SQUADS ACT Prep Round 5 Subject: 11 th Grade Science Agenda Page 55 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to practice College Readiness Standards in.


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Presentation transcript:

SQUADS ACT Prep Round 5 Subject: 11 th Grade Science Agenda Page 55 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to practice College Readiness Standards in Science: 1.Scientific Investigation, Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results, and Interpretation of Data, Success Criteria – I am successful if I can… 1.Identify similarities and differences between models. 2.Identify key issues or assumptions in a model. 3.Determine whether given information supports or contradicts a simple hypothesis and why. Week 31 CPW

11 th Grade Science You have 1 minute and 30 seconds to read your passage. You will have 1 minute to work on each question individually. You will have 1 minute to work as a group and write your rationales for each answer.

11 th Grade Science On our practice ACT, 24% of your classmates answered this correctly. 1. According to the passage, a similarity between DNA and proteins is that both types of molecules: A. are found only in gametes. B. are abundant in the cytoplasm. C. contain 20 different amino acids. D. are composed of smaller subunits.

11 th Grade Science On our practice ACT, 25% of your classmates answered this correctly. 2. According to the Protein Hypothesis, which of the following observations provides the strongest evidence that genes are NOT composed of DNA? A. DNA is composed of only 4 types of nucleotides. B. DNA is composed of smaller subunits than are proteins. C. DNA is abundant in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. D. The concentration of DNA is generally consistent from cell to cell.

11 th Grade Science On our practice ACT, 28% of your classmates answered this correctly. 3. Mitochondria are organelles located in the cytoplasm that are responsible for energy transformation in a cell. After the 1940s, it was observed that mitochondria contain their own genes. This observation contradicts evidence stated in which hypothesis? A. The DNA Hypothesis, because if genes are made of DNA, the observation would show that DNA is present outside the nucleus. B. The DNA Hypothesis, because if genes are made of DNA, the observation would show that DNA is present inside the nucleus. C. The Protein Hypothesis, because if genes are made of proteins, the observation would show that proteins are present outside of the nucleus. D. The Protein Hypothesis, because if genes are made of proteins, the observation would show that proteins are present inside the nucleus.

11 th Grade Science On our practice ACT, 29% of your classmates answered this correctly. 4. The scientist who describes the DNA Hypothesis implies that the Protein Hypothesis is weakened by which of the following observations? A.For a given organism, the amount of protein in the gametes is half that found in other types of cells. B.For a given organism, the amount of protein in different types of cells is not the same. C.Protein molecules are composed of many subunits. D. Proteins are found only in the nucleus.

11 th Grade Science On our practice ACT, 15% of your classmates answered this correctly. 5. Which of the following illustrations of a portion of a DNA molecule is consistent with the description in the passage?

Now ‘Squad Up’ and replay this PPT. Use the Student Answer/Rationale Sheet. Then exchange your Squad’s answer sheet with that of another squad. Launch the ANSWERS video. SQUADS ACT Prep Round 5 Subject: 11 th Grade Science Agenda Page 55 CPW Week 31