ATLAS 实验最新结果 刘衍文 中国科学技术大学 1 中国物理学会 2014 年秋季会议, 哈尔滨, 2014 年 9 月 13 日
2 日内瓦湖 Large Hadron ColliderLarge Hadron Collider 机场 CMS ATLAS LHCb ALICE 大型强子对撞机( LHC ) 位于欧洲核子研究中心( CERN ) 周长 27km ,跨越瑞士法国国境,总投资 40 亿美元 世界能量最高最大的加速器,设计质心系能量 14TeV(14x10 12 eV) m LHC time line : 1992 : expressions of interest : LHC TDR published : first pp collisons at CME=900 GeV : first pp collisions at CME=7 TeV 2011: CMS and ATLAS recorded ~5/fb of data 2012: CMS and ATLAS ~20/fb at CME=8 TeV 2
Inner detector (B=2 T) Si pixels and strips Transition Radiation Detector (e/ separation) /p T ~ 0.05% p T (GeV) 0.1%; | | < 2.5, B=2 T(central solenoid) Hadron Calorimeter Fe/scintillator (central), Cu/W-LAr (fwd) /E ~ 50%/√E(GeV) 3% | |<3 Muon spectrometer air-core toroids, MDT+RPC+TGC+CSC /p T ~ 2-7 % | | < 2.7, | |<2.5 ( precision phys.) EM Calorimetry Pb-LAr /E ~ 10%/√E(GeV) 1% | |<3.2, | | < 2.5 (fine granularity) Length: ~ 46 m Radius : ~ 12 m Weight : ~ 7000 tons Channels: ~ 10 8 L cable : ~ 3000 km Cost: 541M CHF 3
ATLAS 中国组 ATLAS Chinese Cluster (ACC) 五个单位组成(按英文字母排序) : Institute of High Energy Physics ( 高能所 ) (金山(万人、杰青)、欧阳群、庄胥爱(百人)、方亚泉(青千)、朱宏 博(百人)、单连友、娄辛丑(千人)) Nanjing University ( 南大 ) (陈申见、祁鸣) Shandong University ( 山大 ) (张学尧、马连良(青千)、冯存峰、祝成光) Shanghai Jiaotong University (上海交大) (杨海军(青千)、李亮(青千)) University of Science and Technology of China ( 科大 ) (赵政国(院士、千人)、韩良(杰青、百人)、蒋一、刘衍文、刘建北 (青千)、彭海平(优青、百人)、朱莹春、刘明辉) + 30 students and postdocs (科大学生约占一半) 4
5 大型强子对撞机 LHC 主要物理目标: 寻找 Higgs 粒子,理解对称性自发破缺机制以及质量的起源 寻找 TeV 能区 ( 其他 ) 可能的新现象 精确检验标准模型
LHC run - 1 Circumference ~ 26.7 km Successful LHC run in Similar for ATLAS & CMS: ~ 5 fb -1 7 TeV data ~ 20 fb -1 8 TeV data -> most results shown used full 8 TeV data, few with half 8 TeV data Peak luminosity at 2012: 7.7 * cm -2 s -1 ~ 8TeV (Run 2: expect 2*10 34 cm -2 s -1 ) Data quality (2012): 93.7% good for physics ~ 5 fb -1 7 TeV data ~ 20 fb -1 8 TeV data 6
A Z -> event with 20 pile-up vertices 7
2013 combination(bosonic decay channels ) 8 Phys. Lett. B 726(2013)88-119
Mass measurement with and ZZ* 10 Tension of ~2 standard deviations ZZ* Combined: Difference in 4e and 4 indicative
Couplings with H-> 11 arXiv: v1 Currently still dominated by statistical uncertainties. Systematical uncertainties dominated by theory.
Differential cross sections! 12 Jet pT > 30 GeV Jet pT > 50 GeV arXiv: v2 Shape satisfactorily described by theory. Overall normalization offset.
Other bumps ? 13 ATLAS-CONF Sliding signal mass windows, side-band interpolation for background estimation “Rediscovered” both the Z and Higgs bumps.
Couplings with H->ZZ*->4-lepton 14 arXiv: v1 BDT to categorize VBF signal BDT to suppress non-resonant ZZ production
Higgs-> 15 Signal significance= 4.1 standard deviations Extensive usage of Boosted Decision Tree ATLAS-CONF
Higgs-> /bb 16 arXiv: v1 ATLAS-CONF VH ATLAS-CONF ttH
Electroweak SUSY production 17
W + W - production 19 Uncertainty for the combined cross section: 7.5% Level of excess: 2.1 standard deviations. ATLAS-CONF pb 1.4 pb 4.1 pb
“Explanations” of the excess: resummation of jet veto 20 arXiv: v2 ATLAS signal simulation: qq (POWHE+PYTHIA) gg (GG2WWW +HERWIG) Invited authors to Standard Model Plenary meeting for discussions on August 14, 2014 Requested authors to check pT veto -> infinity, expect convergence with fixed order calculation
pT(WW) resummation 21 arXiv: Also presented at the same SM Plenary meeting pT(WW) correlates with jets transverse momentum -> jet veto efficiency : demonstrated an effect of a few percent Request: 1. adopt established tunes for PS 2. 2 resummation, and threshold resummation?
Same sign WW 22 arXiv: v1 Signal significance : 3.4 s.d
Summary Higgs Run 1 results mostly finalized. No other new phenomena observed …. Some 2 sigma excess W + W - production, under discussion. Looking forward to Run 2 data ! 23