Your health. Your life. Your way. Your health – affected by many factors Your life – stresses, exercise and relaxation Your way – lifestyle choices
Are you getting enough nutrition? Eat a rainbow Whole grains and fibre Lean protein, oily fish Healthy fats nuts and seeds Calcium Water
Nutritional supplements Helps prevent deficiencies by providing vital vitamins and minerals. May not affect how you feel day-to-day. Tops up any low levels to the amount you need for long-term good health.
Dietitians’ views 74 per cent take nutritional supplements regularly (84 per cent take multivitamins) 63 per cent take calcium 43 per cent take vitamin D 22 per cent use them occasionally/seasonally
Why they take supplements 58 per cent of registered dietitians said they took them for bone health 53 per cent for overall wellness 42 per cent to fill nutrient gaps 97 per cent recommend them to clients.
Supplements. Increased needs Young people, pregnant and breastfeeding women, housebound elderly, people on restrictive/poor diets, people who eat lots of takeaways – may be short on nutrition.
Vitamin D and new research Most Australians and New Zealanders don’t get enough sunshine vitamin. Needed for immune function, Healthy bones and teeth Lowers risk of some cancers, and chronic diseases.
Age Less food is needed with age Yet the need for high quality nutrition is as important as ever.
Nutrient absorption Digestive problems and/or intolerances can trigger sub-clinical deficiency.
Athletes Vigorous training increases free radical production and may raise the body’s need for antioxidants to maintain strong, healthy bones and joints.
Pregnancy Increase folate (the natural form of this vitamin) via veggies and fruits plus take a supplement that contains folic acid pre-conception and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Iodine deficiency Australia is one of 50 countries worldwide listed by the World Health Organisation as being at risk of iodine deficiency. Sub optimal levels are seen in New Zealand.
HealthPak™ – contains… Essentials™ = 2 Mega Antioxidant and 2 MultiMineral The Essentials range has been awarded a maximum 5-Star rated supplements in Australia and New Zealand.
Active Calcium Plus™ Calcium is important for everyone’s bones and teeth. About 90 per cent of women don’t achieve the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for calcium. Women absorb less calcium/excrete more around menopause raising the risk of brittle bones.
The AO Booster Grape seed extract and ALA – potent free-radical scavengers/blood vessel boosters. Help maintain healthy capillaries and circulation. AO Booster contains resveratrol – not found in any other USANA product.
A handy way to top up your nutrition Together with a healthy diet, exercise, rest and relaxation, HealthPak is a handy way to top up your nutrition. At home, on the go and anywhere!