Systems of Our Body Keeping us healthy!
Circulatory System Brings blood to all parts Veins and arteries Heart and lungs
Respiratory System Supplies blood with oxygen Mouth and nose Trachea, lungs, and diaphragm Releases carbon dioxide
Digestive System Takes nutrients from food Skin excretes dead cells and sweat Mouth, esophagus, stomach Small and large intestine
Skeletal System 206 bones Protects vital organs Helps provide movement Connected by ligaments
Muscular System Helps provide movement Connected to bones by tendons Over 630 muscles Pull not push
Nervous System Brain, spinal cord, and nerves Control center for entire body Neurons carry messages Controls actions and reactions
Excretory System Removes poisons from our body Lungs excrete gases Kidneys excrete liquid waste Skin excretes dead cells and sweat