Oh, it ain’t gonna rain no more, no more; It ain’t gonna rain no more Ain’t gonna snow and it ain’t gonna pour, Oh, it ain’t gonna rain no more.
Oh, it ain’t gonna rain no more, no more; It ain’t gonna rain no more How in the heck can I wash my neck When it ain’t gonna rain no more?
Oh, I had a cat and I named him Tom, Let him out one day. A big dog chased him down the street, And Tom-cat ran away.
Now Tom came back big and fat, How that cat did purr. Now how on earth could Tom give birth? I guess that “he’s” a “her”!
Oh, it ain’t gonna rain no more, no more; It ain’t gonna rain no more. How in the dickens can I count my chickens If it ain’t gonna rain no more?
Made a garden on my roof Weeded every day. Prayed for rain, but when it came, It washed my roof away.
It ain’t gonna rain no more, no more; It ain’t gonna rain no more. Now I s’pose I can pick my rose; It ain’t gonna rain no more.
Oh, it isn’t going to rain anymore, anymore; It isn’t going to rain anymore. The grammar’s right, but it sure sounds trite, And what’s more it’s a bore.
Oh, it ain’t gonna rain no more, no more; It ain’t gonna rain no more. How in the deuce can I cook my goose If it ain’t gonna rain no more?
Oh, I like to sing this silly song, Make up verses too. It’s no offense if they don’t make sense; I can, why can’t you?