Main Idea : We will see just how Rome slowly destroyed the Carthaginian Empire and took control of the entire Mediterranean region.
ROME EXPANDS When you achieve victory, whether its in academics, sports or some other field do you then strive for more success? This may have been exactly how the Romans felt once they had taken over Italy…lets continue the story and see how they were able to expand their power…
ROME EXPANDS While Rome developed its government it also faced challenges abroad. Abroad – Visiting or living In a foreign country or out of your own country.
ROME EXPANDS The Romans had completed their conquest in Italy and now faced a powerful rival in the Mediterranean Sea. This enemy was the state of Carthage, which was on the coast of North Africa.
ROME EXPANDS Carthage ruled a great trading empire that included parts of northern Africa and southern Europe. By controlling the movement of goods in this region, Carthage made itself the largest and richest city in the Mediterranean.
Remains of the Carthage Naval Base
THE FIRST PUNIC WAR! Both Cartage and Rome wanted control the island of Sicily. In 264 B.C.E the dispute brought the two powers to blows…the War would be known as the First Punic War.
The war began when the Romans sent an army to Sicily to prevent a Carthaginian take over. The Carthaginians, who already had colonies on the island, were determined to stop the Roman invasion.
THE FIRST PUNIC WAR! Up until then, the Romans had fought their wars on land, however they soon realized they could not defeat a sea power like Carthage without a navy. The Romans quickly built a large fleet of ships and confronted the Carthaginians at sea.
THE FIRST PUNIC WAR! The war dragged on for more then 20 years…finally in 241 B.C.E., Rome Crushed their enemies navy off the coast of Sicily. Carthage was forced to leave the island and pay a huge fine to the Romans…Sicily had finally come under Roman rule.
THE FIRST PUNIC WAR! Questions : What does the term abroad mean? What was the name of Rome’s enemy that was also located on the Mediterranean Sea? What island was the first Punic War fought over? How did Carthage become so rich?
THE FIRST PUNIC WAR! Questions : What does the term abroad mean? Visiting or living In a foreign country or out of your own country What was the name of Rome’s enemy that was also located on the Mediterranean Sea? Carthage What island was the first Punic War fought over? Sicily How did Carthage become so rich? They built a large trading empire along the Mediterranean Sea
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! To make up for its loss of Sicily, Carthage expanded its empire into southern Spain. Roman leaders were not happy about Carthage gaining land in Europe, especially west of Italy.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! They came up with a plan…Rome began helping the people of Spain rebel against Carthage. Of course, the Carthaginians were angry at this move by Rome…they sent their greatest general, Hannibal to attack Rome in 218 B.C.E.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Hannibal - was the leader of the military forces of Carthage that fought against Rome in the Second Punic War. Hannibal, who almost overpowered Rome, was considered Rome's greatest enemy… His father, Hamilcar Barca, was the leading Carthaginian commander during the First Punic War.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Hannibal’s strategy was to take the fighting into Italy itself. To do this, Hannibal gathered an army of about 100,000 men, thousands of horses and of course 38 elephants.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! He would have taken more elephants, however there is a serious issue when using elephants in battle… Elephants have a gluttonous appetite... an adult male African elephant eats some 400 pounds of vegetation a day!
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Hannibal landed his forces in Spain and then marched east towards Rome to attack. Even before reaching Italy, Hannibal's forces suffered severe losses crossing the steep, snowy Alps into Italy.
The Alps are the highest mountain system in Europe… they stretch across the western and southern part of the continent in a broad arc. The mountain range starts near the Mediterranean Sea on the border between France and Italy, then it curves north and eastward through northern Italy and Switzerland.
The brutal cold, gnawing hunger and attacks by mountain tribes killed almost half of Hannibal's soldiers and most of the elephants. The remaining army, however, was still a powerful fighting force when they reached Italy.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! The Romans suffered a sever loss on August 2nd 216 B.C.E. at the Battle of Cannae in southern Italy The Battle of Cannae is regarded as one of the greatest tactical feats in military history and in numbers killed…it is the second greatest defeat of the Roman Republic.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Here are the numbers: Carthage: Lead by : Hannibal Number of Soldiers : 54,000 infantry Rome: Lead by: Gaius Varro and Lucius Paullus Number of Soldiers : 87,000 infantry
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Various accounts of the Battle of Cannae show that 50,000-70,000 of the Romans were killed…, with 3,500-4,500 taken prisoner. Hannibal's army suffered around 6,000 killed and 10,000 wounded. (Roman Onanger Catapult)
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Its clear that the Romans suffered a severe loss, even though Hannibal’s army was outnumbered, it over powered the Roman force and began raiding much of Italy. The Romans, however raised another army.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! In 202 B.C.E. a Roman force led by a general named Cornelius Scipio invaded Carthage. Hannibal, who was waging war in Italy, had no choice but to return home to defend his people.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! At the battle of Zama, Scipio’s troops defeated the Carthaginians and Carthage officially gave up Spain to Rome, gave up their navy and paid an enormous fine to Rome. The Battle of Zama, marked the final and decisive end of the Second Punic War...a Roman army led by Cornelius Scipio defeated a Carthaginian force led by the legendary commander Hannibal
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Rome now had complete control over the Mediterranean Sea. While Carthage was no longer a military power, it remained a trading center.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! In 146 B.C.E. Rome had finally destroyed its greatest rival in what would be known as the Third Punic War. Roman soldiers burned Carthage to the ground and enslaved 50,000 men, women and children.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Legend says that the Romans, to make sure that Carthage would never rise again, salted the farmland of the city. Spreading salt all over the soil ensured that no crops would ever grow there again.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! During the Punic Wars, Rome successfully battled states in the eastern Mediterranean…Romans began to called this area “ Mare Nostrum ” which means “ Our Sea ”. Greece, Macedonia and parts of Asia were all conquered by the superior Roman Legion.
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Questions : How many Punic Wars were there? Who was Hannibal? What odd animal did Hannibal use to fight the Romans and what was their flaw? What happened to Carthage during the Third Punic War?
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Questions : How many Punic Wars were there? Three Who was Hannibal? He was the leader of the military forces of Carthage What odd animal did Hannibal use to fight the Romans and what was their flaw? Elephants, consumed to much food What happened to Carthage during the Third Punic War? Burned to the ground and the farmland was salted
THE SECOND PUNIC WAR! Critical Thinking Questions : Answer the following questions in a well thought out paragraph. 1 ) What does “ Mare Nostrum ” mean and why did the Romans use the term? 2 ) Where was Carthage located and why did it compete with Rome?