The Legislative Process
How a Bill Becomes a Law S bill is intro to Senate Standing Committee Floor of the House If 50% plus 1 then moves to Senate Rules Committee Set rules on debate Sub Committee Standing Committee Floor of the Senate Sub Committee Investigates HR bill is introduced to House Conference Committee Resolve differences in bills Congressional approval President for signing or veto Senate has a filibuster, which is an attempt to kill a bill on the floor of the Senate.
How a Bill Becomes a Law (cont) A veto by the President means that the President disapproved of the bill and it must go back to Congress. Congress may override a Presidential veto with a 2/3 vote of both chambers. Congressional Override of a Presidential Veto If the President does not sign the bill, it may become law within 10 days if Congress is still in session. The President may Pocket Veto the Bill If President does not sign, and Congress adjourns before the 10 days is up. Presidential Signing Statement- sign the Bill into Law but won’t enforce.
President’s Legislative Power (cont) Line Item Veto- passed by Congress to give the President power to veto certain parts or “lines” of a bill. Found to be unconstitutional.
The Daily Show and the Politics of Majorities /indecision franken-s-time /indecision franken-s-time
Ticket Out What happens within 10 working days if the President does not sign a bill?