WHAT WE SAID… OUR PRIORITIES Asset Integrity Workforce Engagement Competence Human Factors Helicopter Safety
What HSSG Has Achieved The Future of HSSG Some Implications of CAP1145
WHAT HSSG HAS ACHIEVED A trusted communications link to the Offshore workforce Working hard to increase workforce confidence in Helicopters. Production of Newsletters to educate and inform How Commercial Air Transport Regulation Works The facts behind RTB’s The outcomes of the various investigations and inquiries as they are published Facilitated the re-introduction of the EC225 with additional safety measures Workforce engagement presentations Factory visits Appointment of third-party experts Has provided the means to keep the industry aligned and flying after each accident
THE FUTURE OF HSSG Even before CAP 1145 the HSSG was changing. More focused Smaller group of business leaders Prioritised tasks – ranked on safety improvement Increased ownership of the issues Fewer tasks, faster implementation Accountable to achieve targets I ndividuals accountable to the Group for achieving defined targets. With the results a matter of public record.
HSSG STRATEGY First meeting 23rd Jan, attended and fully supported by Bristow, Bond and CHC MDs. Helicopter manufacturers represented. By invitation only from next meeting 20th March. Prioritisation of key activities underway. 9
CAP 1145 Produced internally by the CAA in response to the Transport Select Committee Inquiry into helicopter safety An 18-month report produced in 4 months. The CAA have been under fire from various quarters regarding tougher regulation and oversight – this is the response. The timelines are deliberately aggressive to force a response from the industry.
SOME IMPLICATIONS OF CAP 1145 Availability of Cat A EBS Helicopter seating restrictions Helicopter Operations at high Sea States No real change from the current situation Side floating helicopters are several years away Emergency exit size limitations Methodology and impact still to be determined Each requirement will become legally enforceable through the publication of CAA Operational Directives. These will apply to all UK registered aircraft around the world, and to all aircraft operating in the UKCS, regardless of their State of Registration
THE ROLE OF HSSG A new helicopter offshore safety forum has been established to drive forward the actions and recommendations from CAP 1145 The role of HSSG will be to communicate and facilitate these issues, and those of the Joint Operators Review (JOR) For example; Passenger sizing relative to emergency exits. How will this be achieved? It cannot be decided at the check-in desk. Allocation of Cat A EBS. This needs to be managed across the UKCS, not just on a company-by-company basis HSSG will work with OGUK, the helicopter operators and the CAA to determine how best to proceed.
MAKING THE UK THE SAFEST PLACE TO WORK IN THE WORLDWIDE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY We will have strong and sustainable leadership in health and safetyWe will have strong and sustainable leadership in health and safety We will raise standards and continually improve our health and safety performanceWe will raise standards and continually improve our health and safety performance Asset integrity will be effectively managed across our industryAsset integrity will be effectively managed across our industry Our workforce will be fully engaged in health and safetyOur workforce will be fully engaged in health and safety Our industry has the competence to identify hazards and ensure that risks are properly controlledOur industry has the competence to identify hazards and ensure that risks are properly controlled Health and safety issues will be effectively communicated across our industryHealth and safety issues will be effectively communicated across our industry
CHALLENGES Delivery Model – Does the current structure set us up for success? Participation – At all levels, Leadership Team, Steering Groups and Workgroups Membership – Who is missing…? who is not playing their part? Constitution – Sets out clear expectations of members of Step Change and also leadership team.
CHALLENGE QUESTION How effective are WE as Step Change in Safety in meeting our objectives ? 1.Very Effective 2.Quite Effective 3.Not Sure 4.Not Effective 5.Ineffective
2014 KEY ACTIVITIES focus on sharing, understanding and learning lessons identified from previous incidents and good practice continue to drive a 50% HCR reduction from 2013 – 2016 continue to be proactive with helicopter transport safety focusing on what’s important - deliver safe flight operations, mitigate consequences and continue to communicate and engage our workforce on and offshore. apply the learnings from the past two years
2014 KEY ACTIVITIES actively engage the review of the MIST and other standards, develop a common industry competence framework, confront safety critical task competence and address the question of safety leadership in a major accident hazard environment. focus on sustainability, delivering and integrating the online human factors self-assessment tool
WORKFORCE ENGAGEMENT SUPPORT TEAM continue to develop WEST and align the agendas (legacy WIG & WEG) develop the toolkit, increasing value proposition to employers, support the role of ESRs Develop and deliver effective communications channels
CHALLENGE QUESTION As a member of Step Change in Safety how engaged am I as a member? 1.Engaged as a Contributor 2.Engaged as a Consumer 3.Don’t Know 4.Not Connected
49% reduction target in HCRs by March 2013 WHAT’S WORKED WELL
KEY FINDINGS ON THE INDUSTRY’S APPROACH The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) HCRs Reduction focus HCR Plans Practical workforce engagement tools Cross-industry sharing
CASE STUDY Claymore Platform was shutdown for a circa 6 months. We purchased Forward Looking Infra-red (FLIR) Camera to implement proactive inspections, during the start up, to identify any fugitive releases. The following systems were surveyed as they were brought online: Fuel Gas Gas Lift Well Bay Oil Separation Gas Compression 19 fugitive releases were found in total during the inspections
INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE (YEAR TO DATE) 112 RIDDOR reportable releases on our sites to date. Figures for the same period (1 April - 7 Mar) last year for comparison 90 HCRs reported 112 (p) HCRs reported 85 have been reviewed and classified 1 Major (9) 27 Significant (35) 57 Minor (51)
CHALLENGE QUESTION Is the current target the correct target? 1.Yes 2.No
CHALLENGE QUESTION As a member of Step Change in Safety do you feel accountable for OUR target? 1.Yes 2.No 3.What target…!?
CHALLENGE QUESTION Do you feel you are Playing Your Part to achieving the target? 1.Yes, at the table driving 2.Yes, using the guidance 3.I’d like to play my part but don’t know how to 4.No, not my problem
CHALLENGE QUESTION Do you think you could do more? 1.Yes, we could share good practice & lessons identified 2.Yes, we could learn from others 3.Yes, we could be more effective in our engagement 4.All of the above 5.Don’t know 6.No, we’re happy with what we are doing
“Identify the 3 main things you will do in your business to drive a 50% reduction in HCRs in the next 3 years”.
I will ensure that we share lessons identified across our assets and across industry and work I will seek out and support the 3 main improvements across each of my assets and business areas I will continue to lead the industry's collaborative effort to reduce unplanned hydrocarbon releases through learning lessons. Geoff Holmes CEO – Talisman Sinopec Energy UK
PANEL SESSION Chaired by Steve Bullock, Co-Chair of Step Change in Safety This morning’s panellists are … Tim Glasspool, Co-Chair of the Helicopter Safety Steering Group Ken Robertson, Co-Chair of Step Change in Safety Geoff Holmes, Co-Chair of the Asset Integrity Steering Group
MAKING THE UK THE SAFEST PLACE TO WORK IN THE WORLDWIDE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY We will have strong and sustainable leadership in health and safetyWe will have strong and sustainable leadership in health and safety We will raise standards and continually improve our health and safety performanceWe will raise standards and continually improve our health and safety performance Asset integrity will be effectively managed across our industryAsset integrity will be effectively managed across our industry Our workforce will be fully engaged in health and safetyOur workforce will be fully engaged in health and safety Our industry has the competence to identify hazards and ensure that risks are properly controlledOur industry has the competence to identify hazards and ensure that risks are properly controlled Health and safety issues will be effectively communicated across our industryHealth and safety issues will be effectively communicated across our industry