VA Funding for Graduate Medical Education Grant W. Cannon, M.D., MACP, FACR Associate Chief of Staff of Academic Affiliations George E. Whalen VA Medical Center (11E) Salt Lake City, Utah Telephone Pager
Bottom line - Key message Please see me if you can use any additional VA-based training opportunities.
Key messages Increased funding for VA-based physician trainees over the next five years Please see me if you might increase VA- based funding beginning July 1, 2015 or beyond Please respond promptly to request about your current VA –based training positions in the next two week for academic year
Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) Improve VA patient Access and Choice Increase in 1,500 physician resident positions over the next 5 years 1,500/120 academic VAs = 12.5 positions per VA
Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) Priority Areas Primary care Mental health Rural health New & expanding sites of VA care Critical needs* Chief Resident Quality & Safety
Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA) Priority Areas Critical needs – Identified by the local facility Health professional shortage area Shortage of physicians in local geographic area Veteran access issues – Washington DC approval
Addiction psychiatry - Psychiatry1 Anesthesiology2.5 Cardiovascular disease - Internal medicine6 Dermatology3 Emergency medicine2 Endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism0.67 Gastroenterology - Internal medicine4.5 Geriatric medicine - Internal medicine2 Hematology and Oncology -2 Infectious Disease - Internal medicine2 Internal medicine47.9 Interventional cardiology1 Nephrology - Internal medicine2.3 Neurology5 Obstetrics and gynecology1 Ophthalmology3 Orthopaedic surgery5.33 Otolaryngology2.5 Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical1 Physical medicine and rehabilitation5 Plastic surgery1 Preventive medicine/Occupational Med1 Psychiatry10.67 Pulmonary disease and critical care3 Radiology-diagnostic8 Rheumatology - Internal medicine2.5 Sleep Medicine1 Surgery-general7 Thoracic surgery0.5 Urology2 Vascular surgery1 TOTAL Current VA base =
ACGME approved program Training during ACGME approved years (i.e. not an extra year) Valuable educational experience Adequate supervision VA-based Basic Requirements for VA rotation
Key messages Increased funding for VA-based physician trainees over the next five years Please see me if you might increase VA- based funding beginning July 1, 2015 or beyond Please respond promptly to request about your current VA –based training positions in the next two week for academic year
Bottom line - Key message Please see me if you can use any additional VA-based training opportunities. Grant W. Cannon, M.D., MACP, FACR Telephone Pager