Homeostasis Prof. K. Sivapalan
Unicellular organisms exchang nutrients and wastes with the environment. They moved in the environment towards nutrients and away from wastes and poisons Multicellular organisms also must exchange the same with environment. But the functional unit of the body is the cell. Each cell cannot exchange with environment directly. The space surrounding each cell is the internal environment. This space is named extra cellular space. Unicellular organisms exchang nutrients and wastes with the environment. They moved in the environment towards nutrients and away from wastes and poisons Multicellular organisms also must exchange the same with environment. But the functional unit of the body is the cell. Each cell cannot exchange with environment directly. The space surrounding each cell is the internal environment. This space is named extra cellular space. June Environment.
June Internal environment.
June Maintaining the constancy
June Systems for homeostasis.
June Transport within the body
June Regulation and coordination
Neurological Control June Receptor Afferent Centre Efferent Response Muscle Gland Parameter
June Hormonal Control. Metabolite Secretion of hormone. Response. Negative feed back Positive Feed Back +
June Continuity of the community.