Miniature Access Surgery in Children
Types of MAS Endoscopy Vaginal hysterectomy Vascular access Transurethral resection of the prostate Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Angiography and angioplasty Arthroscopy Laparoscopy and thoracoscopy (1987: 1 st Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy)
Historical Resistance to Pediatric MAS “Children don’t experience pain.” “We already use small incisions anyway.” “Laparoscopy is only of cosmetic value.” “Laparoscopic cases don’t really apply to children.” “Just because we can do it, should we?” “It’s too expensive.” “We don’t have small enough equipment.” “It’s too hard to do, and too hard to learn.” “The cases take too long to set up, and to do.” A little history: Concept of asepsis took 20 years to be accepted
Smaller wounds Fewer pulmonary complications Shorter stays in the hospital Quicker return to home Quicker return to school Quicker return to unrestricted activities Parents return quicker to work Smaller wounds Fewer pulmonary complications Shorter stays in the hospital Quicker return to home Quicker return to school Quicker return to unrestricted activities Parents return quicker to work Pediatric Miniature Access Surgery Advantages
Here is the Laparoscopic’s Analgous Bottle in Which to Build that Ship
Pediatric MIS Applications
Appendectomy, continued
Stapling the Mesoappendix
Stapling the appendiceal base
Accessory Spleens
Stapling the Splenic Hilum
Splenic Cyst
Transecting the Cystic Duct
Mobilizing the Gallbladder
Hirschsprung Disease
Laparoscopic Mobilization of the Rectosigmoid
Hirschsprung Disease Incisionless Pull through: Mucosectomy
Hirschsprung Disease Incisionless Pull through: Pull through & Anastomosis
Pectus Excavatum
PECTUS EXCAVATUM Miniature Access Pectus Repair
Pre-Op Post-Op
Nephrectomy and Donor Transplant Nephrectomy
Nephrectomy for Polycystic Disease
Transplant Donor Nephrectomy
Heller myotomy
Operations on the Ovary
Ovarian Cyst in a 10 month old
Laparoscopy in a patient with Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Nissen Fundoplication
The Nissen Fundoplication
Suturing the Wrap
One month after a laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis Open Pyloromyotomy Antrum Pylorus
The Pyloric Olive
“Old School”
One month follow-up after laparoscopic Pyloromyotomy