滚动轴承 Rolling Bearings Rolling bearings is a collective name for shaft support bearings that have revolving elements between a moving and a stationary ring.


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1 第七章 灼热桥丝式电雷管. 1. 热平衡方程 C ℃ 冷却时间 2. 桥丝加热过程 ⑴忽略化学反应惰性方程 ; (2) 为简化集总参数 C, (3) 热损失有两部分 : 轴向与径向 ; 第一种情况 在大功率下忽略热损失, 第二种情况 在输入低功率下 输入 = 散失热量 I I = 3 电容放电时的桥丝温度和发火能量(电容放电下,
1. 2 §11-3 缩孔与缩松 3 冷却 凝固 体积收缩 缩 孔 缩 松 应力 变形 热裂纹 冷裂纹.
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第一节 相图基本知识 1 三元相图的主要特点 (1)是立体图形,主要由曲面构成; (2)可发生四相平衡转变; (3)一、二、三相区为一空间。
1 第二章 化工设备强度计算基础 教学重点: 薄膜理论及其应用 教学难点: 对容器的基本感性认识.
换热器换热器 反应器反应器. 间壁 热流体 冷流体 热流体 套管换热器 外壳 管板 封头封头 挡板 ( 折流板 ) 封头 列管式换热器列管式换热器 管壳式换热器管壳式换热器.
导体  电子导体  R   L  i 离子导体  ( 平衡 ) mm   .
可逆电动势 可逆电动势必须满足的两个条件 1. 电池中的化学反应可向 正反两方向进行 2. 电池在十分接近平衡 状态下工作 Reversible Electromotive Force (emf)
目录 上页 下页 返回 结束 第八章 第八章 一、空间曲线的一般方程 二、空间曲线的参数方程 三、空间曲线在坐标面上的投影 第四节 空间曲线及其方程.
编译原理总结. 基本概念  编译器 、解释器  编译过程 、各过程的功能  编译器在程序执行过程中的作用  编译器的实现途径.
§8-3 电 场 强 度 一、电场 近代物理证明:电场是一种物质。它具有能量、 动量、质量。 电荷 电场 电荷 电场对外的表现 : 1) 电场中的电荷要受到电场力的作用 ; 2) 电场力可移动电荷作功.
Bearings -Disassembly &Assembly Nizwa College of Technology.
古代机械探胜 古代机械探胜 —— 之水车篇. 辉煌的历史 候风地动仪 候风地动仪指南车 备物致用,立成器以为天下利,莫大乎圣人。 —— 易经.
§ 14-1 零件图的内容 引:铣刀头轴的零件图 零件图的内容.
首 页 首 页 上一页 下一页 本讲内容本讲内容 视图,剖视图(Ⅰ) 复习: P107 ~ P115 作业: P48(6-2,6-4), P49( 去 6-6) P50, P51(6-13), P52 P50, P51(6-13), P52 P53 (6-18,6-20) P53 (6-18,6-20)
第七章 成形车刀.
常州机电职业技术学院 数控编程与加工技术 精品课程 项目 3 加工中心程序编制 模块 2 方形型腔类零件 上饶职业技术学院 课程负责人:罗根云 2011 年 5 月
退 出退 出退 出退 出 上一页 下一页 一、正多边形的画法 1. 正六边形 §1-3 几何作图 ( 1 )根据对角线长度作图   利用外接圆半径作图.
1 物体转动惯量的测量 南昌大学理学院
项目 1 典型低压电器 的拆装、检修及调试 任务 2 交流接触器的拆装与检修 接触器是一种自动的电磁式自动开关,是 一种依靠电磁力作用使触点闭合或分离的自 动电器,用于接通和断开电动机或其它用电 设备电路。适用于远距离频繁地接通或断开 交直流主电路及大容量控制电路。交流接触 器具有控制容量大、操作方便、便于远距离.
力的合成 力的合成 一、力的合成 二、力的平行四边形 上一页下一页 目 录 退 出. 一、力的合成 O. O. 1. 合力与分力 我们常常用 一个力来代替几个力。如果这个 力单独作用在物体上的效果与原 来几个力共同作用在物体上的效 果完全一样,那么,这一个力就 叫做那几个力的合力,而那几个 力就是这个力的分力。
一、热机 1 、热机:利用燃料燃烧而工作的机器 2 、共同特点: 燃料的化学能 内能 机械能 燃烧 做功.
港口起重机回转支承轮 齿与法兰分析 武汉理工大学物流工程学院 港口物流技术与装备教育部 工程研究中心 胡吉全.
§2-3 叶片泵 叶片泵的优点是结构紧凑、体积小 ( 单位体积的排量较 大 ) 、运转平稳、输出流量均匀、噪声小 ; 既可做成定量泵 也可制成变量泵。定量泵 ( 双作用或多作用 ) 轴向受力平衡, 使用寿命较长,变量泵变量方式可以多种方式,且结构简 单(如压力补偿变量泵 ) 。 叶片泵的缺点是吸油能力稍差,对油液污染较敏感,
M7120 型平面磨床 电气控制线路原理与故障检修 主讲 张振飞 湖南工学院电气与信息工程系 电工电子实习基地.
要求: 熟练掌握发动机的基本术语。 结合实物可以说出发动机大致组成。 掌握发动机的基本工作原理。 掌握发动机各系统的作用。
向日葵的花盘 画一画 用圆规画圆用圆规画圆 用圆规画圆用圆规画圆 用圆规画圆的方法: ( 1 )把圆规的两脚分开,定好两脚间 的距离(定长) ( 2 )把有针尖的一只脚固定在一点上 (定点) ( 3 )把装有铅笔尖的一只脚旋转一周 ,就画出一个圆(旋转)
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1 第 4 章 速度瞬心及其应用 ● 利用速度瞬心进行机构的速度分析 ● 将低副机构转变为高副机构 ( 瞬心线机 构,共轭曲线机构) ● 用低副机构的分析方法对高副机构进 行结构和运动分析 ( 高副低代 )
综合复习 主讲:田 静. 第一章 变压器 1. 掌握变压器的结构及基本工作原理;1. 掌握变压器的结构及基本工作原理; 2. 理解变压器的三大作用并学会简单的计算;2. 理解变压器的三大作用并学会简单的计算; 3. 掌握三相变压器的相关知识;3. 掌握三相变压器的相关知识; 4. 了解一些特殊的变压器4.
SSSS tttt rrrr uuuu cccc tttt uuuu rrrr eeee o o o o ffff r r r r oooo llll llll iiii nnnn gggg b b b b eeee aaaa rrrr iiii nnnn gggg ssss 滚滚滚滚 动动动动 轴轴轴轴.
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第 3 部分 模具设计 Part 3 Mould Design  成型零件 Moulding Component  温控系统 Temperature Control System  导向与定位机构 Guiding and Positioning Mechanism  顶出机构 Ejector.
第 11 章 旋转电机交流绕组的电势和磁势 内 容 提 要内 容 提 要  旋转磁场是交流电机工作的基础。  在交流电机理论中有两种旋转磁场: (1) 机械旋转磁场(二极机械旋转磁场,四极机械旋转磁场) (2) 电气旋转磁场(二极电气旋转磁场,四极电气旋转磁场)二极机械旋转磁场四极机械旋转磁场二极电气旋转磁场四极电气旋转磁场.
3D 仿真机房建模 哈尔滨工业大学 指导教师:吴勃英、张达治 蒋灿、杜科材、魏世银 机房尺寸介绍.
欢 迎 使 用 《工程流体力学》 多媒体授课系统 燕 山 大 学 《工程流体力学》课程组. 第九章 缝隙流动 概述 9.1 两固定平板间的层流流动 9.2 具有相对运动的两平行平板 间的缝隙流动 9.3 环形缝隙中的层流流动.
第二节. 广告牌为什么会被风吹倒? 结构的稳定性: 指结构在负载的作用下 维持其原有平衡状态的能力。 它是结构的重要性质之一。
机械工程实践中心课件 机床数控技术 目 录 第一部分 机床数控技术的基本知识 第 二 部分 数控机床的手工编程与操作.
参展主要内容 以信息科技支撑现代农业为主题,包括精准农业、数字农业、农 业物联网、农业遥感、信息服务 5 部分内容,重点展示科研院所、大 专院校等单位的科研成果及应用示例。精准农业重点展示面向设施、 果园、大田生产管理过程中的关键技术及智能装备,以精准施肥、施 药、灌溉大型机具实物展示为主,同时将搭建微型温室(约.
高压绕组制造 《微电机制造工艺学》 由 NordriDesign 提供
测量工具的正确使用 目的: 了解测量工具的使用性能,正确的 使用测量工具,保证测量参数的准确性, 为生产提供各种数据支持。
项目一 : 常用低压电器识别选用 模块三 : 继电器与主令电器识别选用 一、继电器 1. 电压继电器 过电压继电器 欠电压继电器.
单元四 电动后视镜控制电路. 汽车辅助装置汽车辅助装置 一、教学目的要求: 掌握电动后视镜的组成、功用、工作过程以 及控制电路 二、主要教学内容: ( 1 )电动后视镜的组成 ( 2 )电动后视镜控制电路 ( 3 )电动后视镜工作过程 三、教学重点、难点: 电动后视镜工作过程.
第三节 喷油设备 一、喷油泵 二、喷油器 三、主要零件及其故障 四、喷油设备的检查与调整. 一、喷油泵 作用: – 产生喷射高压 – 控制供油定时 ( 凸轮安装位置 ) – 控制喷油定量 ( 柱塞有效行程 ) 回油孔调节式, 回油阀调节式.
第四节 工件在夹具中的夹紧 一、夹紧装置的组成和要求 1 .夹紧装置的组成 工件在夹具中正确定位后,由夹紧装 置将工件夹紧。
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主轴部件结构图. THK6380 加工中心主轴部件结构图 进给传动部件结构图 坐标轴进给传动系统 结构布置形式.
高 频 电 子 线 路高 频 电 子 线 路 主讲 元辉 5.5 晶体振荡器 石英晶体振荡器的频率稳定度 1 、石英晶体谐振器具有很高的标准性。 、石英晶体谐振器与有源器件的接入系数通常近似 如下 受外界不稳定因素的影响少。 3 、石英晶体谐振器具有非常高的值。 维持振荡频率稳定不变的能力极强。
Bearings Rolling Contact Bearings – load is transferred through rolling elements such as balls, straight and tapered cylinders and spherical rollers. Journal.
Presentation transcript:

滚动轴承 Rolling Bearings Rolling bearings is a collective name for shaft support bearings that have revolving elements between a moving and a stationary ring. This is in contrast to plain bearings. 工作时,由滚动体在内外圈的滚道上进行滚动摩擦,并支承轴的部件,叫滚动轴承。 滚动轴承由外圈、内圈、滚动体和保持架四个部分组成。

点、线接触 Point and Line contact With a ball bearing, the load is transmitted to the runway through the balls and a very small surface. This is called a point contact. The bearing capacity is therefore less than that of a roller bearing, where the load is trans­mitted through a line contact to the runways. 球轴承中,在载荷的作用下,滚动体(球)与滚道的接触面几乎为一个点,称为点接触。 而接触面为一条线,称为线接触。 点接触轴承承载能力不如线接触轴承。

滚动轴承的类型 Radial and Axial Bearings Rolling bearings are subdivided into two main groups, namely Radial rolling bearings. Axial rolling bearings Radial bearings mainly serve for taking up a load radially, i.e. perpend­icular to the shaft. Axial bearings mainly serve for a load in the axial direction of the shaft. Certain types of bearing can take a combined load. 向心轴承。主要承受径向载荷。 推力轴承。只能承受轴向载荷。 向心推力轴承。能同时承受径向载荷和轴向载荷的轴承。

滚动轴承和滑动轴承的比较 Rolling bearings compared to a plain bearings

滚动轴承的优点 Advantages of rolling bearings to plain bearings 起动灵敏。 Small starting moment 摩擦系数小。  Low friction at all speeds           效率高。Low consumption of energy 旋转精度高。High reliability 轴向尺寸小。 Little width 润滑简便。 Long lubrication intervals 润滑剂消耗最小。 Minimum consumption of lubricant 易于更换。Easy to replace 标准件。 Standardised dimensions

滚动轴承的结构及名称Definitions 滚动轴承的装配 滚动轴承的结构及名称Definitions SIPIVT

滚动轴承的类型 Bearing types 深沟球轴承 调心球轴承 Deep groove ball bearing Self aligning ball bearing

滚动轴承的类型 Bearing types 角接触球轴承 双列角接触球轴承 Angular contact bearing Two row angular contact bearing

滚动轴承的类型 Bearing types 调心滚子轴承 圆柱滚子轴承 Spherical roller bearing Cylindrical bearing

滚动轴承的类型 Bearing types 滚针轴承 Needle bearing 推力球轴承 Thrust ball bearing

滚动轴承的类型 Bearing types 推力圆柱滚子轴承 推力调心滚子轴承 Cylindrical thrust bearing Spherical roller thrust bearing

滚动轴承的代号 Rolling bearing coding

例子 An example 22320 EK C3 2 =two-row barrel shape bearing 调心滚子轴承 The significance of the above bearing code is as follows: 2 =two-row barrel shape bearing 调心滚子轴承 23=dimension series 尺寸系列代号,2为宽度系列代 号,3为直径系列代号 20=diameter bore 内径代号 x5=20x5=100 mm E=altered internal construction 内部结构改变 K=conical bore 1:12 内孔锥度为1:12 C3= radial clearance larger than normal. 游隙代号

Precautionary measures with the assembly of bearings 轴承装配的预防措施 Precautionary measures with the assembly of bearings Inspect the parts of the bearing set-up and remove all burrs(毛刺). Clean the shaft and check the seats on diameter tolerance and dimensional accuracy. Inspect the seals and replace them if they are damaged. A rubber seal must always be replaced.

Precautionary measures with the assembly of bearings 轴承装配的预防措施 Precautionary measures with the assembly of bearings Unpack new bearings just before the assembly. They must remain protected against dirt as long as possible. The preserving(保留) agent must not be removed, except from the bearing bore and the outer surface of the outer ring. Wash these surfaces with an oilbased solvent and dry them. Use a lint-free cloth. Large bearings are often protected by a relatively thick layer of hot greasy preserving agent, in which the bearing is immersed(陷入). This layer must be removed by washing before assembly.

Cleaning methods of bears 轴承的清洗方法 Cleaning methods of bears There are two methods to clean bearings: cold and hot.  With cold cleaning, the bearing is washed with an oilbased solvent. Always use clean liquid and tools, with the first washing stage being done in one tank and the last rinsing(冲洗) stage in another tank. Dry the bearing and smear(涂上) it immediately after drying with grease or oil. Protect it against dirt until assembly.  With hot cleaning, use a thin, clean oil with a flash point of at least 250 °C. The oil must be heated to about 120 °C. Hot cleaning is mostly very efficient, and the remaining oil offers a temporary(临时的) protection against corrosion(侵蚀).

轴承的安排 Bearing arrangement

滚动轴承装配的方法 assembly and/or disassembly method 机械压入法。Mechanical method 液压法。 Hydraulic method 压油法。Pressure oil method 温差法。 Thermal method The following division is made with regard to bearing size: -       Small bearings: bore < 80 mm -       Medium bearings: bore 80 to 200 mm - Large bearings: bore > 200 mm.

圆柱孔轴承的装配 Assembly of bearings with cylindrical bore 不能直接敲打轴承的内外圈、保持架和滚动体。 During assembly, never strike directly against the bearing rings, cage or the rolling elements. 装配的压力应直接加在待配合的套圈端面上,决不能通过滚动体传递压力。 Never exert force on the one ring to assemble the other. The force will then be transmitted to the rolling elements.

圆柱孔轴承的装配 Assembly of bearings with a cylindrical bore

机械方法 Mechanical method(cold assembly)

用温差法装配 Thermal method(hot assembly) The temperature difference between the bearing and the seat depends on the tightness of the fit and the bearing size. Usually, a bearing temperature of 80 to 90 °C above that of the shaft is sufficient for assembly. The bearing may never be heated above 125 °C, because there is a chance that the material properties will change.  During assembly, use clean protective gloves(手套) to handle the bearing. Slide the bearing over the shaft as far as the contact face and keep it pressed against this until the bearing is fixed.

用温差法装配 Thermal method(hot assembly) Depending on the type of bearing to be assembled, there are different heating methods applicable, i.e.:   Induction heaters 感应加热器   Electrical heating plates 电子加热盘   Heating cabinets 加热箱 Oil baths. 油浴

用温差法装配 Thermal method(hot assembly) Bearings must never be heated in an open fire because this will cause stresses in the bearing material.

用温差法装配 Thermal method(hot assembly) 滚动轴承的装配 用温差法装配 Thermal method(hot assembly) 感应加热器 Induction heater 电加热盘 Electrical heating plate SIPIVT

用温差法装配 Thermal method(hot assembly) Oil bath When heating a bearing with the aid of an oil bath, we use a tray (盘)filled with oil that is placed on a heating element. Because the bearing may never come into contact with the tray, the tray contains a perforated(打孔) plate on which the bearing lies. Of course, it is also possible to hang the bearing on a bracket(支架) in the oil. It is necessary to watch the temperature of the oil bath carefully. Heating cabinet Here, the bearings are heated in an electrical heating cabinet, in which a blower(送风机) is fitted. The advantages of these cabinets are that a large number of bearings can be heated at the same time and that the bearings can be kept at the same temperature for a long time.

圆柱孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings on a cylindrical seating With the disassembly of bearings with a cylindrical bore, the cold disassembly method should be subdivided into: -       Mechanical method 机械的方法 -       Hydraulic method 液压的方法 - Pressure oil method. 压油的方法

圆柱孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings on a cylindrical seating Mechanical method Small and medium size bearings with a tight fit on the shaft can be disassembled with the aid of a normal puller. Puller on the inner ring Turning of the bearing during disassembly

圆柱孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings on a cylindrical seating Disassembly via the outer ring

圆柱孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings on a cylindrical seating Disassembly by means of a hydraulic puller Tight fit on inner and outer rings Disassembly by means of pressure oil method

圆柱孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings on a cylindrical seating Thermal method Disassembly by means of heating is a suitable method to remove the inner rings of cylinder bearings. Here, special tools can be applied, such as aluminium rings. Heating by means of aluminium ring Heating by means of induction heater

圆柱孔轴承的装配和拆卸 Cylindrical seating

圆锥孔轴承的装配 Assembly of bearings with tapered bore With the cold method, however, another distinction(区别) must also be made: -       Mechanical method -       Hydraulic method -       Oil pressure method.   Small bearings are usually assembled cold with the aid of a mounting bush and a hammer or a locking nut and a spanner. Larger bearings can be assembled more easily by using a hydraulic nut and/or the pressure oil method. In certain cases, the bearing can be assembled by means of the thermal method.

机械的方法 Mechanical method (cold method) Assembly with the aid of the nut and spanner Assembly with the aid of an impact bush The use of a impact spanner

用液压螺母装配轴承 Hydraulic method Bearings with a bore of more than 50mm can be assembled easily and reliably(可靠的) with the aid of a hydraulic nut.

压油的方法 Pressure oil method This is a method for medium size and large bearings. Here, oil is injected under high pressure between the surfaces of the bearing and the seat, until both are completely separated. This reduces the friction to practically zero.

热配法 Hot assembly When, for one reason or another, the pressure oil method or a hydraulic nut cannot be used, the alternative(可选择的方法) is to heat the bearing. This can be done with the aid of an induction heater, heating cabinet(箱) or an oil bath(油浴).

Assembly against a collar Slide the cold bearing on the shaft until it makes good contact with its seat. Measure the distance between the inner ring and the collar(套). This must be reduced by the axial driving on; for this, consult(参考) the tables.

Assembly on a shaft without collar Follow the procedure(程序) described above, but measure with respect to a reference(参考) plane instead of to a collar. Increase or reduce this dimension by the length of driving up to obtain the “assembly distance”. Measure the distance while the bearing is slid onto the tapered seat. Keep the bearing in place until it clamps. Place the locking nut and check the clearance when the bearing has cooled down.

用紧定套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve 滚动轴承的装配 用紧定套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve SIPIVT

用紧定套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve Assembly of a self-adjusting ball bearing on a drawing sleeve

用紧定套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve Assembly of a two-row barrel shape bearing on a drawing sleeve

用紧定套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve

用紧定套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve An alternative method is to heat the bearing.

用退卸套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve Assembly on a pressing sleeve(退卸套)

用退卸套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve 滚动轴承的装配 用退卸套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve Cold assembly SIPIVT

用退卸套安装轴承 Mounting a bearing with a adapter sleeve Use of a hydraulic nut or pressure oil method

用液压螺母装配轴承 Assembly of bearings with hydraulic nut

用液压螺母装配轴承 Assembly of bearings with hydraulic nut

用液压螺母装配轴承 Assembly of bearings with hydraulic nut

用液压螺母装配轴承 Assembly of bearings with hydraulic nut

用液压螺母装配轴承 Assembly of bearings with hydraulic nut

圆锥孔轴承的装配和拆卸 Tapered seating

紧定套 Adapter sleeve

退卸套 Withdrawal sleeve

滚动轴承的装配 圆锥孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings with tapered bore on a tapered axle journal SIPIVT

圆锥孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings with tapered bore on a drawing or pressing sleeve

圆锥孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings with tapered bore on a drawing or pressing sleeve

圆锥孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings with tapered bore on a drawing or pressing sleeve

圆锥孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings with tapered bore on a drawing or pressing sleeve

滚动轴承的装配 圆锥孔轴承的拆卸 Disassembly of bearings with tapered bore on a drawing or pressing sleeve SIPIVT