Organelles in Cytoplasm: Ribosome Ribosomes –Small particles of _________ & ___________ –Make __________ following coded instructions from __________
Endoplasmic Reticulum Internal membrane that assembles parts of cell membrane & modifies some proteins Rough ER- ___________ ______________ –_______________ on surface make proteins –Proteins enter & get modified Smooth ER – –No ________________ = smooth
Golgi Apparatus Function- – Like a factory. Proteins came from Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum –Enzymes attach _________________ & ____________
Vacuoles & Lysosomes Vacuoles –saclike structures used for ___________ –plant cells have large central vacuole –Vesicles- Lysosomes –Small organelles filled with ________________ –breaks things down, "suicide sac”
Mitochondria in nearly all __________________ cells –Plants & animals Turns food into ____________ _________ (ATP) Structure – –Inner membrane ___________
Chloroplast In plants & other organisms –Not animals & fungi Function: photosynthesis Structure –Bound by 2 envelope membranes –Stacks of photosynthetic membranes chlorophyll
Organelle DNA Mitochondria & Chloroplasts contain some of their own DNA –Essential for normal function Theory- descendents of ancient prokaryotes –Formed relationship with eukaryotic cells –Mitochondrial DNA remnant of prokaryotic bacteria All or nearly all, Mitochondrial DNA inherited from ovum (egg)– used for DNA tests
Comparing Cells ProkaryotesEukaryotes
Plant cell Animal cell Comparing Cells
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
7-3 Movement Through the Membrane
Cell Membrane Cell membrane- __________ what _________ & _______ cell = Boundary!! –Takes in ______ & ________ –Eliminates waste from cell
Cell Membrane (cont) Lipid bilayer- –Gives cell tough, flexible structure Lipids= ________________ –Hydrophobic tails= –Hydrophillic heads=
Cell membrane (cont) Formation of lipid bilayer- phospholipids dissolve in water –hydrophilic “water loving” heads face _________ (outside cell) and ____________ (within cell) –Hydrophobic “water hating” tails face ___________________** * This creates the “bilayer “
Phospholids & Lipid Bilayer torial/cellmembranes/orient2.swf
Inside of cell (cytoplasm) Outside of cell Cell membrane Proteins Protein channel Lipid bilayer Carbohydrate chains Cell Membrane
Fluid Mosaic Model