Friends of the Bluffs Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation Idea Slam, Red Wing 2012
Friends of the Bluffs For the Enjoyment, Promotion and Stewardship of the public bluff lands within the city of Red Wing.
Our Vision: All Red Wing residents will enjoy daily access to good nutrition and physical activity so they can live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Trails Cannon Valley Trail – CVT Joint Powers Board Goodhue Pioneer State Trail – MN DNR Great River Trail – MN DOT Waterways Cannon River – MN DNR Mississippi River- Red Wing Wildlife League - Izaak Walton League local chapter Bluffs – NONE! Needs a designated local custodian group.
Will provide an avenue for assisting the city of Red Wing in sustaining these and other efforts for future generations.
Enjoyment Hikers, Dog Walkers, Trail Runners, Mountain Bikers, Cross Country Skiers, Rock Climbers, Snow Shoers, Disc Golfers, Geocachers, Bow Hunters, Bird Watchers, Picnickers, Scenic Drivers, Tourists!
Friends of the Bluffs will be a collective Voice for all who use the bluffs. Start-up board is fine-turning details. Membership will start July 15, 2012.
Promotion Market the local assets to the outdoor recreation culture! This demographic spends $ Other small towns have been successful in doing this.
Host events for bluffs activity groups Host events for bluffs activity groups Trail Runs, Mtn Bike Races, Disc Golf, Geocaching, & more Cross promote with other local resources Cross promote with other local resources Start building local and regional knowledge about our fantastic outdoor assets Start building local and regional knowledge about our fantastic outdoor assets Showcase our unique bluff assets
Helping make Red Wing the best outdoor recreation town in the 5-state region Helping make Red Wing the best outdoor recreation town in the 5-state region Market this Culture
Stewardship Protecting Protecting Enhancing Enhancing Improving Improving The public bluff lands within the city
Education about local history, geography, culture and biology via kiosks, signage and website.
Trail maintenance for erosion control, limb removal, ski trail grooming, and directional signage
Improvements to scenic overlooks for both aesthetics and safety.
Protect native vegetation from invasive species.
Influence city policy regarding the public bluff lands within the city.
Where Are We Now?
Current Investment for Red Wing Bluffs Red Wing Area Fund Quarries Renovation Project at Memorial Park 2012 Live Healthy Red Wing Initiative: 75% of residents will live within a 15-minute walk to a nature trail
Committed Collaborative Partners Red Wing Area Fund Red Wing Area Fund Live Healthy Red Wing Live Healthy Red Wing City of Red Wing City of Red Wing Vasque Division of Red Wing Shoes Vasque Division of Red Wing Shoes MN Audubon Society MN Audubon Society RW Area Mountain Bike Organization RW Area Mountain Bike Organization RW Aurora Ski Club RW Aurora Ski Club Red Wing Environmental Learning Center Red Wing Environmental Learning Center Eagle Scouts Eagle Scouts High School Students through annual Earth Day High School Students through annual Earth Day
Collaborative Partners that need to be asked! Cannon Valley Trail Cannon Valley Trail Community Recreation Community Recreation YMCA YMCA Horticulture Group Horticulture Group Visitor and Convention Bureau Visitor and Convention Bureau Downtown Main Street Downtown Main Street Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Others! Others!
Media Committee Forming Do YOU want to join? Designing/writing web site Designing/writing web site Designing/writing Facebook page Designing/writing Facebook page Conducting membership drive Conducting membership drive
Six Month Start-up Budget Income SMIF Grant Funds 4,500 LHRW Grant 2,000 Future memberships 3,000 In Kind Value* 6,000 TOTAL $15,500 * In Kind Summary Legal – Lisa Bayley $ 1,000 Design – Julie Quinn $ 2,000 Admin Time – LHRW $ 1,000 Business – Patterson $ 1,000 Printing – RW Shoe Co $ 1,000 Expenditures Nonprofit filing fee 70 Website setup 2,500 Board Liability Ins. 600 Laptop 1,000 Software 400 Addtl Printing/Postage 1,500 Bank/Merchant Fees 230 Accountant st Project Seed (Membrshps) 3,000 In Kind Value 6,000 TOTAL $15,500
Membership Crucial for Sustainability Individual Provide ‘tiered’ levels of membership Provide avenues for planned estate / trust giving Business Higher level of financial support Sponsorship opportunities for Friends of the Bluffs events
Other Opportunities for Sustainable Funding Annual Individual and Corporate Memberships Annual Individual and Corporate Memberships Corporate Event Sponsorships Corporate Event Sponsorships Event Revenue Event Revenue Available State and Federal Grant Monies Available State and Federal Grant Monies Individual Planned Giving Individual Planned Giving
The Best Part... Seeing a difference in our community!
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” ― John Muir