice President must sign House must ratify with majority
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The President appoints a federal judge House must approve with a majority vote Senate must approve with majority vote Vice President must approve No one has to approve
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Congress declares war Congress can’t declare war President can choose not to carry out war Congress makes the final decision President has no powers in declaring war
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A federal judge takes a bribe Nothing will happen The judge will automatically lose his position Congress can impeach Congress can’t impeach
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The judicial system wrongly convicts someone of a federal crime House and pardon Senate and pardon President and pardon Other judges and pardon
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President takes military action against Ukraine Congress can choose not to fund this and refuse to declare war. President has the right to do this Senate can choose not to fund this and refuse to declare war House can choose not to fund this and refuse to declare war
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Congress passes a law Supreme Court can veto the law The law goes into effect President doesn’t have to sign the law President can veto the law
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Supreme Court can use judicial review to declare law unconstitutional Supreme Court can’t do anything about it Congress passes, and the President Signs, a law that make it illegal to Pray in public.
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The President appoints Tom Daschle To be head of Health an Human Services. Senate must confirm with a majority vote House must confirm with a majority vote Senate must confirm with 2/3 vote House must confirm with a 2/3 vote
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