Cannon Game 1 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
SurfaceView & SurfaceHolder SurfaceView: – A subclass of view ti which any thread can draw SurfaceHolder: – SurfaceHolder can manipulate a SurfaceView – SurfaceHolder can obtain a Canvas on which the user can draw graphics – SurfaceHolder provides methods that give a thread exclusive access to the Canvas for drawing Each SurfaceView should implement the interface SurfaceHolder.Callback 2 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
SurfaceHolder.Callback Methods SurfaceChanged: – is called when the SurfaceView’s size or orientation changes, and is typically used to redisplay graphics based on changes SurfaceCreated: – is called when the SurfaceView is created, e.g. when the app first loads or when it resumes from the background SurfaceDestroyed – is called when the SurfaceView is destroyed, e.g., when the app terminates 2 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
Use Thread to create game loop Obtain the canvas – SurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null); Only one thread at a time can draw to a SurfaceView, we must lock the SurfaceHolder – Synchronized(SurfaceHolder){……} Release the canvas – SurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas ); 2 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
AlertDialog.Builder A dialog must be displayed from the GUI main thread Anonymous inner class implements Runnable activity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable(){ public void run(){ } ) 5 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
GestureDetector Complex gesture, such as flings, double-taps, long presses, and scrolls Implement GestureDetector.OnGestureListener and GestureDetector.OnDoubleTapListener interfaces GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener is an adapter class that implements all the methods of these two interfaces 6 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
Collision Detection Determine whether the cannonball has collided with any of the GameView’s edges, with the blocker or with a section of the target We perform simple collision detection based on the rectangular boundary of the cannonball 7 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
Activity Lifecycle Methods onPause is called when another activity receives the focus – suspend game play so that the game does not continue executing when the user cannot interact with it onDestroy is called when an Activity is shut down. – Release the app’s resources 7 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
Audio Mangement res/raw --- media files Sound effects are managed with a SoundPool, which can be used to load, play, and unload sounds The android documentation recommends that games use the music audio stream to play sounds Activity’s setVolumeControlStream specify that the game’s volume can be controlled with the device’s volume keys. The method receives a constant from class AudioManager 10 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
SoundPool First argument: the maximum number of simultaneous sound streams that can play at once Second argument: which audio stream will be used to play the sounds – There are 7 streams in AudioManager – The document recommends AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC Last argument: sound quality. – The document indicates that this value is not currently used and 0 should be specified as the default value 10 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development
SoundMap HashMap --- key, value pairs – soundMap = new HashMap (); SoundPool.load take three parameters – First argument: the application’s context – Second argument: resource ID – Third argument: the sound’s priority (the argument is not currently used and should be specified as 1). 10 Fall 2014 CS7020: Game Design and Development