Key Findings from Mail Survey Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Policy Analysis Santa Monica, CA – Oakland, CA – Madison,


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Presentation transcript:

Key Findings from Mail Survey Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Policy Analysis Santa Monica, CA – Oakland, CA – Madison, WI – Mexico City Survey Conducted: December 9, January 5, 2009 City of Cannon Beach

2 City of Cannon Beach Methodology  Surveys mailed on December 9, 2008 to 1,164 registered voters in the City of Cannon Beach, Oregon  Mail responses were accepted from voters through January 5th,  244 surveys were returned completed, correlating to a 25% response rate.

3 City of Cannon Beach Key Findings  Voters view the City of Cannon Beach very favorably:  75% indicated they believe things in Cannon Beach are headed in the “right direction.”  90% rated the overall quality of life in Cannon Beach as “excellent” or “good.”  79% rated the performance of City government as “excellent” or “good.”  The Ecola Creek Forest Reserve is seen as an important part of the community’s quality of life.  People most frequently visit the Reserve for hiking, walking, or wildlife viewing and photography.  Most respondents have heard something about the possibility of expanding the Reserve.  Nearly three-quarters (74%) of respondents initially indicated they would support a $3- $4 million bond measure to expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve.  40% indicated that they would “definitely” vote “yes.”  Voters place a high priority on Reserve projects that safeguard local water quality and supplies, preserve natural areas, and protect fish habitat.  Supporters continued to outnumber opponents by more than a two-to-one margin after learning more about the measure, with 67 percent of respondents indicating they would support the bond measure in a final vote question.

4 City of Cannon Beach Perceptions of the Community and the City of Cannon Beach

5 City of Cannon Beach Voters feel optimistic about the future of Cannon Beach. Q2. Would you say that things in the City of Cannon Beach are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel they are off on the wrong track?

6 City of Cannon Beach Voters give high marks to the quality of life in Cannon Beach. Q3. Would you rate the overall quality of life in Cannon Beach as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? Total Excellent/ Good 90% Total Fair/Poor 8%

7 City of Cannon Beach Voters have favorable opinions of City government. Q5. Total Excellent/ Good 79% Total Fair/Poor 19% Would you rate the performance of City government in Cannon Beach as excellent, good, only fair, or poor?

8 City of Cannon Beach Attitudes Toward a Bond Measure

9 City of Cannon Beach Most voters have heard at least a little about the possibility of expanding the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve. Q6. How much have you recently seen, heard or read about the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve and its possible expansion?

10 City of Cannon Beach Measure Ballot Language Tested The Ecola Creek Forest Reserve Water Quality and Supply, Natural Area and Forest Preservation, and Salmon Protection Bond Measure. Shall the City of cannon beach expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve in order to safeguard local water quality and supply, preserve natural areas, open space, wetlands and forest lands; and protect critical salmon and trout habitats; funded by selling (Split A: $4 million/Split B: $3 million) of general obligation bonds for a term not exceeding 20 years and subject to citizen oversight and independent audits?

11 City of Cannon Beach A solid majority of voters support a bond measure to expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve. 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure. Total Yes 74% Total No 24%

12 City of Cannon Beach % of Sample (45%)(87%) Gender and Residence Support is consistent across genders and among homeowners and renters. 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure. (50%)(11%)

13 City of Cannon Beach % of Sample (39%)(27%)(25%) Party Registration Support cuts across political party affiliations. 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure.

14 City of Cannon Beach % of Sample (13%)(24%)(19%) Length of Residence in the City of Cannon Beach (Years) Support is weakest among long-term residents, strongest among recent residents. 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure. (12%)(30%)

15 City of Cannon Beach % of Sample (9%)(30%)(33%) Education Overall support decreases with educational attainment, but support intensity increases. 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure. (25%)(34%) (63%) 34% Definitely 48% Probably 45% Definitely 26% Probably

16 City of Cannon Beach Providing background information about the measure maintains voters’ initial level of support. Initial VoteAfter More Information 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure. 8. Now that you have read more about it, please indicate again how you think you would vote on this potential ballot measure if it were to appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Total Yes 74% Total No 24% Total Yes 71% Total No 27%

17 City of Cannon Beach Reactions to Measure Components and Timing

18 City of Cannon Beach Voters place a high priority on safeguarding local water quality and supplies. 10. The following is a list of specific projects that could be funded by this potential measure. Recognizing that there frequently is not enough funding for all such projects, please indicate how important it is to you that each project be undertaken: (Ranked by Extremely Important) Safeguarding local water quality Safeguarding local water supplies Preserving natural areas, open space, wetlands and forest lands Protecting critical salmon and trout habitats Expanding the size of the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve Controlling non-native invasive species (e.g. Himalayan blackberries, English ivy, etc.) Expanding hiking and walking trails Expanding mountain biking trails

19 City of Cannon Beach Cost information has little impact on support for the bond measure $100 Per Year$75 Per Year 11a1/a2. Please indicate whether each statement makes you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support the measure. Split Sample Total More Likely 30% Total Less Likely 29% Much more likely to support Somewhat more likely to support Makes no difference Somewhat less likely to support Much less likely to support No response Total More Likely 21% Total Less Likely 31%

20 City of Cannon Beach Voters value all homeowners paying their fair share, seeking state funds and citizen oversight of bond measure expenditures. (Ranked by Much More Likely to Support) 11b-e. Please indicate whether each statement makes you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support the measure. This measure will be paid for both by those that own vacation homes in Cannon Beach and permanent residents of the City The City of Cannon Beach has applied for a $1.4 million grant from the State of Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board which may reduce the overall cost of this measure All expenditures under the terms of this measure will be subject to citizen oversight and independent audits This measure will generate funds to purchase several tracts of privately held land in the area which will be transferred to the Oregon Department of Forestry in exchange for 800 acres of land that will expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve

21 City of Cannon Beach The Ecola Creek Forest Reserve is seen as an important part of the community’s quality of life and water quality. (Ranked by Strongly Agree) 12. Below you will find a list of different statements. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement. Expanding the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve will protect water quality and help keep our community healthy The Ecola Creek Forest Reserve is essential to Cannon Beach’s quality of life The primary reason I live or own a home in Cannon Beach is because of the natural beauty of the area and places like the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve 78% 74% 78% 19% 22% 18%

22 City of Cannon Beach Few feel strongly that expanding the Reserve will increase recreational opportunities. 12. Below you will find a list of different statements. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement. Cannon Beach should purchase the land now to expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve because it will get more expensive to do so in the future Given the current economic climate, now is not the right time to be raising taxes and fees on local residents Expanding the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve and protecting wildlife habitat is important for the local Cannon Beach economy Expanding the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve will provide more opportunities for recreation 66% 30% 59% 40% 63% 33% 49% 42%

23 City of Cannon Beach Support for the bond measure declines as voters get more information, but a solid majority remains supportive. Initial VoteFinal Vote 7. Below you will see the text of a proposed ballot measure as it might appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Please read this potential language, and then indicate below how you think you would vote on such a measure. 13. Please indicate again how you think you would vote on this potential ballot measure if it were to appear on a future City of Cannon Beach ballot. Total Yes 74% Total No 24% Total Yes 67% Total No 28%

24 City of Cannon Beach People most frequently visit the Reserve for hiking, walking, or wildlife viewing. 14. How often do you visit the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve for the following purposes? (Ranked by Frequently)

25 City of Cannon Beach Conclusions and Recommendations  Respondents expressed strong support for a $3-$4 million bond measure to expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve:  Three-quarters (74%) initially indicated they would support the measure.  After learning more about the measure, two-thirds (67%) continued to support the measure.  Support was strong at both the $3 and $4 million levels.  Voters place an extremely high priority on projects that protect water quality and water supplies.  Voter also value projects that protect natural areas and fish habitat.  Protecting and expanding the Reserve is seen as important to keeping the community healthy and maintaining the community’s quality of life.  The City of Cannon Beach should feel comfortable moving forward with a bond measure to expand the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve, even at a higher $4 million amount.

For more information, contact: 1999 Harrison St., Suite 1290 Oakland, CA Phone (510) Fax (510) Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Policy Analysis Santa Monica - Oakland - Madison, WI - Mexico City

27 City of Cannon Beach