BDA Quality Mark Joanne Gregory Quality Mark Development Manager
The VETO Dyslexia Project Transfer of the BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark Award to European partners – Italy – Romania – Bulgaria – Hungary Objective: Successful achievement of the Quality Mark Award within three VET organisations from each partner country
The VETO Dyslexia Project UK Activity: Recruitment of the following three VET organisations within the UK: Cornwall College Canterbury College City of Coventry College
BDA Quality Mark Changing policy to accommodate individuals with dyslexia will result in good practice for everyone
Who is it Available to? BDA Quality Mark Initiative has developed sets of standards bespoke to each of the following sectors: Individual Schools Post 16 Educational and Training Providers Further Education Commercial Organisations Children’s and Young Peoples Services Universities and institutes of Higher Education Internationally - VETO
What is the BDA Quality Mark? Standards 1.Effectiveness of management structure 2.How is dyslexia / SpLD identified 3.Effectiveness of resources 4.Continuing Professional Development 5.Partnership with learners, parents and external agencies
What is the Process? – Registration – Self evaluation audit – Action plan – Record of evidence – Verification visit – Successful Verification : achieved for 3 years.
What are the Benefits? The BDA Quality Mark: Provides a template of the good practice to meet the requirements of government initiatives. Gives public recognition to the high standard of dyslexia friendly practices within the organisation. Affords a real opportunity to work with the BDA to dynamically change practice.
What are the Benefits? Helps public service organisations to meet legislative requirements of: – Disability Discrimination Act – Special Educational Needs and Disability Act – Special Educational Needs and Disability Order Helps to develop a dyslexia friendly society that enables dyslexic people to achieve their full potential
Enquiries for Information? For further information and guidance: 1.Contact Laura Merceron 2. – 3.Contact Joanne Gregory on or 4.A full set of standards are available for download on our website