LOWER EXTREMITY MOTOR FUNCTION IN CHRONIC SPINAL CORD INJURY AFTER EXPOSURE TO IBUPROFEN & INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA A RANDOMIZED TRIAL Meaghan Lynch, MD; Sudarshan Srivatsan, BS; Kelly Deatsch, DPT; Lynsey Duffell, PhD; Allison Kessler, MD; Arun Jayaraman, PhD, PT; William Zev Rymer, MD, PhD AAP&MR November 2014
BACKGROUND Majority of new traumatic SCI are incomplete, and the extent of spontaneous neurological recovery is limited 1,2 Acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) strengthens spared neural pathways 3-5 and potentiates functional motor output in chronic incomplete SCI 6,7 Serotonin mediated 8,9 Inhibited by inflammation 10 Elevated circulating cytokines persist in chronic SCI in the absence of infection or wounds 11-13
BACKGROUND continued AIH… Periodic hypoxia alternating with normoxia Promotes lower extremity strength in chronic SCI compared to sham 6 Improves walking speed and endurance when combined with PT 7 Safe in humans, first utilized in altitude training 14,15
OBJECTIVE & HYPOTHESIS Reduce systemic inflammation to enhance effects of AIH on motor strength in chronic SCI Pilot study hypothesis: Pre-treatment with ibuprofen 800mg will enhance effect of AIH on ankle strength compared to placebo in individuals with chronic incomplete SCI
METHODS: participants 10 adults with chronic motor-incomplete SCI Exclusion criteria: CV disease, pulmonary disease, infection, ulcers, HO, DVT, rheumatologic disease, cancer, chronic NSAID or steroid use
METHODS: design Double blinded Randomized Placebo controlled Cross-over
METHODS: outcome measures Primary: lower extremity strength Maximum torque during isometric ankle plantar flexion Secondary: surface EMG Medial gastroc, soleus, tibialis anterior
RESULTS: absolute torque Torque increased with time after AIH in both groups. No statistical difference between ibuprofen and placebo groups. * p<0.05 compared to baseline ** p<0.01 compared to baseline
RESULTS: % change from baseline
RESULTS: EMG activity Significant association between torque and EMG activity in gastroc (p<0.005) and soleus (p<0.005). No association with tibialis anterior No significant effect of drug administration on EMG activity
DISCUSSION AIH systematically increased lower extremity torque Replicates ability of AIH to enhance motor output in chronic incomplete SCI No differential effect with pre-treatment of single dose of ibuprofen 800mg Length of study limited, perhaps difference seen if outcome measures repeated later
DISCUSSION continued Change in inflammatory cytokine level unknown Future directions: Alternative ibuprofen dosing or corticosteroids to better reduce inflammatory inhibitory pathway SSRIs to target neuroexcitatory pathway Long term consequences/safety of AIH
CONCLUSION AIH holds promise in promoting plasticity and motor output in spared neural pathways. AIH enhances lower extremity strength in individuals with chronic SCI, but is not affected by single dose of ibuprofen 800mg.
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WHAT IS ACUTE INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA (AIH)? AIH restores breathing capacity in rats with high cervical spinal hemisection 3 Strengthening of phrenic nerve synapses via long-term potentiation 4 Similar findings seen in non-respiratory somatic motor nuclei 5 In humans with chronic incomplete SCI, when compared to sham normoxia breathing treatment, AIH: Promotes lower extremity motor output as assessed by ankle plantar flexion torque 6 Improves walking speed and endurance when combined with PT 7
WHY IBUPROFEN? In rats: CNS inflammation & cytokine release impairs AIH- induced phrenic nerve long-term potentiation 10 Pre-treatment with the NSAID ketoprofen restores this long-term potentiation 10 Systemic administration of ibuprofen enhances neuroplasticity and locomotor recovery following spinal contusion via RhoA inhibitory pathways 16 Effects of non-ibuprofen NSAIDs not as robust 16 In humans with chronic SCI: Low-grade inflammation exists in the absence of active infection or wounds 11-13
ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION POINTS Individuals with incomplete SCI likely recruit muscles in different patterns in order to produce resultant torque No sham breathing treatment Study intended to be a pilot to investigate the effects of ibuprofen, not a proof-of-concept study for AIH Imperative that AIH protocols be chosen above the threshold to elicit neuroplasticity, but below threshold for serious morbidity