Chapter 22-3 Our Lady of Lourdes High School December 2014 Mr. Lockwood
Where In The World Is Japan?
Background In 1800 Tokugawa shogunate had ruled Japan for 200 years Kept isolation Deal only with Korea, China and the Dutch Western nations want to end isolation The last Shogun
End of Isolationism Commodore Matthew Perry (US) arrives in Tokyo Bay Wants relations with Japan Returns with large fleet, forces Japan’s hand Treaty of Kanagawa Opens ports, starts relationship Odaiba battery at the entrance of Tokyo, built in 1853–54 to prevent an American intrusion
Failed Resistance Japanese samurais can’t compete w/ Western military technology Sat-Cho alliance pushes shogun to end relations w/ West Shogun does not take strong stand Shogunate system collapses Meiji Restoration begins Japanese Wooden Cannon used for resistance
Meiji Restoration Young emperor Mutsuhito calls his reign Meiji or “Enlightened Rule” Sat-Cho leaders control the emperor Move capital to Tokyo Sends experts to the West to learn Modernize and Westernize Japan
Painting of the emperor being moved to Tokyo
Political Change Modern political system Executive branch holds most power Prime Minister, emperor is a figurehead Legislative body created Still the Sat-Cho influence decisions
Economic Change Redistribute land to the peasants Taxed based on the value of the land you own Promote industry using tax $$$$ Improve transportation and communication to compete w/ West
Military and Educational Development Need modern military to compete and avoid being exploited All men serve 3 years Adapt American style education system
Social Changes Women now able to seek jobs, get education Agricultural to industrial based Experience similar problems to GB after IR Western culture infused into Japan
Imperial Japan Copy the West Need resources and land to expand Start with Chinese territory and opening Korea
Russo- Japanese War (1904-5) Japanese surprise attack on Russian port Japanese Navy defeats Russian fleet Russians forced to agree to peace in 1905 Japanese gain islands Japan now officially a world power!!