Rome - Its location allowed for good TRADE Geography Rome began as a small city-state in Italy but ended up ruling the entire Mediterranean world. - Its location allowed for good TRADE
I. The Roman Republic A. Romans hated monarchy (rule by a king) B. In 509 BCE- the Roman Republic is established. Republic- government leaders are elected C. Two main social classes: 1. Patricians 2. Plebeians
D. Powers are shared: 1. Senate- Patricians only 2. Consuls- Every year, Senators elected two consuls to supervise the government and command the armies. 3. Dictator- elected by the Senate for war - six month time limit
E. Plebeians demand equality 1. Tribunes could veto laws 2. Laws of the Twelve Tables (450BCE) allowed plebeians to appeal a judgment by a patrician judge - all citizens are innocent until proven guilty - all citizens are equal under the law - helped shape Western legal systems
II. The Punic Wars Rome vs. Carthage over TRADE. Three Punic Wars: Rome wins all! Rome won islands Hannibal brought elephants over the Alps to surprise the Romans. Rome still wins! Romans poured salt on Carthage.
III. Roman Expansion A. Roman Military 1. Legion- basic unit of the army = 5,000 men 2. The army was strong, well-disciplined, and loyal. 3. Conquered people were required to: be loyal supply soldiers for the army pay taxes 4. Conquered people were allowed to: keep their own culture and officials
Roman Life
“Rome wasn’t built in a day!” IV. The Roman Empire “Rome wasn’t built in a day!” A. 270 BCE- Rome conquered the Italian Peninsula B. 44BCE- Carthage, Greece, Spain, Gaul, parts of Asia Minor
C. Changes in government: In 48 BCE, Julius Caesar became dictator for life RESULT: ENDED THE REPUBLIC! D. Julius Caesar assassinated in 44 BCE on the Ides of March (March 15)
E. Augustus Octavian became dictator. Took title of emperor. RESULT: THE EMPIRE BEGAN F. Augustus began the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) which lasted 200 years.
V. Roman Economy Expansion of the empire promoted trade Mediterranean was a “liquid highway” Army built roads “All roads lead to Rome.” D. Good were imported from all over the empire.
Accomplishments of Rome
VI. Decline of Rome A. Economic Problems 1. Cost of defending empire led to too high taxes = over expansion 2. Inflation ($ is not worth as much) and unemployment
B. Political Weakness 1. Government became corrupt and ineffective. C. Military Decline 1. No citizen army. 2. Hired mercenaries- paid soldiers that were less loyal than Roman citizens
1. Emperor Diocletian divided the empire D. Divided Empire 1. Emperor Diocletian divided the empire East- capital was Constantinople West- capital was Rome Constantinople Rome DIOCLETIAN DIVIDE!
RESULT: THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE E. Foreign Invasions 1. Rome under constant attack by nomadic tribes - Attila the Hun - Odoacer ousted the emperor (476 CE) RESULT: THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE