P.-R. KettleMEG Review July MEG Beam Line Studies
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Outline of Topics to be Addressed Status at the time of the last Review Status at the time of the last Review Beam Time April/May 2003 “Z-Branch” Beam Time April/May 2003 “Z-Branch” Beam Transport Solenoid BTS Beam Transport Solenoid BTS Future Future Summary/Conclusions Summary/Conclusions Beam Line Schedule Beam Line Schedule Area Layout Area Layout Status at the time of the last Review Status at the time of the last Review Beam Time April/May 2003 “Z-Branch” Beam Time April/May 2003 “Z-Branch” Beam Transport Solenoid BTS Beam Transport Solenoid BTS Future Future Summary/Conclusions Summary/Conclusions Beam Line Schedule Beam Line Schedule Area Layout Area Layout
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Status at the Last Review Milestone achieved on schedule Milestone achieved on schedule Viable Solution for the MEG Beam Line FOUNDViable Solution for the MEG Beam Line FOUND using “Z”-Branch with separate stages for using “Z”-Branch with separate stages for Particle Separation & Momentum Degradation Particle Separation & Momentum Degradation via 2 triplets + WIEN Filter + Solenoid/Degrader system via 2 triplets + WIEN Filter + Solenoid/Degrader system Rudimentary work on Transport Solenoid BTS Rudimentary work on Transport Solenoid BTS had just started had just started initial length ~180cm? with B~0.5T? initial length ~180cm? with B~0.5T? Warm or Cold? etc. Warm or Cold? etc. Solenoid + Degrader & Stop Distribution measurements Solenoid + Degrader & Stop Distribution measurements planned planned Final part Phase C of “Z”-Branch Measurements Final part Phase C of “Z”-Branch Measurements April/May 2003 April/May 2003 Milestone achieved on schedule Milestone achieved on schedule Viable Solution for the MEG Beam Line FOUNDViable Solution for the MEG Beam Line FOUND using “Z”-Branch with separate stages for using “Z”-Branch with separate stages for Particle Separation & Momentum Degradation Particle Separation & Momentum Degradation via 2 triplets + WIEN Filter + Solenoid/Degrader system via 2 triplets + WIEN Filter + Solenoid/Degrader system Rudimentary work on Transport Solenoid BTS Rudimentary work on Transport Solenoid BTS had just started had just started initial length ~180cm? with B~0.5T? initial length ~180cm? with B~0.5T? Warm or Cold? etc. Warm or Cold? etc. Solenoid + Degrader & Stop Distribution measurements Solenoid + Degrader & Stop Distribution measurements planned planned Final part Phase C of “Z”-Branch Measurements Final part Phase C of “Z”-Branch Measurements April/May 2003 April/May 2003
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Measurements: Phase B – post Triplet 2 & Collimator Phase B – post Triplet 2 & Collimator Phase C – post Solenoid Phase C – post Solenoid Several unexpected problems encountered & Solved !!! Measurements: Phase B – post Triplet 2 & Collimator Phase B – post Triplet 2 & Collimator Phase C – post Solenoid Phase C – post Solenoid Several unexpected problems encountered & Solved !!! “Z-Branch” Measurements April/May2003
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July April/May 2003 Beam Test cont. Total of 4 Weeks of Beam Time: of Beam Time: 1 week Phase B 1 week Phase B 3 weeks Phase C 3 weeks Phase CPROBLEMS: 3 Days Accelerator Down 3 Days Accelerator Down Planned for Solenoid Fringe-field Solenoid Fringe-field distorts optics between distorts optics between Triplet 2/Collimator & Solenoid Triplet 2/Collimator & Solenoid Extra vacuum pipe between Collimator & Solenoid SOLVED !!! WIEN Filter DOWN for nearly ALL Phase C measurements WIEN Filter DOWN for nearly ALL Phase C measurements due to HV-insulation Problems at Cable feed-through (OIL) due to HV-insulation Problems at Cable feed-through (OIL) Measurements done without Separator FULL e + beam NaI found to have NO Magnetic Shielding – solenoid stray field NaI found to have NO Magnetic Shielding – solenoid stray field Built Magnetic Shielding Box SOLVED !!! CONSEQUENCE 2-Day -Beam Test Cancelled CONSEQUENCE 2-Day -Beam Test Cancelled
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Results “Z-Branch Measurements” Triplet 2 1 Solenoid WIEN Filter Colli. Trip. µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+ Phase A Integrated Rate 4cm 1800µA N µ ~1.3·10 8 µ + /s (2.3·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) Integrated Rate 4cm 1800µA N µ ~1.3·10 8 µ + /s (2.3·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) P-Spectra: P-Spectra: -Kinematic Edge (29.79 MeV/c) (29.79 MeV/c) Theoretical func. P 3.5 folded with Gaussian ΔP/P + Const. Cloud µ + contribution contribution “U-Branch” “Z-Branch” P cent =(28.2±0.1)MeV/c ΔP/P =(7.9±0.6)% FWHM P Beam =(28.2±0.9)MeV/c Consistent with TURTLE & P-Slit settings/Calib. “Z-Branch”
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Phase B Separation Quality Triplet 2 1 Solenoid WIEN Filter Colli. Trip. µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+ Phase B µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ Integrated Rate 4cm 1800µA N µ ~8.5·10 7 µ + /s (1.5·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) Integrated Rate 4cm 1800µA N µ ~8.5·10 7 µ + /s (1.5·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) µ/e Separation 11.8cm 7.2σ !!! µ/e Separation 11.8cm 7.2σ !!! LowThreshold50mV Integrated Rate After Separator 4cm 1800µA N µ ~9.4·10 7 µ + /s (1.7·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) N e /N µ > 9 N e ~ 8.7·10 8 e + /s Transmission Factors T Sep = (71±5)% T Colli = (90±5)% Integrated Rate After Separator 4cm 1800µA N µ ~9.4·10 7 µ + /s (1.7·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) N e /N µ > 9 N e ~ 8.7·10 8 e + /s Transmission Factors T Sep = (71±5)% T Colli = (90±5)%
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Phase C Post Solenoid Remember !!! PSC only a Test Solenoid PSC-Solenoid 20cm Bore Beam Line 32 cm Bore Remember !!! PSC only a Test Solenoid PSC-Solenoid 20cm Bore Beam Line 32 cm Bore Triplet 2 1 Solenoid WIEN Filter Colli. Trip. µ+µ+µ+µ+ e+e+e+e+ e+e+e+e+ µ+µ+µ+µ+ Integrated Rate After Solenoid 4cm 1800µA N µ ~6.1·10 7 µ + /s (1.1·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) Beam Spot: σ X ~ 5.3 mm σ Y ~ 6.5 mm Transmission Factor Solenoid T Sol = 71 % Integrated Rate After Solenoid 4cm 1800µA N µ ~6.1·10 7 µ + /s (1.1·10 8 µ+/s 6cm Tg.) Beam Spot: σ X ~ 5.3 mm σ Y ~ 6.5 mm Transmission Factor Solenoid T Sol = 71 % Single Node SNM Double Node DNM Previous Excitation Curve DNM confirmed DNM focus Z A DNM focus Z A Previous U-Branch A A With larger Bore i.e. BTS T>71%
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Degrader & Stopping Distribution Measurements µ+µ+µ+µ+ CH 2 Tg e+e+e+e+ Foils CH 2 at focus Michel Range Curve using NaI: Measurement Simulation Fix Degrader 600 µ Geant say 580µ Nearly all Stopped in 400µ R ~ 870 µ CH 2 Degrader Target AIR Target Thickness vs. NaI Rate VAC Target Gives R Mean = 1150µ Equiv GEANT + TRIM 88% STOP in 400µ Tg !!! Solenoid Fix Degrader Var. Tg 88% stopped in 400µ CH 2 Tg.
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Beam Transport Solenoid BTS Design in conjunction with Novosibirsk + PSI Magnet Group + Tokyo + PSI Magnet Group + Tokyo Superconducting solution Chosen Superconducting solution Chosen Present Design under study L CRYO = 2800 mm L COILS = 2630 mm D BORE = 320 mm B CENT = T Optics + further simulations underway BTS COBRA BTS COBRA
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Future Priorities: Finish simulations for design BTS end JulyFinish simulations for design BTS end July Complete BTS Design together with Novosibirsk, PSI, TokyoComplete BTS Design together with Novosibirsk, PSI, Tokyo Manufacture + Delivery by late Spring 2004 Manufacture + Delivery by late Spring 2004 Start Design for new Triplet 1 Wagon + Quads (µE4 Beam)Start Design for new Triplet 1 Wagon + Quads (µE4 Beam) ready for Insertion Shutdown 2003/2004 ready for Insertion Shutdown 2003/2004 Start Design of Target System for Experiment & choose optimalStart Design of Target System for Experiment & choose optimal Degrader positioning Degrader positioning Continue Data Analysis of Beam DataContinue Data Analysis of Beam Data New vertical Separator requested ( MEG, µLAN, µSR) New vertical Separator requested ( MEG, µLAN, µSR) vertical WIEN Filter MANDATORY for MEG vertical WIEN Filter MANDATORY for MEG
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Summary/Conclusions Satisfactory Beam Line Solution has been achieved for MEG with a complete test of components up to COBRA injection Separator Transmission of (71±5)% achievedSeparator Transmission of (71±5)% achieved Rate of 8.5·10 7 µ + /s at 1.8mA with 4cm Target at I/P SolenoidRate of 8.5·10 7 µ + /s at 1.8mA with 4cm Target at I/P Solenoid (1.5 ·10 8 µ + /s at 1.8mA 6cm Tg Proposal) (1.5 ·10 8 µ + /s at 1.8mA 6cm Tg Proposal) µ/e Separation of 11.8cm at Collimator 7.2σ achievedµ/e Separation of 11.8cm at Collimator 7.2σ achieved Using a small Bore Solenoid a Transmission of 71% obtainedUsing a small Bore Solenoid a Transmission of 71% obtained rate 6.1·10 7 µ + /s at 1.8mA with 4cm Target rate 6.1·10 7 µ + /s at 1.8mA with 4cm Target (1.1·10 8 µ + /s at 1.8mA 6cm Tg PROPOSAL!!!) (1.1·10 8 µ + /s at 1.8mA 6cm Tg PROPOSAL!!!) Spot-size post Solenoid of σ X =5.3mm, σ Y =6.5mm achieved Spot-size post Solenoid of σ X =5.3mm, σ Y =6.5mm achieved equivalent to spot-size in Proposal at Target equivalent to spot-size in Proposal at Target 88% of ALL µ + STOPPED in Thin Target of PROPOSAL 88% of ALL µ + STOPPED in Thin Target of PROPOSAL Lots more work still needed e.g. BTS, Target System Lots more work still needed e.g. BTS, Target System
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Time Schedule Beam line : Test Milestone AssemblyDesignManufacture Studies Solenoid BTS Triplet 1 Target Milestone Choice “U”/”Z” + Method Method JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune Shutdown PMC + Laser Hut + Sindrum 2 removal removal Insertion Triplet 1 COBRA installation COBRA installationBTS Beam Line Commission- ing starts
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July E5 Area Layout Following Slides from Stefan Ritt
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Permanent installation of MEG experiment Concurrently run other experiments No need of rail system if – –Beam line elements are removed – –Concrete wall in front of MEG detector COBRA + most electronics on platform LXe storage tanks on separate platform Calorimeter on small rail system 500 kg crane on top of platform “curtain” and A/C around platform Permanent installation of MEG experiment Concurrently run other experiments No need of rail system if – –Beam line elements are removed – –Concrete wall in front of MEG detector COBRA + most electronics on platform LXe storage tanks on separate platform Calorimeter on small rail system 500 kg crane on top of platform “curtain” and A/C around platform Ideas for E5 area
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Area Layout optional wall small rail electronics LXe storage compressor LN 2 line Trigger & DAQ HV
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Platform Design COBRA RACKS floor cover (removable) “double floor”
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July COBRA LXe Calorimeter curtain (transparent plastic) removable cover (wood) crane
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Electronics HV splitter DRS splitter DRS signal HV fiber
P.-R. KettleMEG Review July Current design status (June 24 th )