Excretory System
Porifera Excretion is regulated by diffusion
Chordata Two Major Organs Kidney Liver
(Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves, Mammals) Kidneys All Classes! (Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves, Mammals)
Kidneys Functions: -excrete waste products -regulate water and salt balance Kidneys do this by filtering blood and producing urine. Excretion
Kidneys 400 Kidney’s filter your blood continuously. They filter your entire blood supply (5 liters) approximately 400 times a day!
Liver 1 Class Functions: -detoxify the blood (Mammals) Functions: -detoxify the blood The liver does this with enzymes that chemically alter many substances, such as alcohol, before the blood reaches other body parts.
Other Invertebrates
All excretory system lack Kidneys and a liver All excretory system lack