Jesus The Master Teacher
Jesus The Master Teacher 1.“Never man so Spoke” 2. What Did Jesus Claim About Himself?
The 4 Gospels Told Jesus to fall down and worship him Jesus said only God was to be worshipped - Matt. 4:10 Yet Christ accepted worship - Matt. 8:2 ; 9:18; 14:33 Jesus and Satan
The 4 Gospels Those who heard it were “astonished” because of His “authority” – Matt. 7:28-29 Jesus declard His right to provide deep spiritual truths – Matt. 5 Sermon on the Mount
The 4 Gospels Disciples woke Jesus that He might do something – Mk. 4:38 Why would the disciples make such a request unless they had confidence He could do something? Sea of Galilee
The 4 Gospels “Son be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven” Matt. 9:2 “That you may know the Son of Man has the authority to forgive sins…Arise, take up your bed” v. 6 Jesus heals man - v. 6 Crowd amazed and praised God - v. 12 Man with Palsy
The 4 Gospels Jesus chastised those who witnessed mighty works and would not repent “Come unto Me all of you who are labor and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matt. 11:28 Jesus’ Invitation
The 4 Gospels Christ healed a cripple man on the Sabbath – Jn. 5:5 “My Father works even until now, and I work” – Jn. 5:17 “For this cause the Jews sought the more to kill Him, because not only He broke the Sabbath, but also called God His own Father, making Himself equal with God” Jn. 5:18 Jesus Asserts His Divine Nature – Jn. 5
The 4 Gospels Christ pursed not His own will, but only that of the Father – Jn. 5:30 God bore witness of His divine identity – Jn. 5:32 The Father authenticated Him by endowing Him to work miracles – Jn. 5:36 The O.T. bore witness of His divine nature – Jn. 5:39 Jesus Asserts His Divine Nature – Jn. 5
The 4 Gospels Jesus said He always obeyed the will of God – Jn. 8:29 He came forth from the Father – Jn. 8:42 “Before Abraham was born, I am” – Jn. 8:58 Jesus Asserts His Divine Nature – Jn. 8
The 4 Gospels Feast of the Dedication “How long will you hold us in suspense? If you are the Christ tell us plainly” Jn. 10:24 “I and the Father are one” Jn. 10:30 Jesus Asserts His Divine Nature – Jn. 10
The 4 Gospels “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” Jn. 14:6 Jesus Asserts His Divine Nature – Jn. 14
The 4 Gospels Jesus Asserts His Divine Nature – Jn. 20 11 disciples together with doors secure – v. 26 “Feel My handprints; put your hand into My side” v. 27 “Stop disbelieving; start believing” v. 27 “My Lord and my God!” v. 28
The 4 Gospels If Jesus Was Not Divine 1.Jesus claimed to be the Son of God but knew He was not. He was an imposter. 2.Jesus thought He was the Son of God, but actually He was not. He was a lunatic. 3.Jesus never actually claimed to be the Son of God, though His disciples put this claim in His mouth.
The 4 Gospels If Jesus Was Not Divine 1.Jesus claimed to be the Son of God but knew He was not. He was an imposter. - What did He gain of His alleged hoax? - Not wealth (Matt. 8:20) - No other motive - Why would He go to the agony of the cross for what He knew was a lie?
The 4 Gospels If Jesus Was Not Divine 2. Jesus thought He was the Son of God, but actually He was not. He was a lunatic. - If insane, why have so many skeptics praised His intellect? “The faith, the enthusiasm, the constancy of the 1 st Christian generation not explicable, except by supposing, at the origin of the whole movement, a man of surpassing greatness” - Ernest Renan
The 4 Gospels If Jesus Was Not Divine 2. Jesus thought He was the Son of God, but actually He was not. He was a lunatic. - If insane, why have so many skeptics praised His intellect? “About the life and sayings of Jesus there is a stamp of personal originality combined with profound insight, which must place the prophet of Nazareth, even in the estimation of those who have no belief in his inspiration, in the very first rank of the men of sublime genius of whom our species can boast” - John Stuart Mill
The 4 Gospels If Jesus Was Not Divine 3. Jesus never actually claimed to be the Son of God, though His disciples put this claim in His mouth. - Jesus did claim to be the Son of God - Willing to forfeit their very lives for their conviction Jesus was the divine Son of God - Faith was grounded in what they had seen and heard over a period of 3 ½ years – faith anchored in facts
Jesus is… the Son of God! God in the Flesh! Savior of the World!
Jesus The Master Teacher 1.He knew His subject 2.He loved His subject and His students 3.He was zealous about it 4.He knew the needs of His People
Jesus and Salvation Jn. 8:24 “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins” Lk. 13:3 “unless you repent you will all likewise perish” Matt. 10:32-33 “whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven” Mk. 16:16 “He who believes and is baptized will be saved”