Liberating the Counselee from Temporary Change Workshop Goals: – Examine a critical passage that clearly explains the process of change – Examine a passage.


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Presentation transcript:

Liberating the Counselee from Temporary Change Workshop Goals: – Examine a critical passage that clearly explains the process of change – Examine a passage that shows the importance of the counselee’s thinking that sustains lasting change – Examine a passage that shows the divine process of fruit-bearing as a result of implementing the process of change coupled with the importance of the counselee’s thinking.

The Process of Change Context of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Step 1 – The Process of Change begins with the acknowledgement and belief that “such were some of you.” Note those in the list can be deceived thinking they will have a place in the Kingdom of God Note also that the formula prescribed in verse 11 is past tense and the order of words add significant meaning.

Such were some of you Unrighteous – board scope for anyone who violates justice; one who is sinful Fornicators – unlawful sexual relations as a single Idolaters – an image worshipper Adulterers – sexual relations as a married person with someone other than your spouse Effeminate – soft; given to homosexual tendencies; boy kept for sexual favors Homosexual – same sex partners Thieves – embezzler, pilferer. Given to false teachers who do not care about instruction but only using their position for personal gain Covetous – eager to have more at the expense of others Drunkards = intoxicated; given to drink freely Revilers – railers, someone who speaks out boldly and brashly without thought or intent Swindlers – extortioner, robber

The Process of Change Step 2 The change begins with “you were washed” Washed means – Greek word apo | louo. Apo means away while louo means bathe, bath, or wash. Used in Acts 22:16. – A time of spiritual washing, definitive, specific, concise; not a migration or process – “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”

The Process of Change Step 3 The change continues with a commitment to being sanctified – Greek is hagiazo, meaning holy. Someone or something separated from the profane dedicated to God. – Consecrated, indented for only one use. – Hebrews 9:13; 10:10

The Process of Change Step 4 The change flourishes with the practiced of being “justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” – Justified is dikaioo. Means declared righteous; to show as righteous. To show, exhibit, evince one to be righteous, such as he is and wishes himself to be considered.

The Importance of the Counselee’s Thinking James 3:13-17 Wrong Thought Process The evidence of sinful thinking – Bitter jealousy – Selfish ambition – Arrogance – Disorder – Every evil thing The source of this thinking – Not from above – Earthly – Natural – Demonic Right Thought Process The evidence of righteous thinking – Pure – Peaceable – Gentle – Reasonable – Full of mercy and good fruits – Unwavering – Without hypocrisy Fruit of righteousness sown in peace

The Evidence of Lasting Change John 15:1-8 – The expectation of fruit – The purification so more fruit can be bore – The unrestricted abiding so the much fruit can be bore – God is most glorified by much fruit – Much fruit bearing proves a person is a true disciple

Getting Out of the Revolving Door of Temporary Change Recap Steps of Change Supported by the mind to change Reveals the fruit of change