Setting our Cytes Ahead!! Penicillin attacking bacteria
The Guts of an “Animal Cell”
Animal Cell Membrane Unlike the wall of the restaurant business, the plasma membrane is quite flexible and allows the cell to vary its shape.
Cells must have boundaries!! Cell membranes or plasma membranes are made of fats, proteins and cholesterol.
Functions of the Cell Membrane 1.Boundary between the inside and outside of the cell. 2.Controls movement of materials going in and out of the cell. For instance, waste, water, organic compounds and protein. 3.Helps to maintain a chemical balance within the cell.
Animal Cell Membrane Color the cell membrane on your handout now!
Our Manager “Mr. Nucleus” Just like the restaurant business, the cell needs a manager within its boundaries. The manager directs the affairs of the business.
The nucleus is the organelle that manages cell functions.
The Nucleus Continued… master instructionsThe nucleus contains DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid), the master instructions for building proteins. DNA forms long strands called chromatin which can form chromosomes when cells reproduce.
DNA Nucleus
Nuclear Envelope The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear envelope, which is a double membrane. Each membrane has two layers.
Ribosomes Inside the nucleus is the nucleolus, a region that produces tiny cell particles called ribosomes that are involved in building proteins. Ribosomes are organelles but do not have a membrane.
Where are ribosomes located in cells?
Functions of the Nucleus Contains and processes genetic information, controls cell metabolism and protein synthesis.
Functions of the Nuclear Envelope/Membrane Separates nucleus from surrounding cytoplasm.
Functions of Chromatin Regulates protein building and other molecular interactions.
Functions of the Nucleolus Location where ribosomes are made.
The cell manager… Color the nucleus, nuclear envelope, chromatin and nucleolus now!
Cytoplasmic, Baby!!! Just like the restaurant with hallways and rooms, the cytoplasm is used for assembly, transport and storage of materials.
Cytoplasm is: a media for transporting intracellular substances contains storage vacuoles and vesicles to store nutrients and waste contains enzymes needed for metabolic reactions.
Color the cytoplasm now!
It’s Cell Quiz Time!! Get ready to play. Have one member represent your team in answering the question. You will have 15 seconds to answer. Only one answer is to be given. Each answer is worth 3 points. Bonus question is used for a tie breaker.
Let’s Play!!
Question #1 What organelle is responsible for holding all the genetic information, or blueprints, of the organism?
Question # 2 Which organelle is responsible for what material (protein, organic compounds, water) goes in and out of the cell?
Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane
Question # 3 What organelle does not have a membrane surrounding it?
Question # 4 What is the organelle that has two membranes?
Nuclear Envelope
Question # 5 Where are ribosomes made?
Question # 6 Where are organelles and the cytoskeleton found and intracellular materials transported?