Pan African CLTS Program Kenya Philip Otieno Progress & Challenges & High lights &Lessons Learned
Progress till January The communities have been empowered to develop and maintain their WASH systems through the sanitation committee/NL forums, CBOs/ VDCs and Provincial administration (RRI) and PHO/PHT performance contract. ObjectiveTarget No Of Villages Reached No Villages Target No. Schools Reached No. Schools Targeted No. People Reached No. People Target No. Children Reached No. Children Have been triggered Have reached ODF Have adapted improved Hygiene practices
The national govt has accepted and is implementing CLTS. The challenge is that there is no adequate national budget. To a large extent it depends on INGOs, and UNICEF.
Challenges Inadequate human personnel for CLTS implementation. Affordable sanitation technological options that can enable the communities climb the sanitation ladder. Buy in of key sanitation actors Space for latrine construction in informal settlements
Please explain during the meeting if you were able to overcome these challenges. If, so explain how you overcame them The challenges mentioned are still impediments. However, we are engaging with other stakeholders to see how they can be overcome.
High Lights/ our pride The on going transformationof the mind set amongst govt staff/NGO staff that non subsidy approach is the way to go. The ongoing transformationof the mindset in the communities that they have the capacity to address their own sanitation issues. Children becoming CLTS champions at school and in their homes.
Lessons Learned What are the three main lessons that you have learned from the CLTS program so far? Working in partnership is more likely to realize quicker results. This is incorporated through regional and national WASH forums. Govt buy in is critical to scale up of national project. This is incorporated in adoption of CLTS as sanitation strategy, and in ODF rural Kenya 2013.
Lesson learnt Move slow at first, and scale up when you feel you have matured in personnel capacity, community capacity and resource mobilization. This has been incorporated at the national level, but more specifically in Nyanza where CLTS had a bumpy start.
Ecosan type latrine