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What cell line? “fluffy,” “brushed”= erythropoietic cell line “dots”, “ink blobs”= granulocitic cell line A blast is a blast, no matter what cell line Reticulocyte versus Erythrocyte
PRONORMOBLASTFEATURES A blast is a blast, don’t worry about the type Mitotic
BASOPHILIC NORMOBLASTFEATURES Coarser nucleus Mitotic Blue cytoplasm, from what? No Granules! 2-3X larger than surrounding RBCs
POLYCHROMATIC NORMOBLAST FEATURES Slightly larger than RBCs Mitotic “checker board” No Granules!
ORTHOCHROMATIC NORMOBLAST FEATURES Same size as surrounging RBCs NOT Mitotic “pyknotic nucleus” “eccentrically placed” just a buzz word Reddish purple cytoplasm. Why? No Granules
RETICULOCYTEFEATURES No nucleus NOT Mitotic Contains “granulofilamentous material” what kind? Residual RNA and mitochondria in cytoplasm Where does development continue?
MYELOBLASTFEATURES Non-granular cytoplasm Mitotic Unipotent 2-3X larger than surrounding RBCs A blast is a blast
PROMYELOCYTEFEATURES Primary Granules, “azurphilic” Mitotic Granules, but no dawn of neutrophilia
NEUTROPHILIC MYELOCYTE FEATURES Nucleus is round, slightly indented “Dawn of Neutrophilia” Secondary granules (primary granules still there) “specific granules” mitotic
NEUTROPHILIC METAMYELOCYTE FEATURES Indented nucleus (“kidney bean shaped”) Neutrophilic (specific, secondary)> azurphilic (non-specific, primary)
NEUTROPHILIC BANDFEATURES Indented nucleus “horseshoe shaped” Neutrophilic (specific) granules Can be found in circulation
NEUTROPHIL (SEGMENTED, PMNL) FEATURES 2-4 lobed, thin link of what? Neutrophilic granules>>azurphilic granules
…it is tough to miss What cell did this come from, what is it and what comes from this cell? Location?
Define Hct. Nl. values? Romanovsky stain- other name, use A cell is stained and said to be almost totally basophilic with a little acidophilia in the nucleus. What is the charge on the dye staining the majority of the cell? What about the dye staining the acidophilic parts of the nucleus?
T-cell versus B-cell, which is more prevalent in peripherial circulation? How would you tell? What is a “left shift?”