Development of a superconducting shield for a transversely polarized target for the PANDA-Experiment Bertold Fröhlich (PhD), Frank Maas, Luigi Capozza, Cristina Morales HIM/JGU HPH2020 brainstorming meeting: „Dedicated Magnet Systems for polarized Targets“. U. Bonn, 2014, January 21
Timelike Electromagnetic Form Factors Sapcelike and timelike region intimately connected PANDA unprecedented luminosity Antiproton annihilation opens a new window to Precision electromagnetic (EM) probe hadron structure observables Spacelike: real Timelike: complex Polarisation q 2 < 0 (GeV/c) 2 q 2 > 0 (GeV/c) 2 time q2q2 q 2 = 0 /GeV/c) 2
WP3: transversely polarised Target in PANDA
transversely polarised Target in PANDA PANDA Solenoid: 2T longitudinal field
transversely polarised Target in PANDA PANDA transversely polarized target: shield 2T longitudinal field
Requirements Possible solutions: Superconducting shielding solenoid (active) Superconducting shielding tube (passive) Material requirements: High critical current density Highest Temperature Low material budget (for charged particles: 0.1 X 0 ) Manufacturer Adaptable to geometry
Principle: Superconducting Shield (passive) Induced current in superconducting tube Surface current Expellation of magnetic flux Thickness Of Supcerconductor Superconductor with no current Superconductor with current at critical current density
Advantage: Superconducting Shield (passive) Compensation of the longitudinal flux Gauß (1 Tesla) Small material budget Passive shield No power supply: No wire from power supply No contact (no heat) Self adjusting no torque due to misalignment maximal shielding Quench behaviour ? Material choice critical: high critical current density Operating point (temperature) Induction in an external magnetic field High critical current throughout the whole material
Material choice: Bulk Properties
Material choice: Our limit for 1T
Advantage: Superconducting Shield YBCO Characteristics (melt-textured) Sintered ca. 1 order of magn. lower (no data at 4.2 K) Sintered % Radiation Length: X 0 = 1.9 cm at 6.38 g/cm 3 Radiation Length: X 0 = 2.2 cm at 6.38 g/cm 3 : 10% X 0 = 2.2mm
Advantage: Superconducting Shield Fagnard, Shielding efficiency and E(J) characteristics measured on large melt cast Bi-2212 hollow Cylinders in axial magnetic fields BSCCO ParameterValue Critical Temperature92 K Density6 g/cm 3 Young's Modulus (E-Modul) Longitudinal (approx. transv.) 55 GPa Critical Current Density J c (10 K, 1T)16 kA/cm 2 BSCCO Characteristics (melt-textured) Radiation Length: X 0 = 1.5 cm at 6 g/cm 3 10% X 0 = 1.5 mm
Induced field calculation: Solenoid, Biot-Savard
4 mm Gap
Induced field calculation: Solenoid, Biot-Savard 50 mm Gap, (One Segment left out)
Transversely polarised Target in PANDA Finite Element Analysis with OPERA Current Distribution in SC-tube Model in OPERA: solid tube Model in OPERA: solid tube with bore
Transversely polarised Target in PANDA Test in cryostat in Bonn YBCO-123 Critical temperature T C 92 K Operational temperature T 1.4 K Wall thickness5 mm Length150 mm Radius50 mm Compensated fluxat least Gauß With (very) friendly support from H. Dutz and S. Runkel from U. Bonn, Phys. Inst.
Shielding tests at 1.4 K and 77 K II. with bores (Nov. 2013) I. without bore (Jan. 2013) Transversely polarised Target in PANDA Test in cryostat in Bonn
Measurements at 1.4 K Test results: Shield outer field down to below 0.4% January 2013 Thickness Of Supcerconductor Superconductor with no current Superconductor with current at critical current density 5 mm thickness for 4 T 2.5 mm thickness for 2T
Measurement in Liquid Nitrogen (77K) Test results: Shield about 20% of the outer field January 2013 Measurement in Liquid Nitrogen
November 2013 Measurements at 1.4 K Test results: (Almost) no shielding observed
Conclusion: January 2013: Almost complete Shielding of outer field observed. November 2013: No shielding observed. Tube damaged due to hole drilling? Hall-probe damaged? 10% minimum shielding expected (with values from 92K) New measurements with a simple setup in Mainz (A. Thomas): YBCO (sintered) is under Test Tube with hole Tube (thinner) no hole SC-Solenoid for external field Next Step: BSCCO. Horizon 2020: 1 PhD-Student (Travel money)