NEW YORK BUILDING CONGRESS MEETING MTA Capital Construction NOVEMBER 13, 2014 MTA Capital Construction
UPCOMING MTA CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION SOLICITATIONS Presented by David K. Cannon Sr. Director and Chief Procurement Officer Law and Procurement Department MTA Capital Construction
FORECAST SOLICITATION SCHEDULE 2015 CM007 Manhattan GCT Caverns, ESA Project Contract Range: Over $100M Anticipated Solicitation Release : January 2015 Contract Duration 40 Months CH057 Harold Structures – Part 3A, Westbound Bypass and D Approach Tunnel, ESA Project Contract Range: $50M - $100M Contract Duration 24 Months CH058 Harold Structures – Part 3B, Eastbound Reroute and D Approach Tunnel, ESA Project Anticipated Solicitation Release : September 2015 2
MTA Capital Construction CH057 Harold Structures – Part 3A Eastbound Bypass and D Approach Tunnel East Side Access Project Scope of Work This Contract is for earth and site work, utility relocations, track realignment, drainage, hazardous material abatement, demolition of existing structures and construction of new heavy civil structures within the LIRR Harold Interlocking located in Queens. The major scope elements include: Construction of the new Mainline 48th Street Bridge Installation of Retaining Walls Construction of the loop box structure extension and retaining wall Construction of the Tunnel D Pit and Approach Structure Construction of Catenary Structures Installation of monitoring devices for existing structures and ground conditions MTA Capital Construction
CM007 GCT Caverns East Side Access Project Scope of Work This Contract shall be responsible for the construction of final concrete structures and tunnel linings in the new LIRR Grand Central Terminal Caverns. The major scope elements include : Construction of the new LIRR GCT Concourse Intermodal Connections and Interfaces with MNR’s GCT including dining concourse, 45th street cross passageway, 47th street cross passageway 44th Street Ventilation Facility and 50th Street Ventilation Facility Fit-Out Installation of elevators and escalators using the designated VM014 subcontractor Local station testing of GCT concourse and caverns MTA Capital Construction
MTA Capital Construction CH058 Harold Structures – Part 3B Eastbound Bypass and D Approach Tunnel East Side Access Project Scope of Work Earth and site work, utility relocations, track realignment, drainage, hazardous material abatement, demolition of existing structures and construction of new heavy civil structures within the LIRR Harold Interlocking located in Queens. The major scope elements include: Hazardous material abatement, demolition and removal of an existing Substation Construction of a new underground East Bound By-pass Tunnel and approach structures for the new B/C and D Tunnels Extension of existing bridges and underpass structures Installation of new retaining walls, catenary/utility tower foundations and poles, access roads, and demolition and removal of abandoned utility structures New track structures shall include the installation of direct fixation track, traction power, lighting, stand pipe and fire protection systems MTA Capital Construction
MTA Capital Construction CM007 GCT Caverns Work was originally part of Contract CM012R which was split into several packages. This is the last of the CM012R work. Several Contractor Outreach Sessions were held. Based on industry input, several changes were made to the design The August 7, 2014 Outreach Presentation which provided an overview of the Contract and the revisions is available through a link on the MTACC Procurement Page at MTA Capital Construction
2015 – 2019 Proposed Capital Program East Side Access - $2.572B The proposed 2015-2019 Capital Program will complete the construction of ESA to enable revenue service by December 2022. Elements of project management, design, construction management, and insurance necessary to support construction as well as support to testing and commissioning are also funded. The program includes the following major construction elements: • Construction of Manhattan Caverns. • Reconfiguration of the Harold Interlocking and yard lead. • Construction of a mid-day storage yard in Queens for rolling stock. • Construction of a new entrance for LIRR customers at Grand Central Terminal. • Procure, fabricate, install, test and commission communication, controls, security, fire detection, tunnel. • Procurement and installation of traction power equipment. • Procurement of electric rail cars for opening day MTA Capital Construction
2015 – 2019 Proposed Capital Program Second Avenue Subway (Phase II) - $1.535B The proposed 2015-2019 Capital Program includes tunneling from the Phase 1 terminus north of 96th St. and Second Avenue to 125th St. and 5th Avenue. All elements of project management, design, construction management, insurance, and real estate necessary to support construction are also funded. The balance of the work necessary for operation will be funded in future capital programs. In its entirety, SAS Phase 2 will complete the full project’s East Harlem segment. Its alignment will run under Second Avenue to 120th St., then will turn west along 125th St., crossing Lexington Avenue and ending at 5th Avenue to accommodate storage tracks. SAS Phase 2 will utilize a tunnel section built in the 1970s from 110th St. to 120th St.and will be outfitted with tracks and other essential equipment. Three new stations will also be constructed at 125thSt.,116th St., and 106th St. The completion of SAS Phase 2 will support two major objectives of the Second Avenue Subway Master Plan: alleviate the passenger congestion of the Lexington Avenue Line and provide an intermodal connection with Metro-North Railroad at the 125th St. and Park Avenue Station. MTA Capital Construction
Where Can I find Information on Available Solicitations? MTACC solicitations that require advertisement are advertised on the MTA Website (, in the New York Post (usually Thursday edition), New York State Contract Reporter and Engineering News Record. MTA Capital Construction