Cities, Provinces and Nations have elected representatives who are accountable to citizen voters. Why aren’t we allowed a vote at the United Nations? VOTING
492 million citizens in Europe now have a Parliament. 785 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directly elected, and they caucus along party, not national, lines. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT
A UN Parliament would be a symbolic breakthrough. Members of a World Parliament would represent citizens – not nation states nor unaccountable bureaucracies. We have many common problems – the environment, wars, poverty, disease –that a Parliament could help solve co-operatively for the benefit of all.
Even if it started as an advisory body (a pre-Parliament or Parliamentary Assembly), there would be someone at the UN watching out for your interests, and solely accountable to you. THE WATCHDOG
ACTION & REFORM A UNPA would allow important social, economic and environmental issues to be raised. More public and media attention would lead to more political pressure, and more action. Also a UNPA would be a lever for reforming the institutions of the United Nations system itself, including strengthening the new Parliamentary Assembly so that it accrues legislative powers.
There are plans for creating a Parliamentary Assembly at the UN that would not need the approval of the Security Council and hence would not be subject to veto. It can be established if enough people pressure their governments. CAN BE CREATED BY TREATY OR ARTICLE 22
As a reasonable method to start, and taking a cue from the way Americans elect their Presidents, national parliaments might act as ‘electoral colleges’ and second some of their own MPs to the U.N. Parliamentary Assembly. These world parliamentarians would include members of opposition parties and could not be recalled by their national governments. Of course, this would only be a transitional step until the Assembly matures and direct elections could be held around the world. This is how the European Parliament evolved. START WITH ELECTORAL COLLEGES
An International Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly has begun. Currently, people in over 112 countries are participating. Our job is to mobilize Canadian support. Will you help? Sign up Sign up to receive more detailed information, check out the Campaign website at and join theCampaign website UNPA network. Endorse the campaign and ask your MP to do the same. Remember what Margaret Mead said.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead