Street Scene Service Modernisation
Since last time Designed and completed trials Analysed trial outputs Tested new kit 6 types of Sweeper 6 types of grass cutting equipment Increased confidence of achieving savings Real confidence that plans are right We will be able to deliver the same or better service after delivery of target saving
The Trials Tested vehicle speed and efficiency Controlled grass growth and cutting Existing machines against newest models Time and motion specialist Significant experience in Street Scene Working in other local authorities Involved Operatives – all areas, all levels Portfolio Holder Managers APSE
Output example 1 – Grass Cutting Grass cutting7.24 hr/day AreaCylinderRotaryFlail 1000 sq m£4.74£2.60£2.34 Football Pitch£39.80£21.82£19.67 Grass Cutting11 hr/day AreaCylinderRotaryFlail 1000 sq m£3.91£2.14£1.93 Football Pitch£32.85£18.01£16.24
Output example 2 – Bank Cutting Remote Control Spider Quicker Cheaper to run Cost reduce further when working longer days Grass Banks7.24 hr/day11 hr/day AreaStrimmerSpiderStrimmerSpider 100 sq m£1.72£1.09£1.67£0.91 Football Pitch£144.07£91.29£140.46£76.52
Staff Feedback – Grass Cutting Flail I’m surprised by the quality of cut, speed and finish. The triple is so much better than the ones we are currently using. It cuts as well as a rotary and copes with the longer grass. Zero Turn Manoeuvrability and cutting within the cemeteries is fantastic since the zero turns have been utilised. Stand on Great for some things Difficult to get on and off existing trailers, but have the right trailer now.
Output example 1 – Sweep 15t Urban 15 tonne road sweepers Actual Km 7.24 hr/dayCost/km Actual km 11hr/dayCost/km Quality Score Existing 15 Tonne Sweeper 19£ £ New Johnson 651 Sweeper 30£8.6454£5.835
Output example 3 – Pedestrian Pedestrian Sweeping Actual Km 7.24 hr/dayCost/km Actual km 11hr/dayCost/kmQuality Score Existing Litter Picker 6.44£ £ Existing Applied Sweeper 6.56£ £ New Johnson £ £7.985
Staff Feedback – Street Cleaning Johnson 651 Quality piece of kit robust right equipment for area/job dependant on what’s expected. Johnson 101 Power is great took large items due to straight pipe clear run. Did fantastic along precincts cleared everything. Swingo 200 Not a great deal of room no area for tackle to the side/back. Not appropriate for channel work. Johnson 401 Fantastic piece of kit, got round parked cars and built up areas.
Trials Summary Trials analysis supports our findings: Vehicle efficiency can be improved Less breakdowns Better fuel efficiency Faster Processes can be improved Operative productivity can be improved Quicker vehicles Less breakdowns Performance management can be improved Health and wellbeing Reduced sickness
Key Issues/Decisions Assurance - £800k by 16/17 (£400k in 15/16 delivered) Additional £250k - implementation success Staffing Essential change working practices Shifts 4 on/4 off Annualised hours More robust performance management Reductions in posts circa Vehicles Essential purchase more efficient machinery 30% reductions in numbers vehicles and machinery Implementing changes Embed new kit from April Continue with service arrangements and shifts until June 2015 No impact on customer in 2015/16 Develop outcome based delivery for mid 2016/17, reductions based on actual need
Recommendations Continue to implement modernisation programme Moving to a new shift pattern to suit requirements Modernise working processes Moving to 1 single depot Supporting corporate priorities Helping to improve performance management Introducing new measures to enable better performance management Purchase new vehicles and equipment Increasing productivity of kit and workforce Increasing reliability/reducing downtime Better quality outcomes for the public